- You're Okay -

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Yet another request from wh0syn4h

Y/n and Sebastian are married. And y/n had just given birth which causes postpartum depression and anxiety. But she doesn't show signs until they get back home. Sebastian immediately notices this and comforts her and reassures her that everything is okay.

TRIGGER WARNING: contains postpartum depression and anxiety.


"I cant believe we made this" Sebastian said smiling and holding your newborn son.

"I know, its crazy. He was in me like 2 days ago" you smiled at them.

"The doctor said we could head home if we wanted tomorrow...are you ready?"

"Yeah. I think so." You said playing with your fingers nervously.

"We got this. We've been looking after Anthony. I'm sure we can handle a baby" he chuckled.

"Yeah, Anthony is like a giant child" you laughed.

- The Next Morning -

"Ready?" Sebastian asked


You got into the car and Sebastian Sam in his car seat and placed all the bags in the boot before hopping in the drivers seat.

Once you all arrive home you grab your bags and looked at Sam before walking inside the house.

Sebastian noticed your ignorance to the child and grew confused.

You flopped onto the bed turning the t.v on and just starring blankly at it. Sebastian walked in with your son and held him out to you.

"Do you wanna hold him?" He asked.

"No" you replied not looking up from the t.v.

"Okay, well I'm gonna out him down for a nap. Do you wanna go start dinner?"

"Yep, sure." You got up and went to the kitchen to start making food.

While making dinner you knocked a glass off the bench and let out a curse word.

"Fuck why am I such an idiot. I can't do anything right." You said to yourself picking up the broken glass not giving any thought to the cuts its making on your palms.

"Hey is everything- woah y/n" Sebastian ran over and bend down. "What happened? Drop that. You're hurting yourself" he said grabbing the hand that was holding broken glass.

"Its fine, just leave me alone" you said pushing him away.

"No. I wont leave you alone you need to talk to me y/n"

"I just- i dont know if I can do this Seb. I'm so scared. I feel so worthless. I wanna hurt myself- God. I ignored Sam- I'm a monster i- i-" you sob collapsing onto the floor your other hand landing on the glass Sebastian follows you to the floor grabbing your face in his hands softly looking into your eyes. 

"No, no, no, no. You're not a monster. You're not worthless y/n. Its normal to feel this way okay? We'll make it through this, you'll make it through this. Why? Because you're Y/n freaking Stan, and you're my wife. You're the most amazing person I could ask for, and I love you. And I know Sam does too even though he's only like 3 days old." He said holding you in his arms and rocking you as you cry into his arms. "Its okay baby. You're okay"
You guys say there for a while until your crying slowly stops.

"I'm scared. I'm scared Sebastian." You whispered.

"I know, i am too. But we're gonna get through this. And we're gonna be the best parents anyone would ever meet. You're gonna be the hot mom that all of the other dads talk about and the teenage boys fantasize about, and they'll know not to go near you because your husband and son would beat the shit out of them" he said making you smile. "There she is" he smiled kissing your tear stained cheeks "now let's get you cleaned up" you stood up, making sure not to stand on any broken glass and held out his hand which you grabbed.

He walked you to the shower in your bedroom while checking on Sam before turning the shower on.

You hop in and start cleaning yourself off before you hear the shower door open. You turn to see a naked Sebastian step in the shower and he grabs the soap and starts helping you clean yourself off making sure not to hurt any cuts or bruises.

5 minutes later you get out and dressed before heading to the now awake Sebastian walks in behind you.

You slowly bend down to pick him up expecting him to cry but he just coos.

You're shocked. You thought he would hate you, cry everytime you try to touch him. "See? He loved you" Sebastian says coming up from behind you wrapping his arms around you waist resting his chin on your shoulder kidding your neck before looking down at the baby.

Sam tried to eat your shirt where your boobs are which makes both you and Sebastian chuckle. "I think someone's hungry" Sebastian smiles.

"Okay... I'll feed him" you let out a breath before moving to the couch to get in a comfortable position, before moving the thin singlet strap of your shoulder and moving your shirt down to let your breast free and Sam immediately attaches himself to your nipple.

"Lucky boy" Sebastian mutters loud enough for you to hear making you giggle.

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