- Monies - (Mafia!Bucky AU)

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"Daddy!" Mia calls loudly through the mansion, running towards his office with little footsteps.

You smile as you follow her, watching her reach for the handle of your husband's workspace.

"Mommy help please." She says and you laugh with a nod before moving the handle down so she can reach the tip, gripping it tightly with her small fingers before she pushes with all her might.

Which isn't very hard and the door barely moves to make you giggle. Bucky made sure to get extra thick doors because his line of work wasn't the safest, he needed to make sure his family was safe behind closed doors.

She pushes harder and smiles brightly when it opens, but her smile quickly drops as it pushes back closed and she's left once again, with a closed door.

"Buddy hell." She speaks and you laugh as she tries to copy the same words you say when something doesn't go your way.

From the other side of the door, Bucky smiles as he watches it close on his four-year-old for about the hundredth time this month.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just get me what I want and don't be fucking slow about it." He speaks before hanging up, placing his phone down, and watching the door as it moves once more.

"Okay! Daddy I-" the door closes once again and Bucky can hear you laugh from the other side, making him smile.

"Here Mimi, I'll open it for you-"

"No! I wanna do it!" She yells and you smile, raising your hands in defense before watching.

She lets out a grunt as she pushes on the door before it starts to slide closed once again but you quickly catch it from the top and slowly open the door from above your daughter, letting her think she was doing all the work.

Once she's in she laughs loudly and runs right for her father who smiles and leans down on his chair to catch her.

You smile, walking in and watching them, a sight only you get to see.

"Hey, Mimi." Bucky smiles, bringing her to his lap and bopping her nose.

"Guess what I been prasticing." She says and both you and Bucky chuckle at your daughter's mispronunciation.

"What have you been practicing baby girl?" He asks and she smiles before wiggling off her father and running towards the door. "Follow me!" She yells before stopping and staring at the door.


"Yup." You say, opening the door for her to run out of, which she does almost immediately, screaming happily making even the guards smile as she says hello to all of them while she makes her way past.

You laugh, turning to your husband and shaking your head. "That's our kid you know. We made that." You say as he makes his way over to you.

"Fuck yeah we did." He mumbles, kissing you. You smile against his lips as he pulls you tighter to him before you're both cut off by your child.

"Mommy! Daddy!" You both hear making the two of you let out breathy chuckles.

"We should go see what she's been prasticing." You tease and he laughs, shaking his head and pulling you out of the room softly.

You smile at the guards as you make your way past and they send you short nods, not wanting to do anything more as Bucky threatened the last guard that tried to speak to you.

Bond with my daughter. Not my wife.

Words Bucky spoke to every guard. He wanted them to have an uncle bond with the small girl as she needed to get used to having them around the house. You? You were off limits.

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