Wei Ying fake yawns.

"I'm so tired, and it's almost Lan Zhan's bedtime." He says, taking Lan Zhan's hand. "So we're going to...you know..."

"Yes, we know!" Both mother and daughter throw back their heads and cackle with delight, winking knowingly at them.

"SLEEP!! We're going to sleep!" Wei Ying shouts back to leery laughter.

"Is that what we're calling it now?" And they laugh some more.

Wei Ying is muttering under his breath about pots and kettles, as he leads the way to his room. He knows his way through the maze of floors in this castle-like building, and Lan Zhan is extremely glad he does, because he lost track of their path already.

He thinks it's a great security measure too, after all, it would be hard to kill your target if you couldn't find them in the first place.

Lan Zhan tugs on his hand when they reach the closed door of Wei Ying's room.

"What is it, my love?" Wei Ying turns around.

"If Wei Ying wants to drink with his family...he should leave me here." Lan Zhan tells him quietly.

Wei Ying slides into his arms, hugging him tightly.

Lan Zhan expects him to go but Wei Ying kisses his cheek and simply smiles.

"I don't want to drink...at least, not tonight. How tired are you?" He asks.

His lovely lotus flower scent wraps around Lan Zhan like a blanket, and he breathes in deeply. He has missed this.

And he has missed being alone with Wei Ying, just the two of them.

Their escape doesn't count, because they were under the stress of not being discovered, and getting away from the Wens.

Here, they are safe within these multiple walls, no one hiding around corners waiting to kill them, or hurt them in any way.

Here, they can finally relax.

"Not tired." Lan Zhan answers his question.

"Then what do you say to a bath?" Wei Ying says. His mercurial eyes are shining with an eager purpose.

Lan Zhan is being dragged inside with a giggle, even before he's finished nodding.

Wei Ying slaps a heating talisman on the tub of water behind the privacy screen and quickly strips.

Lan Zhan covered his eyes as soon as the naughty young man started on his dangerous path, and only after he hears the telltale splash of a body submerged in water, does he venture to open them.

And Wei Ying, such a kind, considerate person that he is, has covered his eyes too, and is waiting for Lan Zhan to climb in behind him. He has scooted forward to make room for him.

Lan Zhan joins him as fast as he can.

Wei Ying relaxes and leans against his chest, sighing as the hot water eases away the kinks in their muscles. He reaches for the bottle of oil on the floor and takes a sniff before dumping a generous amount into their water.

The fragrance of tea tree oil and juniper flowers hangs in the air. This oil is meant to heal, and it smells nice to Lan Zhan, too. He settles back as Wei Ying reaches for his hands.

"I don't want you to be scared." he says, bringing Lan Zhan's hand to his lips.

"Mn?" Lan Zhan isn't sure what he's talking about.

The soothing fragrance coupled with the warmth of the water is relaxing in a way he didn't know he needed.

In this bath, with his Wei Ying, he doesn't have to be strong. There is nothing to do...except be himself. It is remarkably freeing.

Solstice Souls Book 2: Black Fire, White FlameWhere stories live. Discover now