- Baby kicks -

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You're 7 months pregnant with Bucky's baby and you still haven't felt him Kick.

Yes, its a him. When Bucky found out it was a boy he was rolling. Literally. You told him the gender while on a picnic, he was laying on his stomach with his head rested on your lap as you played with his hair. And as soon as the words fell from your mouth he started laughing happily, rolling on the grass.

Bucky was the most excited out of the both of you. You were still excited as shit, but nothing could top Bucky.

For the past few months he's being reading books on parenting, buying things for the baby, baby proofing everything with a corner, hiding things that might hurt the baby. And the baby wasn't even born yet.

It made you happy to see Bucky this happy, especially with everything that happened.

Grant. Is what you're going to name the baby. Named after Bucky's best friend Steven Grant Rogers. The both of you had a talk about names and you mentioned Steves middle name. So thats what you decided to go with.

Everything was perfect, except the fact you never felt little Grant kick.

Your midwife said it was normal but you were worried.

Right now you and Bucky were laying in bed as he reads a book, you leaning on his arm reading it with him, but barely paying attention, just staring at the page as you thought about Grant.

"Has he kicked yet?" Your fiancé asked and you shook your head sadly.

"No, I'm waiting for it though." You smiled softly and he kissed your head, placing the book down on the bedside table and turning the lamp off, the only light coming from the moon shining through the sheer curtains.

"It'll happen my love, don't worry," He wrapped his arms around you, shifting to get in a comfortable position. "I love you." he whispers and you smile.

"I love you too."

The both of you close your eyes before drifting off to sleep.


You woke in bed with a small gasp as a weird sensation flooded in your stomach.

Furrowing your eyebrows as your eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, you look over at a small digital clock, reading the time.

1:48 am

You sigh and lay back down next to Bucky whos softly snoring, his back turned towards you.

Closing your eyes to go back to sleep, and a couple of minutes later your almost there when your eyes shoot open again, as another weird sensation rolls through your stomach.

You turn to the side to turn on a lamp, dialing the brightness down a little bit so its not too bright as you stare at your stomach.

A small gasp escapes your mouth as you feel it again and you see a ball like shake poke through your belly.

He's kicking.

You place your hand over it and smile, tears of joy welling in your eyes before you quickly turn to Bucky and shake his shoulder.

"Bucky." You whisper shout and he groans a little bit.

"What? What is it?" He sits up, looking at you with worried and tired eyes.

"Gimme your hand."

"What?" His eyebrows furrow at the odd question.

"Quick, just give me your hand."

He holds his hands out. "Which one?"

You roll your eyes with a smile and grab his right hand, placing it on your stomach.

"What are you—" He let's out a small gasp when he feels your stomach poke his palm. Now wide awake, his eyes dart to you for confirmation.

"That's our baby." You nod with a smile and you see his eyes fill with joyfully tears, a giant smile plastered on his face as he stares at your belly with amazement.

"Holy shit." He says with a breathy laugh, making you laugh with him.

"Language Buck, there's a baby in the room."

"Mommy's bossy isn't she little dude?" Bucky whispers to your stomach and you playfully hit his shoulder.

"Am not." You say and he smiles, Grant still kicking his palm.

"This is crazy" Bucky mutters, a tear falling from his eye and you wipe it.

"I know."

"It feels so weird" he scrunches his nose and you giggle.

"How do you think I feel, he's inside of me."

"Lucky bastard." Bucky mutters and you smack the back of his head, making him laugh.

Grant stops kicking and Bucky pouts. "Nooo, come backkk" he whines and you shake your head with a smile.

"C'mon Buck, let's go back to sleep. There'll be plenty more times where he'll kick. Don't worry" You smile and he comes back up to the top of the bed, grabbing you hand with his metal one, interlocking your fingers and kissing the knuckle holding your engagement ring.

"I'm so excited to have this baby with you y/n."

"Me too Bucky, Me too." You smile and turn the lamp off, cuddling up to him and he plays with your hair softly, putting you to sleep.

Once your asleep he smiles to himself, thinking about how lucky he was to have you, and this child before going to sleep himself.


Its literally 2 am right now, and I had nothing better to do then write this...I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT.

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