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Ike was concerned for his friend. Of course. Who wouldn't be concerned for their friend when they are going through something so hard like this? He knew what was happening, but how should he bring it up to Shu? 

Ike saw the expression on Shu's face. Something was bothering him. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew something felt off about all of this and how he was feeling. Ike wasn't the type to feel anything bad for someone unless they fuck up so badly Ike gets pissed off, like how he is with his boyfriend, Mysta.

Ike felt.. pity. He felt pity for his friend for the first time. The young man had never once felt something like this before for someone that wasn't his boyfriend or a long-term friend. Ike wished to take away Shu's pain seeing how much everything was bothering him. Ike didn't know much about Shu, but so far he has been a good friend. Shu was new as well to go to school and already his (Ike's) boyfriend and one of the friends had started drama involving the poor boy.

Ike had looked like he was thinking for a while. What should he do to help Shu? He knew he had to do something. Shu shouldn't have to go home and deal with his mom after all that has been happening during this school day. Ike thought about it more, Shu looking like he was worried that Ike might say something gut-wrenching to make Shu throw up again.

"Would you like to go home early? I overheard you going to his place today due to what happened with you and your mom. My place is free for you to stay at. It has been a long day, I wouldn't blame you for wanting to get away." Ike had offered Shu. It was the only thing Ike could come up with. Ike did overhear everything between Luca and Shu this day. From the conversation about Shu's mom to Luca and Mysta fighting, Shu cussing at himself about this. Ike didn't know anything else that was happening, but to take away Shu's pain just for a while was all he would like to offer to his newest friend.

Shu had stood there. He didn't know if he should or shouldn't leave so soon. The day was an eventful one, his social battery was low and the rest sounded amazing. Shu had wished for today to end already, so how could skipping school two hours early hurt anyone? Maybe, or most likely his grades, but he could pull off skipping just two classes and get notes the next day one way or another. Asking Vox or Shoto about notes doesn't sound hard as they both seem to be friendly people. They do seem like the type to get pissed off at you for skipping.

"Just to get away... I would like to then." Shu said in a soft like voice. It sounded small, and it was. It sounded like he was weak and on the verge of crying his eyes out. Being involved in these types of situations made Shu want to kill himself almost. He knew that he couldn't even stand the feeling of even trying. The school already made it so he wanted to die. Luca didn't make things better for Shu, only worse. Being near him was a mistake, a big one. The biggest mistake Shu has ever made in his plenty of years of living. Luca was the first person that wasn't his mom he ever saw before and already at that moment he hadn't seen anyone more beautiful. 

Shu will admit Luca was or is at least a beautiful-looking person and his personality sure was something, but what he really is made of has Shu regret everything and anything. Their friendship started nice and sweet, laughs between them felt nice and their company between each other. Being near someone felt nice finally, but the fear of being hurt by them sounds so, he couldn't think of the words to describe it, but he knew Luca would make him do things that he never thought he would ever do. Shu found comfort in Luca for a bit, but not even a week later Luca made Shu guilty for ever being his friend in the first place. He lost his first friend all over a stupid mafia case.

Now Ike, Mysta's boyfriend, feels pity for him? Shu has regretted ever agreeing to go to school in the first place. Shu wasn't the type to care about romance, but his first kiss from a guy made Shu feel sick. He hates this. Shu hates these stupid feelings that are making him want to end it there and now. Staying inside and streaming for the rest of his life is what he should have stuck to and nothing else.

Teardrops were falling down his face. He could feel the burns on his legs and ankles. The heaviness of his own body had felt as if he was about to collapse. Stomach acid could be felt boiling in his throat. His ears were ringing, and his hands shaking, vision getting blurry to the point he couldn't see his own hands in front of his face. Time stood still, Ike couldn't move, no one else was there, just them. 

Anxiety? Fear? Not sure what it was but this feeling Shu was experiencing felt like the worse. He wanted to die then and there. Maybe that was what he was feeling. His body was giving up slowly. No food in his system at all only makes this worse for the poor boy. 

Coughing on his own tears and snot over and over again was all that Shu could do, and Ike just stood there, watching not moving an inch. The look on his face looked as if he was disgusted by his own friend. Maybe that was all Ike thought about Shu after all. Disgust by this random outsider that has so many problems and just wants attention from anyone and everyone. Shu couldn't blame Ike, because he too feels the same about himself and always has. Finding himself this useless human that needs care all the time because no one has ever given enough shits about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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