- I'll Help You -

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- PART 2 -

Once your sister had found out about you sneaking around to talk to the mad man she ordered guards to make sure you stay in your room until she can trust you to leave. Which led you to this situation up in your room ripping the sheets off your bed and tying them together.

You run over to your window to check how high it was, smiling to yourself before tying one end of the makeshift rope to the corner of your bed before throwing the rest out the window.

You look back out the window but notice the sheets only made it halfway down. Fear ran through your body before you pushed it out.

You were going to have to jump.

You started climbing down the sheets being careful not to make any noise that might cause suspension before reaching the end of the rope. You look down and close your eyes for a second before reopening them and jumping to the grass.

Ground shock was the first thing you felt. But it only lasted a minute before you were off and out the palace gates unnoticed.

You quickly turn the corner to the building that holds the hatter before climbing through a window you noticed the first time you went to visit the mad man.

Once your body makes it through the small window you land on the hard floor with a thud.


You groan "yup." You answer slowly getting up and shaking off the pain.

"What are you doing here?" He asked confused.

"You didn't receive my note? I knew that mouse wasn't listening" you whispered the last part to yourself.

"No, I did. I just didn't think you were telling the truth" He shrugged.

"Well...I will help you. But you have to earn my trust so I know im not just letting some mad man lose into the worlds" you said sitting on the floor and leaning on the wall like last time as he leans back in his chair.



"Jefferson. Thats my name." He said making you smile.

"Well hello Jefferson." You walk up to him and holding your hand out for him to shake. Which he did.

You walked back to the floor and waiting for him to say something.
"And how will you earn my trust?" He said curiously.

"I'm not sure actually. I'll probably just get to know you like a normal person." You shrug and he nods.

"Well what would you like to know?" He leans forward with a little smile.


And thats exactly what he told you. Over the time span of a few months your days would consist of sneaking out of the castle or lying to your sister to see him. He would tell you something new about his life every time. How he didn't live an amazing life and had to do a lot just to put food on the table, how he lost his wife. He told you everything about him. And you did the same to him. You felt like you had known him all your life. What he didn't know though, was that you were falling for him more and more each time. The way his nose would crinkle when he laughed. How you loved his smile even though his teeth weren't completely perfect. He made you the happiest you've ever felt. You've never felt this happy since your mother passed away. But you knew he didn't feel the same, there was no way. You were falling in love. And you couldn't stop it.

Sebastian Stan Imagines Where stories live. Discover now