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"My name is Ike. It looks like I am a second year just like you. What's your next class supposed to be? I might be able to walk you there." The short boy answered. Shu was... Confused. He didn't know how to feel exactly. Shu just shook it off, trying to not think about it.

"I have art," Shu spoke, looking at his schedule after pulling it out.

"Oh. Looks like we have the same class then." Ike spoke back in return.

Ike showed Shu where the art area was in their school. Shu looked around, amazed by his surroundings. Shu looked happy, and all Ike could do was smile.

"It seems like you like art. Well, I hope you feel at home here." Ike smiled again until one of his friends caught his attention. Ike waved, walking towards his friends, and going to chat with them. Shu looked at Ike's friends. They seemed sweet... It must be nice having someone to care for you.

Ike's smile looked genuine. He looked like he truly loved his friends. Shu was happy. But what for? That others had friends and he didn't? Shu had to shake the thoughts away. The lonely thoughts he never wanted. He didn't want to feel depressed over something.. so small.

It's okay. Won't it be? Maybe one day Shu will have friends just like Ike and Luca. Having those friends that make you jump with joy as they come to pick you up from class. Back. Back to feeling lonely. Back to being all alone. But hey, that's okay. It isn't like Shu had to rely on anyone. He didn't have to deal with people asking for stuff and he didn't have to ask for stuff in return. 

But wouldn't it be nice to get stuff from your friends? Gifts they give you to show their appreciation for you. What would Shu give back in return? A painting for his friend group to have and all love? Would they all love his art the same though? Would they?

Maybe Shu was okay being alone for now. "I will be okay," Shu said to himself out loud. "Everything will be over with today. I am sure of it."

Shu did want friends. He really did. He wanted something to now fill up this empty feeling in him and make him finally feel okay. This is why he never wanted to go to school in the fucking first place. He didn't want any more of these feelings. Shu sat down finally. The spot was a random spot in the classroom. Peaceful, yet loud with all the students in this classroom. Shu looked around, looking at his surroundings. Luca wasn't there. What a bummer.

This time around, Shu was barely paying attention to his teacher. He was just drawing in the sketchbook he was given. There was no prompt for this assignment, the only thing they had to do was draw whatever they felt like drawing at the moment. So, that's exactly what Shu did. He drew whatever the fuck he wanted to draw. It first started off with drawing two people, then that turned into something else. It was from this morning. Luca leaned over at Shu's notes. Shu did question why he drew Luca. Maybe it was because that was the first person he ever met. Shu didn't mind. Luca was handsome, and that was one thing Shu admired about the taller one.

Ike went up to Shu. "Oh? Is that Luca?" Ike asked Shu.

Shu nodded. "You know him?" Shu asked Ike.

Ike looked closer at the drawing. "I've known him for a long time now. It looks like you guys have already met then. I'm glad Luca is making more friends than just talking to me and our other friends."

Shu listened to him, looking back down. "Is Luca normally like a little kid at a candy shop?" Shu asked Ike, Ike on the other hand froze, trying his best not to laugh, but Ike did end up laughing just a bit.

"That does sound like Luca, yes. Always excited over the little things. That's what I admire about him. I wish I had that joy about things sometimes." Ike's smile soon faded. Shu didn't know what to say. He just sat there, feeling guilty.

Shu didn't know how to feel about Ike. He wanted to say that he liked having Ike around, but he wasn't exactly sure. Ike scared him from time to time in class. From just walking up to him, to the jokes that he made, to how serious he suddenly would become.

Shu didn't want to be there anymore suddenly. He felt like throwing up. Overwhelmed. Anxious. Jealous. Why the hell was these feelings running through his body? What did Shu ever do to deserve this bullshit? Shu hadn't done anything.

First day... That's all that was really important. But people... People all around him... The bell rang, finally. Ike was going to go up to Shu and asked where he was headed off next, but he wasn't there. Ike was concerned despite him not knowing, Ike did want to get closer to Shu. Ike can't force Shu to be his friend, but Ike can keep trying to get somewhat closer to the taller man.

Shu had run to the bathroom, found a stall, and locked the door.

He threw up.

His stomach ached as he sat on the floor, crying wishing everything would stop. Overwhelmed. So overwhelmed by everything. New. Changes... All around. This was an environment that Shu wasn't familiar with. Of course, why wouldn't Shu feel a bit off?


This was the part he hated most. The part where he wished never happened. Shu hated throwing. He hated the feeling. The burn. Everything about it he didn't like.

Why did he throw up? Shu threw up because he couldn't bare the new feelings he felt. He wanted to rip his hair out, but he didn't. He only sat there, head up against the stall wall, crying his eyes out. He hid. From everyone. Would anyone find him? He doubted that.

Footsteps. Loud. Concerned. Worried. Frightened. They all approach at the exact same time.

It all started off with a kiss ( Shu x Luca )Where stories live. Discover now