Chapter 58

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Mizuki Akiyama

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Mafuyu Asahina, and the rat beside me is Kanade Yoisaki."

"Nice to meet you," Ena said in a polite manner. I could tell she was just acting and putting on her polite expression plastered on her face.

"Let me guess, you fell through my ceiling?" Kanade sighed.

"Yea.. wait how do you know?!" Ena asked in surprise.

"Two gay rats fell from our ceiling about a week ago, and they started fighting each other. Quite the mess I tell you," Kanade said.

"What did they look like..?" Ena asked.

"One had orange fur with a bit of yellow fur, and the other had half light blue fur and the other half was dark blue fur ," Mafuyu answered.

"Oh? What were their names?" Mizuki asked.

"The orange rat was Akito. The blue rat was Toya," Mafuyu said.

T-Toya..? Toya.. Aoyagi? There's no way.. could it really be him? It's been a while since I last saw him..

"Hold on, Akito?! Akito.. Shinonome?" Ena asked.

"Probably, I don't know," Kanade answered.

"Where was.. Toya heading to?" I asked.

"He's in King Tsukasa's castle with Akito. I'm sure they figured out their problems and kinda just live there now," Mafuyu said.

Damn Ena's brother becomes royalty? That's surprising, I wonder what he's like if we meet him. But.. they are in Tsukasa's castle! That probably means we get to meet him and Toya there!

Ena stared at me and rolled her eyes. "Don't tell me you're planning on meeting my brother."

I laughed a bit, "Uhh maybe I am!"

Ena let out a sigh and turned to the two other rats.

"Can you please lead us to the castle?"

"We would, but we have a ceiling to fix," Mafuyu grumbled.

"It's fine, I know where Tsukasa's castle is," I said.

"And since when did you know where he lives?" Ena asked in disbelief.

"Since like, forever! I'm his friend and I met him when I used to be a knight."

"A friend of Tsukasa? Who really are you?"  Kanade asked.

"I'm Mizuki Akiyama, the little rat next to me is Ena Shinonome," I said.

"I'm not a little rat!" Ena yelled.

"Mx. Akiyama?! I know I've seen you somewhere!" Mafuyu exclaimed.

How.. How does Mafuyu know me?

ꨄ I love you just the way you areꨄ (AKITOYA) ❤︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz