However, the moment his eyes landed on the next thing, he was shocked.

It was a tiny pink box wrapped with red ribbon along with a folded note stuck on top.

He took the note off carefully and opened it to see what was written there.

To The Most Beautiful Person
Dear Jimin,
Happy 18th birthday. May this special day be the happiest day of your life, as it should be.
I hope you'll like my gift.
Take care.
From your admirer

Jimin frowned and reached out to open the box.

It was full of his favorite chocolate ice cream mochi.

"Jimin-ssi! Happy birthday!"

The said boy whipped his head to the side and saw Jungkook walking towards him from a distance.

"Call me that again and your tongue will be in my jar of collections."

Jungkook winced at the thought of his precious tongue inside a jar full of  sea-shells.

"Aish, it's your birthday, let's be a bit more cheerful today, yeah? What's got you all worked up?"

Jungkook asked while opening his own locker which was 2 lockers away from Jimin's.

"This!" Jimin pointed at the note he was holding the whole time.

Jungkook closed his locker to get a good look at thing the older held up.

"Ahh, It's just a normal love letter. It's been a while since you got one, are you surprised?"

Jimin gave a light kick at the younger's shin.

"You brat. Come here and see this."

Jungkook did as told, walking towards Jimin's locker and taking a peek inside.

"Ooh, ice cream mochis!"

He squealed and picked up one of the sweet treats, shoving the whole thing in his mouth.

"Hey! That's mine!"

Jimin whined while the younger ate another one in joy.

"Hyung, you see, the universe has decided that whatever's yours, is mine too."

Jimin scoffed.

"And when did the universe decide that?"

"The day I was born."

And another smack was landed across his head by the birthday boy.

"Ouch. Alright, what are you worried about? It's delicious." Jungkook rubbed his head.

"I'm worried because whoever got these for me must have opened my locker to put it in. It's impossible to get this box in there through the slit in the door. Also, the lock was just fine when I opened it."

Jungkook examined the locker door before grabbing the box and trying to fit it through the slit.

"You're right, 't doesn't fit."

Jungkook stated, taking another mochi in his mouth.

"No shit. It's pretty obvious it doesn't fit, Mr. Holmes."

Jimin sassed before snatching the box from the younger's hands, preventing him from eating any more.

"I think you've had enough."

Jimin popped one mochi in his mouth and nearly melted at the taste.

"So, who do you think did it?" Jungkook asked.

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