Chapter Thirty-Six: "It Still Hurts."

Start from the beginning

I swallowed nervously, “in that coffee shop near our house in Jersey.”

“You went there?”


“Okay, anyway…” Mikey shook himself just to get back in the zone, “look, as your brother, it feels wrong to answer this question but…where did you take the leap and do more than kiss?”

My eyes widened, “I’m NOT telling you that!”

“Well, I have to know!”

I shook my head, “well, I don’t know why you have to know!”

“If you want to have an answer to your question, you need to cooperate with me!” he sighed heavily.

I exhaled and, with that same puff of carbon dioxide that just left my body, came the sounds that, when put together, would sound something like, “inherbedroom.”

But, unlike the reaction that Mikey would do that I had in my head, he nodded for the umpteenth time and proceeded to ask the same questions.

“Okay…how about Lindsey? First date?”

“Erm...the movies.”

“First kiss?”


His lips began to twitch upward as he told me, “I think you know what the next question would be, Gerard.”

I rolled my eyes, “her house.”

“Then, that’s it!” he suddenly exclaimed.

I was taken aback, “what? What do you mean?”

He smiled and reached inside the cupboard beside me, putting the sugar and cream back. “I think I know why it feels wrong. Maybe you’re not hurt, hearing your answers.”

“Look, I don’t think you’re making any sense,” I sighed, scratching the back of my head, taking a gulp from the carton of orange juice, “I am hurt, Mikes.”

“Well, maybe, what you need are new memories with Lindsey, not some made-up, expected and, planned encounters with her,” Mikey raises his eyebrows at me. “You’re doing what you did with Chelsea…and that makes you remember the times when you guys were together.”

It was true.

The reason why I brought Lindsey to the movies for our first ‘date’ (it happened when Billie dared me to date her) was because I was imagining her to be Chelsea, to make it feel as if we were still together.

God, these memories make me feel like a goddamned user.

Well, maybe I was.

But, in time, I fell in love with Lindsey.

I love Lindsey, I say in my head with growing anticipation at our date that I just thought in the moment (that will most definitely happen) tonight.

I ignored the searing pain at the corner of my heart but I was also surprised that the pain was so small that I barely felt it.

I was so fucking preoccupied with Chelsea that I briefly forgot who I was with. Or who put up with me and all of my shitty days.

“Thanks, Mikey!” I yell at him before rushing to my basement bedroom.

“Anytime, Gee!”

The door closes.

Okay! So that's the end of the 36th chapter! And, so far, this is the FIRST FIC that I've ever finished writing. Ever. And I'm ecstatic as fck.

I'm gonna have to thank you guys for that <3



P.S. One more thing, do any of you guys know 'Homestuck'? I't just that a close friend of mine is a total fangirl of it and, well...I just wanna know if any of you here knows that as well :)

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