Chapter 13

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Akito Shinonome

I don't know exactly why I'm here, but Saki has come to get me? I don't get it. We didn't knock on the door to discuss our situation with King Tsukasa and we get knocked out and thrown into the dungeons? Also, Saki is only saving me? What about Toya? He's the only reason I'm here, so why should I have to leave him here?

"Why can't you save me and Toya?" I asked.

"He's an ugly blue rat, there is no reason to save him," she said sharply.

God, she's scary. I didn't think royals were so picky.

"Just release me and Toya already," I responded.


"Why not?"

"He's not worth my time, but you are," Saki replied.

Does she like me or something? Is that why she's only paying attention to me? Is that why she isn't saving Toya? I knew what to do at this point. There is no way I'm leaving Toya in this shitty dungeon.

"I'll stay here with Toya, unless you release him too," I said.

Saki turned red. She knew she couldn't get me out without Toya.

"Fine, I'll release the dirty blue rat," she grumbled.

"My name is Toya you mother fucker, stop calling me a ugly dirty blue rat," he claimed.

"Just be grateful I saved you. You both would've been here in the dungeon for years," She said.

Years?! Just for not knocking on King Tsukasa's door? This King is honestly really a different rat compared to others. He's gay, planning a marriage, has anger issues over people not knocking on his door, and doesn't know how to take a shit? Gosh.

"I don't even know how you became a princess with this attitude," Toya commented.

"How dare you question my attitude! King Tsukasa is my older brother," she answered.

I think Saki has anger issues, just like her older brother, King Tsukasa. Probably genetics.

"I don't give a fuck."

"Just get out"

Yea I can tell Saki and Toya hate each other, but it also seems they are fighting, for me. Is this all my fault? Is it because I exist here? I looked down. I could feel tears streaming down my furry face.

"Akito, are you okay?"

I looked up to see Toya's worried expression. Saki stared at me in silence. It was pretty embarrassing, since they were just arguing a second ago and now just noticed me like this.

"Let's just get out of here already," I muttered.

"You don't know where you're going! Let me lead the way, I know this place better than both of you combined," Saki exclaimed.

I don't know why we trusted Saki in the first place, but I have a bad feeling about her.

ꨄ I love you just the way you areꨄ (AKITOYA) ❤︎Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora