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A group of people approached Shu and Luca. One of the four people looked familiar to Shu. That person was Ike. Ike was in his school uniform, what was strange to Shu was that Ike didn't have his glasses on. There was a boy with what looked like a fox hat on. Ike was looking at that boy in disappointment and with a glance of some appreciation. "Didn't the teachers tell you not to wear that fox hat of yours at school?" Ike had spoken to the fox boy.

"Well duh. But that won't stop me from wearing this cool-ass hat." He said with a grin. "Mysta," Ike spoke with a sigh. "Mysta?" Shu spoke out loud by accident. Luca looked at Ike, then went back to putting his attention towards Shu. "That's Mysta. The guy with the hat and sunglasses." Luca said and Shu nodded.

"Mysta is also Ike's boyfriend~," The vampire-looking man said and nudges Ike's arm with his elbow. "And that is Vox. Next to him is his fiance, Shoto." Luca told Shu. Shu only nodded, keeping everything Luca said and remembering it.

"And this is Shu, everyone. I and him met on the first day of school." Luca had a stupid smile on his face. Shu looked at them and waved a bit. "By chance did you go to any other school? You for sure sound familiar." Mysta asked Shu and Shu shooked his head immediately. "No. I have been homeschooled most my life."

Mysta shrugged it off, not thinking much about it. He probably mistook Shu for someone else. "Well, what's your first class today?" Ike asked Shu. Seeing how Mysta was acting toward Shu, he wanted to change the conversation for everyone's sake.

"My first class today is math," Shu answered, but looked at Luca instead of Ike. "You have your math class with Luca? Don't be late now. Go on ahead and walk to your next class."

Luca waved at his friend group with a smile while Shu was waving just a bit with what looked like a fake smile. "Let's head to class," Shu spoke quietly while walking off. Luca rolled his eyes, doing a little jog to catch up with his friend.

"Who knew you could walk so fast? I can barely keep upppppppp!" Luca complained dramatically while panting.

"You are the one who is fitter than me. Why are you complaining?" Shu handed Luca his water bottle. Luca quickly opened the lid and began to drink some of the water Shu offered. "Wait... Shu... You have abs?"

Shu looked a bit confused while Luca said that. "Doesn't everyone though? If you think about it, everyone has the same muscle suit. We just have fat over that suit we have to burn off. Working out takes a lot of you as well. It requires you to put a lot into it just to get the build you want. I don't mind what one's build is, but in reality, we still have the same muscles, just not everyone can see them."

Luca listened, confused, but paying attention. Word by word he watched Shu's mouth move. "Your way of thinking... Interesting." Luca mumbled under his breath. "To answer your question, I have an at-home workout room. When I'm having an art block, I'll just work out or cook." Shu answer bluntly as he sat down in his assigned seat. Luca sat next to Shu, talking about whatever came into his mind.

They liked each other's company. Luca liked listening, while on the other hand, Shu didn't mind talking. It was nice having someone who wasn't his fans or his mom to talk to. Luca's eyes were locked onto Shu as he talked with his eyes close about how he use to bake at home everyday. Luca looked up and down at Shu, admiring all his features. From the way, his lips curved while making faint smiles, to the way Shu would look outside the window. Luca loved looking at Shu's side profile. It looked beautiful to him. Luca was glad Shu never caught him looking. Oh, how embarrassed he would be. Luca didn't want to make a fool out of himself. "Luca? Are you listening?" A familiar voice spoke out. It was the teacher to see if Luca was asleep with his eyes open again. "Oh... Here." Luca spoke, not minutes after, a small grin was on his friend's face.

"Did you not sleep last night or something? Or are you tired from running to catch up with my fast walking?" Shu asked with a chuckle at the end.

"I'm okay. Zoned out. Thanks." That response wasn't like Luca, Shu shook it off as he started to pay more attention to class than the golden retriever next to him.

"Luca. Did you get all the notes for today?" Turns out Mysta was in this class and no one knew about that. Fun.

"Yeah, why?" Luca asked, confused much as Mysta is the type to never ask for notes that aren't from Ike.

"Nothing. You seemed so interested in Ike since this morning. Thought you'd at least get some work done at least."

Shu yawned. "I have Art with Ike now. Bye." Shu stood up. He waved to Mysta, then waved to Luca.

"Looks like I'm his favorite~" Luca rolled his eyes. "Why are you interested in Shu in the first place?" Mysta asked demandingly. Luca ignored Mysta. Their relationship together wasn't the best. Mysta would always bring up topics that Luca didn't want to communicate about. Ike has suggested they try and talk it through, but Luca most of the time doesn't want to talk about it. Instead, he wants to ignore every word he says. But not this time, this time it's about Shu.

"What if I know about Shu's real identity? What if I have all the information you want about Shu? Should I give it to you? Should I leak it to the world? Well. You should decide this time. Tell me why you want to know more about Shu, and I won't tell a soul about his past. Hm, ~? How does that sound." Mysta had no need to get involved with a Mafia man he has been trying to not get involved with. But why couldn't he search for information about a random student no one has ever seen? Isn't that a bit off to be locked away for so long?

"I'm not working on a Mafia case about Shu if you want to know. I have no need to hurt Shu or get involved in his life. My family doesn't care less about Shu as long as I don't start something up. So get your dirty little fox paws off my man and go back to chasing your own." Luca's eyes glowed in hatred. His strong passion of hatred for this dirty fox was about as strong as his hatred for any detective trying to ruin the Kanishiro name.

Mysta smirked as he walked off. "Such a foolish man."

It all started off with a kiss ( Shu x Luca )Where stories live. Discover now