- Baby -

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A/N: This ones pretty long, BUT ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!


Your eyes flutter open as you wake from your nap due to the sound of a small pitter patter coming from outside of your room getting louder as it nears your door.

Confused, you throw the blankets off you and get up from the soft mattress, making your way towards the door.

You take a quick look at yourself in a mirror to make sure you don't look absolutely horrible before nodding to yourself and opening the door.

But nothing was there, your eyebrows furrow and you poke your head further out looking down each end of the hall only to be met with air.

A little bit annoyed you were woken from your slumber, you go to close the door but a little laugh-squeel stops you as well as a tug on your pajama pants.

You quickly look down and your eyes widen when you see a small baby probably almost 12 months old, and his oddly long hair bounces as he flops down onto his bum.

You bend down to get a better look at the child and when you do his eyes brighten and a big smile covers his face.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, who's adorable baby is this?" You ask, reaching forward to pick the child up.

But you stop when you notice one of the sleeves are hollow, while the other sleeve was filled with a small chubby arm.

You pick up the child and rest him on your hip, making him let out a giggle his bright blue eyes staring at you.

"Miss y/n, that baby appears to be James Buchanan Barnes." F.R.I.D.A.Y's words shock you a little and you stare at the child with wide eyes.

"Bucky?" You ask and the small boy makes a small squeel laugh, kicking his legs in excitement.

"What the- how?" You ask before realizing he probably can't respond.

You hear your phone ring from your bedside table and you make your way over to it, keeping Bucky on your hip as you bend down a little to answer it.


"Y/n! Have you seen a small child running around by any chance?!" Tony's worried voice fills your ears.

"Yes. He's right here with me." You say.

"Oh thank God." Steves voice fills your ears and you move to put the phone on speaker, knowing Bucky would probably want to hear his bestfriend. "Y/n, that baby is Bucky. Something happened on his last mission and well, you know..." you nod and Bucky smiles brightly, hearing his bestfriend on the phone.

"So what's going to happen?" You ask, worridly looking over at the baby boy thats now resting his head on your shoulder.

"Do you think you can look after him? Just until we figure out a cure— well Tony and Bruce figure out a cure. Or until he changes back to normal? We don't really know what we're dealing with." Steve says and you let out a small sigh.

"Yeah, I'll look after him." Bucky kicks his legs in excitement after hearing your words and you smile down at him.

"Great! Clint dropped off some baby stuff, i'll get Sam to bring them to you in a moment."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later, byeee." You say and Steve replies back with a 'bye' before you hang up.

You throw the phone onto your bed and look at the baby in your arms. "What are we gonna do." You sigh.

You leave your bedroom and go to the living room in your small apartment thing, each avenger had on in the compound. But most of the time everyone just hung out in the main living room right in the middle of the compound.

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