Fuck you, you no good motherfucking asshole.

When we walked away, Taehyung pulled us onto the dance floor under the purple and red fabric draping.

"What the fuck is going on in Austria? I know that is the last place your father is."

"Calm the fuck down. Nothing is in Austria, but Jaemin doesn't know that. He is a leech, and I have no doubt he will be on the next plane tonight trying to steal from us." Plus, if we divided him and Jihun, it would be easier to break them.

His hands wandered down my spine. "You want them to think you don't know anything."

"It's easier to kill a deer if they think you are a rabbit rather than a wolf. Jaemin was so busy staring at my breasts, he couldn't even speak."

"I noticed. I should just kill the motherfucker now and save myself the annoyance. He is lucky I didn't rip his eyes out, and believe me I would have."

The darkness in his voice made me shiver in pleasure. I allowed him to spin me before bringing me in close. "You need to clear your mind and take a deep breath. We were able to flip Kang Daeson. He reports directly to Suho now, then to me. It's how I knew Jihun knew about the plane. He wants to do something bigger. He wants us to relax before he attacks. But mostly, he wants to hurt you."

"And how the fuck is Jihun going to hurt me?"

"Me," I answered. "He will want to use Jaemin as a way to gain intel. Jaemin will probably flirt with me and try to gain my trust. It wouldn't be the first time he went after a married woman."

"You aren't making my desire to kill the fool lessen." He stopped to look me in the eyes. "In fact, I want to kill him more."

"Then I get to kill Jihun." He wasn't going to get to kill them both.

"I kill Jihun. You get the brothers and Jaemin."

"Deal. But the only way for that to happen is to give Jaemin a little wiggle room and some rope to hang himself with."

"So more parties and balls. My mother will like it. However, I will cut off the motherfuckers' fingers if they touch you. But until then, Song has a shipment of prized cars coming in two weeks to Italy. Jihun loves his cars."

The bastard was getting excited just thinking about it.

"You hit his drugs, and now you want to take his toys? Husband, that is quite cruel."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Do you have any other ideas?"

"No." I grinned. "But after we steal them, we should set them on fire."

"And I'm cruel?" He kissed my cheek, and I froze for a moment, realizing that we had once again just worked together with ease. It was like our minds fed off each other.

"We will talk about this later. Apparently, it's time to cut the cake," I told him, noticing Evelyn waving. I had almost forgotten that this was our wedding with thoughts of theft and blood in the air.

"Yes. Later," he replied, looking at me with lust once again.


It felt like hours after we cut the cake that we were able to sneak off. Hyunbin was in one of the rooms in the eastern part of the manor. The moment we arrived, Y/N went to sit beside him. He was breathing only through tubes and machines, which all looked painful.

"Ciao, my beautiful doll."

Y/N kissed his hands. "Ciao, my lovely appa."

"You are beautiful, Y/N. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough for you."

"You are, and always will be strong enough."

I felt bad for intruding on their moment. I wasn't sure what they were saying but it seemed to be too personal for me to just be standing there. However, I couldn't bring myself to leave Y/N's side.

Hyunbin looked up to me breathing heavily, waiting for me to take his hand. When I did, he squeezed it.

"Be good to her Taehyung" he said to me before turning to Y/N. "Be good to him Y/N"

"I will," she said, and I repeated it. It just felt right. When I did, he kissed both our hands before giving them back to each other.

Y/N closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and standing up. I watched as she pulled a needle from the nightstand, and realized what she was about to do. Reaching out, I grabbed her hand, and for the first time I saw the true depths of her strength and how much she hated it. She would put her father to sleep to give him peace, and it would kill her slowly every day of forever. Yet, she would still do it.

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now