- Different Fucking Time -

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CONTENT WARNING: Use of the F slur.

Please, I do not in any way mean anything by it, I completely support LGBTQ+

Please if you aren't comfortable with the word, dont read this.


You were sitting on the edge of your bed with a bored expression on your face as you listen to 4 idiots fight over what to do.

You couldn't believe they dragged you to this, well...Jacob dragged you to this. He didn't want to come here alone with Lou thinking he was gonna get murdered by him. And being his younger sister, you were the first person he went to.

"I'm saying, we just go skiing and try find some bitches in this abandoned place" Lou says.

"I cant do that. I'm married. I will, however go skiing" Nick said pointing at his wedding ring.

"Dude, shes fucking cheating on you, I'm sure fucking some girl you find on the street won't do you any harm"

"It will when he gets an STD" Jacob buts in to the conversation.

"No one was talking to you faggot" Lou sneers at him and Jacob backs up with his hands in the air.

"Just saying"

You stand up and walk in between them. "Lets go skiing, I'm bored"

"There we go. Skiing it is" Adam says clapping his hands together.

You run to get your snowboard, Jacob following slowly behind, as Lou, Adam, and Nick get some ski's.


2 male brunettes sit by and on their rescue toboggan's (is that what they're called?) And they look up to see 5 people Skiing and snowboarding down the hill.

"See? There" The brunette with the Darker hair says.

"Yeah, yeah, I see it Chaz, thanks." the lighter haired boy replies in a rude tone.

The 5 people let out screams and whoops as they slide down the hill.

"What is that one plank thing those two have?" Chaz asks.

"I dont care, its going up their ass."

You all slide to a stop, infront of them, spraying them with snow, causing their mouths to fall open in shock.

The lighter haired Brunette stands up and drops his helmet, angrily looking at the group. He snatches off his glasses and shoves them to Chaz walking up to you guys with squinted eyes.

"Woah! W-wo-wo-wo-woah-" He says holding his arms out to the group before walking to your brother and pushing him over.

"Hey!" You yell, un-clipping your feet and helping him up off the snow.

The brunette looks at you for a second before looking back at the others.

"Those are the kinda ski shenanigans I dont allow on my mountain"

"Yeah, come on guys" Chaz says quietly.

Lou looks at him confused, he swears he's seen this guy before.

"What are you looking at nancy" he sneers in Lou's face.

Lou suddenly gets nervous "no- I mean-"

Hes cut off when the brunette sticks his hands up in a defensive manor, looking like Daniel Larusso.

"Hey look, its the douchebag from Karate Kid 3" your brother says and you laugh, making the brunette look at you with a small smile before quickly looking at Lou again.

He backs up slowly lifting his hands up.

"I know that guy" Lou mutters.

"You guys- and girl, better watch out. Because if I see you messing around here again, I'm gonna shove that ski up your ass" Chaz says and you look at him with a bored expression.

"We're just skiing dude, calm your nutsack" you roll your eyes and the other ski patrol dude laughs.

You look over at him, and holy shit he was hot.

"Hey" you smile at him flirtatiosly.

He smiles back "hey, I'm Blaine" he holds his hand out, completely forgetting that he told you all off about 10 seconds ago.

You grab his hand and shake it "y/n"

"Y/n" he repeats, looking into your eyes.
"Wanna meet me tonight? I'd love to get to know you" he winks and you smirk.

Lou, Nick, and Adam start talking about something else, looking at everyone.

"No" Jacob says grabbing your arm and pulling you away.

"Shut up Jacob" you place your hand on his face and push him away. "I'd love to, whats your number? I'll text you."

His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"text?" He asks.

Now you're confused "uh ye-" You're cut off when someone hits your arm. You look over and Lou pulls you a little bit away from Blaine.

"We time traveled" he says.

"What are you talking about?" You didn't understand.

"Look around y/n, yesterday no one was here. Now there's hundreds of people AND they're all wearing bright clothes and leg warmers. LEG WARMERS Y/N"

You look around, everyone looked like they were from the 80s. You didn't fully believe it until you spot someone walking past you with a giant brick for a phone.

Holy shit.

You turn to Blaine, to see him waiting patiently for you to come back. You walk over to him and he smiles.

"Hello aga-"

"What year is it?"

"What?" He says confused.

"What year is it" you repeat.

"1986? Why?"

Your face drops.

"Damnit" you mutter under your breath

You were finally going to meet and hook up with a hot guy, maybe even become more and somehow the universe hates you SO MUCH that it decided he should be like 30 years older than you AND you somehow time traveled to when he was a teenager.

This is perfect. Perfect, real fucking perfect.

But fuck it anyway.

"Still wanna get together tonight?" You ask and he nods.

"Meet me at the Ski patrol house at 6pm, i'll be waiting baby" he kisses your cheek and walks away with Chaz.

Too bad he's from a different fucking time.

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