- Don't need eyes -

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Blind! Reader


It was 9:18 am and you were sitting on the bench, pouring yourself a bowl of cereal.

It had been 4 months since you joined the avengers, they were shocked to find out the masked superhero they'd heard so much about was blind.

They were also shocked about how aware of everything you are. You helped them track down many Hydra agents and pointed out the liars and rats in shield just from listening to heartbeats.

You were close with almost everyone in the compound, few being either too shy, or just didn't want to talk to you. Which kinda hurt, but you were used to it.

Your best friend in the compound was Steve, he had been the nicest to you when you came. He knew what it was like to not fit in with everyone around him.

Wanda was also very welcoming, along with Natasha. The three of you would often get into trouble by Steve or Tony for setting off pranks around the compound.

Vision didn't quite understand what was wrong with you at first, but he didn't mention it after he figured it out.

You'd only met Thor a few times, never really talking. But in the times you did the two of you would be making jokes or laughing.

Sam wasn't as close to you as Steve was, but he was still close. The two of you would get into more trouble then you would with Wanda and Natasha. Sam loved how you could hear from miles away, or smell things from floors below. He thought it was like some cool superpower.

Then there was Bucky. You were 99% sure he hated you. Whenever he walked into a room and you were there, you would hear him stop and leave the room quietly as possible, thinking you never heard him. When you would call him out he'd either pretend he wasn't in the room, or he'd just be straight up rude.

Which brings you to right now. Once you placed the cereal box back into the cupboard you heard foot steps walking through the hall towards the kitchen, the smell of a distinct cologne you've grown used to.


He walks into the room as you sit down on the bench, you hear his footsteps come to a halt and his heart rate pick up a little bit.

You can hear him slowly creep past you, hoping you wouldn't notice him, but you did.

"Hello Bucky." You said and he let out a huff of annoyance.

"Hi." He grumbles.

Nothing else is said as you continue eating your cereal listening to him open  few cupboards, as well as a bowl being placed onto the counter.

You hear him pour the cereal and milk into the bowl before placing them back into the cupboard and fridge, quickly grabbing a spoon and scurring away, but you stop him before leaves.

"Come sit with me." You say and his footsteps stop and he sighs, before walking over to the bench and sitting in the empty spot next to you.

He begins to eat his cereal, as you finish yours and you decide to strike up conversation.

"Do you hate me?"

You hear a shuffle and you assume he turned to look into your direction. "What?" He mumbles, mouth a little full of cereal.

"Do you hate me?" You repeat. 

Bucky places his spoon into the bowl and you hear a whir of machinery as he does so.

What is that?

"I don't hate you." He says and you nod slowly.

"Then why do you ignore me?"

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