Keep Calm, Luca

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Luca didn't catch a single word Mysta had said before he walked off. Luca was already pissed off enough as is, why should he care? "Luca, snap out of it." The teacher snapped. Luca jumped up, looking around. Turns out all his mind was thinking about was how to deal with Mysta and not get Shu involved with this.

"Luca! Are you even paying attention in class!? Just look at Ike next to you. He is doing just fine taking notes, and here you are daydreaming about something. Get your mind out of the gutter and get to work you whipper snapper."

It wasn't fair for Luca and Ike to be compared with each other. Sure, they've known each other for years, but that doesn't mean they would be any like one another.

"I can text you my notes, okay?" Ike whispered with a smile towards Luca as Luca looked over at Ike, whispering a quick "ok" and looking back at his notebook. Luca sat there all throughout the lecture with his mind wondering about Shu nonstop. Not in a romantic way, or a friendship type of way, but in a "scared for his life" type of way. Luca couldn't get a single word jotted down on the freshest page in his notebook. It was blank with a tiny smudge of pen ink on the top right corner of the page.

Ike's eyes wandered towards Luca's notebook as he sighed the strongest ounce of disappointment. "Luca, do you want to fail? Do you want your parents to kick you out again?" Ike said harshly. This wasn't the Ike Luca had known all throughout his life. This Ike was harsh and mean finally. Ike has shown his true colors now. The part of him that finally burst out into flames, causing people one by one to get hurt. Is this about Mysta? The theory that Mysta really will try his everything to get his way about Shu?

It has always been known Mysta and Luca never got along due to their families' rivalry. Mysta plays it cool in front of Ike and Vox because he knows he can't do anything. If Vox found out about Mysta's whereabouts, he'd be dead meat. Vox is the prince of this land after all. If something is fucked up in the system, it's his job to fix it. But if Vox doesn't know, it's a 50/50 chance you'll get caught or not. And so far, Mysta is being perfectly the sneaky fox he is. The punishment for Mysta's actions would be determined based on all his crimes.

"Luca, are you listening?" A tired and calming voice spoke. Luca looked over and it was just Uki sitting next to him. "Luca, I understand that there is something up with you and Mysta, or maybe Shut. But you should go home, okay?" Luca paid attention to the simple yet hard words to understand that were coming out of Uki's mouth. "Shu is staying over. I can't just go home." Luca exclaimed. Their conversations went back and forth about Luca being so stressed out. Uki on the one side was telling Luca how he needs to take better care of himself while on the other side, Luca wanted to wait and get done with school for the day.

"If I was able to, I'd ask my mom to pull me out of school, but legally, she can't pull Shu out of school as well." Luca sighed. "Look at you thinking about the legal side of things. Isn't your family supposed to do illegal things? That's the way of the Mafia, isn't it?"

"Not when the school is involved in it. The school does know about each Mafia branch and so on. The rule that Vox made is that as long as we don't do anything bad on campus, we're allowed to do anything illegally."

Uki looked at Luca and sighed. "I still don't understand how that bitch became a prince. I don't even understand how our world works. All I understand is that there are two sides to this country. The bad guys and the good guys. Then turns out the prince of both sides is getting married after they graduate. What is this logic?" Luca laughed after what Uki had said. He didn't mean to, but he did. "Aren't you friends with Vox as well?" Luca asked.

"Yes, but only because my boyfriend and Vox are brothers." Uki shrugged as he turned his attention back to the work in front of him.

"Wait, wait, wait... Fulgur and Vox are brothers??" Luca asked while being heavily concerned. His voice even raised a bit in some frustration. "Same mom, different dads." Uki acted like it wasn't a big deal, but in reality, it really was.

Luca didn't want to have this conversation anymore. If it went on for any longer, he would know things would get worse. Mostly for his mental state and emotional state. As the study hall went to an end, Luca and Uki stated their goodbyes for the day.

Luca went to go find Shu, but that search didn't last long. "Luca, my love, my friend. Are you looking for Shu?" Mysta had snooped up behind Luca, causing him to jump and turn quickly.

"..." Luca didn't say a word. Shu was in the classroom next door. He didn't want Shu to hear a thing he would say or Mysta would say to him. "What? Cat caught your tongue?"

Luca was pissed yet again. As his mind was going a million places, all he could focus on thinking about right now was the safety of Shu. Luca promised Shu he would be able to spend the night, but Luca would never want Shu to get the wrong idea between Mysta and him.

"No. What's up Mysta?" Keep calm. That's what Luca has to do. Keep calm. Keep calm. Keep calm. That's what is important. Don't let Shu know. It's for his own good to not get involved with a Mafia and Detective case. Not today at least.

"Speak up. I don't think Shu can hear you. I want Shu to know exactly what will happen to him if you mess up, Luca." Mysta smirked as his eyes glowed. Luca was scared for the first time in his life.

It all started off with a kiss ( Shu x Luca )Where stories live. Discover now