~*Chapter Sixteen*~

Start from the beginning

I could go home, right here right now.

I stared at the blinding bold red letters as they silently lured me into desire. My mind went blank and the only thing I could come out was this was my chance to go, my chance to leave this unknown land. No more pressure, no more fucking country star. And I couldn't care less what happened, I just wanted to sleep on my bed again. To see Eden and Jenn, telling them I was free.

But there's another voice, holding me back to the ground.

"Tris?" I turned to my side and looked up, meeting with the beautiful baby blue eyes.

It struck me immediately as my walls began crumbling down.

And I remembered the only reason why I hadn't gone.

Luke Diamond was the reason I couldn't go back.

And because of him, I simply waved off the idea.

"What?" I raised a brow, hiding my true intention. Luke might have seen me looking at the timetable and I panicked, what if he knew I was thinking about leaving. It's funny that we hadn't slept with each other yet and I acted like I had to be here with him. I blamed my heart.

I didn't know how Luke feel about me, but I definitely knew the pain of being left by somebody.

I held my breath when Luke followed my gaze earlier, but someone shouted at him.

"Right here, Luke."

Luke snapped his attention towards the west wing, searching for the owner of the voice. It didn't take Luke too long to find the grinning Jasper among the sea of people.

Jasper stood near the waiting area with people stared at him curiously, he waved a hand up in air to gesture us to come quickly. On the far left, Kyle was standing firmly with his arms crossing over his chest. I was taken by surprise to see the frown on Kyle's face, the Kyle I knew would never let his smile slipped off his face.

Jasper faced down at his left, mouth moving. There's a person blocking my view.

Move away, idiot.

He must have felt my glare at his back as he quickly moved away. Once the obstacle was out of the way, I was directly met with a pair of grey eyes that I had came to work with back in Los Angeles. Almost too quickly, I kept my head low. Luke sensed my discomfort and like an old habit, he grabbed my hand.

With Luke's hand engulfed mine, we began to leave our comfort spot. I could feel she was scruntinizing me, with hot glare that could burn a hole through my head. I took a sneaky glance at Luke out of the corner, the confident stride he took forwards just warmed my heart. I praised his natural confidence.

But he hadn't met Stella.

She was a monster, a damn good one.

Passng through the crowd, I took in a deep breath as we finally reached them. Shaking off the absurd fear, I lifted my head proudly.

I probably shouldn't have done that.

Stella's usual wavy brown hair had now tied into a small bun, the clean-cut bang swept over her forehead that barely covered her signature annoyed stare. The surgeric cheekbones looked too natural on her, highlighting the rest of the features. The black pencil skirt she wore today was too tight for her own good, her lousy sense of fashion never ceased to amaze me. To think she was a manager.

Her red-beet face was giving away what she was feeling. Annoyance, anger and frustration.

Those three would be the death of me if I were still in LA.

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