Chapter 31

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Akito Shinonome

I had Toya sit in a chair, face to face. I wanted a real talk. A serious conversation. No jokes, no flirts, no lies.

"So Akito, what did you wanna talk about?"

"I just.. want to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"Im gay, a-and I like you."

"What..? I thought you were homophobic!"

"Well, these feelings over the past few days, started to grow.."

Maybe I shouldn't have admitted it. I bet Toya hates me for lying now. He looks kinda uncomfortable right now after I admitted it.

"Akito.. I love..."

But before Toya could finish his sentence, a loud alarm sound went off.

"Evacuate the castle everyone, immediately!" Rui called out.

I saw Rui coming into the room. He rushed inside.

"Akito, Toya. We need to evacuate, now."

I was confused. What was happening? And why did the alarm go off? Is the castle on fire or something? I mean, probably. Toya couldn't stop coughing and it smelled like smoke.

"Come on!" Rui said. He started pulling me and Toya away, far outside the castle, where everyone else is.

"What happened?" Toya asked, still coughing from the smoke.

"I.. I'm so sorry! I was trying to bake some apple pie, but the oven malfunctioned and it started pouring out smoke! I had to set off the fire alarm," Honami cried.

Honami?.. Was she trying to kill us? What is wrong with her?

"Lies." a voice said.

I turned around, seeing Saki glaring at Honami.

"You poisoned Toya, and tried to kill everyone here by putting up a fire!" Saki glared.

What? It was Honami? How.. could she? Just because Toya kicked the cheesecake away from me? I didn't know she was that sensitive.

"What are you talking about?" Honami asked. "I've never poisoned anyone, nor did I mean to put a fire in the castle!"

"What are you guys arguing about now?" Tsukasa asked, running outside the castle.

"Honami is the one who caused everything!" Saki cried.

"Honami would never do such a thing!" Toya said.

"Then explain the fact she poisoned you and tried to burn down the castle!"

"I didn't mean too! I was just trying to bake apple pie!" Honami exclaimed.

"Since this apple pie shit caused all of this, you are forbidden to bake apple pie, forever!" Tsukasa said.


"Thats right! You will never bake apple pie every again, you hear me Honami?"


"Yes your highness.."

Why would Saki blame Honami all of a sudden? This was never Honami's fault! But.. I can't bring myself to tell everyone, even in front of Saki. She would probably get me thrown into the dungeon!

Finally, the castle was finally cleaned. No smoke, no fire, nothing. Toya looked awfully quiet though. Still, I wonder. Why would Saki blame Honami for this? What did she have against Honami?

"Akito, Toya. Dinner timer!" Rui called out.

We walked to the dining room. When we arrived, we noticed everyone was there. Meiko, Saki, Tsukasa, Rui, and all the maids gathered around the table, in front of all the food. Once me and Toya sat down, Honami started to speak.

"I gathered you all here as an apology for accidentally starting a fire in the castle. It was never on purpose, but I will not argue about it."

"Liar," Saki said.

"Hush Saki. Apology accepted, but you are still forbidden from baking apple pie," Tsukasa snapped.

ꨄ I love you just the way you areꨄ (AKITOYA) ❤︎Where stories live. Discover now