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Shu and Luca had been talking till the teacher walked in, introduced themselves, and started a small lesson. It was only the first day, everyone had to understand the rules of the classroom. What to do and not to do. The whole class had to go through the school's rules as well.

The note-taking was tiring after 2 hours. Shu didn't mind, not one bit. He was used to moving his hands a lot due to gaming a lot and drawing. Luca was amazed how Shu wasn't in pain at all as he watched over the other shoulder.

"How come your hand doesn't hurt, Shu?" Luca said looking over at him, amazed. Shu had looked at Luca, tilting his head, wanting to learn more about this mystery boy.

"Hmm... I'm uh... Use to drawing a lot. So this is nothing." Shu answered, looking at Luca to see if his answer was enough to satisfy him. And it did. Luca would have never guessed that Shu was the type of person to draw. Shut didn't even look like he was into drawing. He thought Shu was just someone that liked sports or weird haircuts. Maybe magic even... Luca wasn't completely sure how the dots connected, but they just did.

Luca looked over more to see Shu's notes once more. They were neatly written. Luca was in awe the whole time as he watched. Shu was talented. No no, he is talented. Luca snapped out of it before going back and taking his own notes. Luca's handwriting wasn't the best. Sure some people said they like his handwriting, but nothing could compare Shu's handwriting to his.

Shu's handwriting was like a gift from a God of some sort. It was neat, almost like a typewriter. How?

Shu began to take markers out of his bag, color-coating the information he had jotted down in his notebook. He was proud. Shu was proud of his work for a change. He didn't show it, but it was true. Now, now his hand was hurting. He might have overdone it just a bit already in his first class.

Luca looked over Shu's shoulder yet again. Shu felt his presence, scooting his notebook closer to Luca to see. Luca looked excited. Like a little kid in a candy store, or they got the toy or animal they wanted for years. Luca was like a little kid. Shu wondered for a moment how Luca could have passed his classes, but that shouldn't be a concern of his.

"Your notes are so clean and pretty. I don't think I could ever." Luca stated, Shu, shaking his head.

"It takes practice," Shu spoke looking down at his notebook, looking up at Luca again.

"Notes are notes. I prefer them being easy to read." Luca nodded, taking a mental note about this.

The bell rang for the next class. Shu stood up, putting his belongings away. It looks like Luca already started to walk or has dashed away to his next class. That shouldn't be Shu's concern about how he got to class so quickly or why he was in such a rush. It wasn't like Shu was Luca's best friend in the whole wide world. Shu just knew of Luca. That is all. Nothing special between them.

There will never be anything special between the two. Never.

Shu left his classroom as he found a group of teens his age and up chatting all around. Shu felt.. Jealous? Maybe a little. Shu didn't have friends. He was a streamer who was known to never collab with people. That reason Shu never knew how to talk to people through text without feeling everyone hated him.

All eyes were on him. Being alone. So alone. By choice? Maybe. It was Shu's choice to never go outside. To not know about the outside world. To never step foot on the grass right in front of him. To never hear or see birds.

It was Shu's choice, and his mom didn't care. As long as Shu was healthy.

What about Doctors? Shu's mom was a doctor before. Dentist? Shu's mom took classes and went to school for that just for Shu.

Anything for her son. Her world.

You could say Shu was scared. Scared of ever being replaced. Scared of ever losing a friend. Scared that everyone would turn their back on him. He was an overthinker after all. Thinking about the littlest things ever. The stupidest shit ever. It always caused him problems. Restless nights even. Nonstop, days after days of overthinking the dumb shit.

Shu sighed, putting his headphones on yet again to block out all of his thoughts. He was overwhelmed. Why did he agree to go to high school? He could have just stayed homeschooled, but his mom insisted that he should go to an actual school.

Shu could tell his mom was worried about him. Shu's mom had him at a young. Shu was the only thing his mom had. She wanted the best for him, so, Shu wanted to make his mom happy. If she was happy... Shouldn't he be happy too?

Shu couldn't tell if he was happy. He was stressed. Anxious. Scared that his hopes and dreams would come to a close end. He didn't want anything to end. Not yet. Shu walked to his class. He looked around, knowing everyone had their own person they liked talking to.

"Will I ever be someone's favorite person?" Shu thought to himself. This is exactly why he was scared of the real world. He didn't want to ever be replaced.

"I should have just stayed home," Shu spoke, and someone overheard him.

"First days can be hard, it's okay." There was a shorter boy standing in front of him. He had what looked like maybe light brown hair with blue ends. He had glasses on with pen earrings. He was pretty. He looked soft and gentle, but at the same time could kill someone.

"Don't worry, alright? I can tell you're stressed, but there's nothing to worry about." The blue and light brown-haired boy insisted. 

It all started off with a kiss ( Shu x Luca )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin