- Baking -

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"You should teach me how to bake" Sebastian said looking over at you.

"You wanna know how to bake?"

"Yeah, you said its fun. So you should teach me and we can have fun together" he got up and grabbed your hand before dragging you to the kitchen.

"So what do I need to get out" he asked.

"Depends on what you wanna bake, look through this" you handed him a cook book.

"Ouuuuu we could make these" he pointed to the photo of brownies smiling like a child.

" okay, what does the instructions say?"

"Preheat the oven to 350° And grease the tray." Sebastian said leaning on his elbows to read more.

You took the trays out of the oven and placed them on the stove and turned the oven to the correct heat.
"Okay so, you just follow those instructions. I'm going to watch you because I want to see where this goes." You sat on an island chair and smirked at him.

"Okayyyy" he read over the instructions before getting to work.

"1 cup? Like, any cup? Thats weird" he said to himself before grabbing out a random cup from the cupboard.

You wanted to say something but kept your mouth shut. This should be interesting.

He poured the flour into the cup spilling some of it on the counter with an oops and poured it in the bowl.

You were watching him with an amused look and his eyebrows furrowed looking at the paper.
"T S P? What is a T S P, Does that stand for something?" His confused eyes looked up at you.

You just smiled and made a zip motion over your mouth.

"You're not going to help me at all? Have I done it all right so far?" He asked you sounding like a school kid asking his teacher a question. You just stared at him with a smile and didn't answer. 

Hes adorable.

He groaned and went back to making the brownies "I'm gonna google what T S P means" and you quickly snatched his phone before he could get it.

"Ah ah ah, no googling."

"But I dont know what half of this means" he said whining.

"Stop being a big baby Sebastian" you rolled your eyes smiling.

"You said you were going to teach me" he said pointing at you.

"And I am. I just want to see how much you know, i'll teach you after you make these" you said waving your hand to shoo him.

5 minutes later hes spilled more flour on the table, as well as cocoa powder and he also dropped and egg on the floor. All while you've been sitting here trying your hardest not to laugh.

"I've made up in my head that T S P stands for The Small Spoon, so im going to use a small spoon for these. There's other ones that need a T B S P, which I'm guessing is The Bigger Small Spoon, so im gonna use this slightly bigger small spoon for that" he said holding up the spoons unfront of your face.

"Also some of these cups say 1/4 or 1/2 so im going to just fill up that glass 1/4 of the way and 1/2 of the way for that stuff" he said grabbing the glass and pouring cocoa in it.

"Okay I need sugar" he claps his hands together making flour go everywhere before coughing. "Shouldn't have done that" he mutters.

He goes into the cupboard and reaches up to the shelf with all the baking ingredients and grabbing the small container salt.

Does this man not see the big container labeled sugar right infront of his face?

"Okay, I need 1/2 cup of this." He pours the salt into the cup until its just above halfway and saying "eh good enough"

You pinch your nose when his back turns to you and shake your head.

10 minutes later he claims he's done and pours the batter into the tray without greasing it.

"Now I just have to put it in the oven for 25 minutes" he said before placing it in the oven and setting a timer on his phone.

"Okay, let me just clean this up and we'll go start a movie or something while we wait"

After he was done cleaning up he grabbed your hand and brought you to the lounge.

"Do you think I did well?" He said sitting on the couch and bringing you to his lap and kissing your neck.

"I'm not going to say anything" you said turning on his lap to straddle him.

He laughs and kisses your nose.

"Well, I think I did amazing. It's going to taste great i can just see it" he smiled

If you think so...

"I'm sure you'll love it" you smiled back.

40 minutes later the brownie is out of the oven and has cooled down a bit...

...Sebastian is also smashing the tray on the table because it won't come out.



"Did you grease the tray?"


He turns around and looks at you.


"Well there you go, the tray needs to be slippery so things can easily get in and out without sticking" you said grabbing a knife and handing it to him.

"You know what else needs to be slippery so things can get in and out easily?" He said smirking.

You smack his arm "dont be dirty minded" you said.

"The fact you knew exactly was I was talking about means you're just as dirty minded as me sweetheart" he smiled, winking.

Once he cuts the brownie out of the tray he cuts them into little squares before placing 1 for you and himself on 2 plates.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah, I wanna see your reaction first though" you said smiling at him with your hands together.

He shrugs and places it in his mouth and chews before spitting it into the sink with a "yuck".

He makes some weird sound with his mouth to get the saltiness out of it before spitting again.

"Whyisitsalty" his mouth not closing is mouth to say the words and you laugh.

"Did you use salt or sugar?" You asked still laughing as he washes his mouth out.

"I used sugar" he looks into the cupboard and grabbing the salt container.

"Baby thats salt"

"What? No-" he cuts himself off when you point to the big container labeled sugar sitting next to the flour.

"How did I not see that?"

You shrug "I dont know, but watching you was torture, it was so hard not to say anything. And on top of that I couldn't laugh" you said

"Alright, alright. Now can you actually teach me?"

You smiled "yes I can"

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