He pinned both Gamora and I to the wall with one arm and held the knife in the other. Both Gamora and I screeched as our airways were being pushed against.

    "Woman, your words mean nothing to me!" Drax growled.

    "Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Hey!" A familiar voice said making my ears perk up. I looked over Drax's shoulder to see Peter coming into the room.

    "Oh, crap." I heard Rocket whisper.

    "You know, if killing Ronan is truly your sole purpose, I don't think this is the best way to go about it." Peter told Drax with his hands out showing he meant no harm.

    "Turn around and go before you get yourself killed, you idiot!" I hissed and Drax pressed harder making me squeak.

    "Are you not the man this wench attempted to kill? And the other intended to betray?" Drax asked him.

    "Y/n and I have a complicated relationship... As for her sister, well she's hardly the first woman to try and do that to me." Peter chuckled. He lifted his shirt showing a scar on his side. "Look, this is from a smoking hot Rajak girl. Stabbed me with a fork. Didn't like me skipping out on her at sunrise... I got, right here, a Kree girl tried to rip out my thorax. She caught me with this skinny little A'askavariian who worked in Nova records. I was trying to get information. You ever see an A'askavariian? They have tentacles and needles for teeth. If you think I'm seriously interested in that, then..."

    "Peter." I coughed and shot him a harsh glare.

I didn't think my heart could take anymore hearing about his past flings, plus my throat was sort of being crushed so time was of the essence. Peter looked back at me and his eyes widened and he coughed awkwardly. Drax too was glaring at him intensely.

    "Right, sorry... You don't care. But here's the point. She's obviously working with her sister and not Ronan. Because she betrayed Ronan. He's coming back for her. And when he does, that's when you..." Peter dragged his finger over his throat.

    "Why would I put my finger on his throat?" Drax asked him seriously.

    "What?" Peter asked confused. "Oh, this. This is a symbol for you slicing his throat."

    "I would not slice his throat. I would cut his head clean off." Drax growled and I rolled my eyes.

    "It's a general expression for you killing somebody. You've heard of this. You've seen this, right?" Peter asked the only prisoner that had stayed in the room. "You know what that is?"

    "Yeah. Yeah." The prisoner nodded until he caught Drax's glare. "No... No." He shook his head quickly changing his mind.

    "What I'm saying is, you want to keep them both alive. Don't do his work for him." Peter said annoyed.

Drax looked between us for a few minutes until he finally let us go. Both Gamora and I dropped to the ground coughing.

    "I like your knife. I'm keeping it." Drax said to the prisoner before leaving the room.

    "That was my favorite knife..." The prisoner whimpered.

    "Are you okay?" Peter asked softly as he came over to help me from the ground.

    "Peter, I'm fine. It's these stupid cuffs." I scoffed rubbing my wrists. "But thank you... For saving me and my sister." I said quietly.

    "Hey, I'd do anything for you. You should know that." Peter smiled.

    "Come on, Y/n. Let's go." Gamora stated as she pulled me towards her.

    "Wait, Gamora." I huffed as she pulled me along. We walked through the prison. "I know your not the appreciative type and even though he could of gotten himself killed, Peter stuck his neck out for not just me. But you as well." I pointed out.

The Other Sister (An Avenger's Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя