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Mysta scoffed, soon his grin went away and a smirk took over, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "Oh? Is the big strong Mafia man scared? Such a pity. You know no matter what you say, you are the bad guy. You are a danger. You have already killed over a hundred men. Do you think Shu would accept you for this? Of course not. Your family has killed almost over hundred-thousand men. Do you think anyone is your friend? They're lying to you! You know that. Don't you? How dangerous your family and title are. But look at Vox. He made it so he could protect his cute little brother. You guys aren't even related yet you two are so much like family. Isn't it funny? Two big threats taking over our land. The biggest threat is you Mafia boy. But look at you." Mysta scoffed.

If Luca spoke a single word, it would be used against him at this moment. It's as if Mysta has a gun aimed at his head, about to shoot any minute now. You would be scared too, now wouldn't you?

"Hah. Barely two words in, and you already want me dead. You're getting all worked up for nothing... You've changed... You're getting weak." Mysta laughed a small sinister laugh right before approaching Luca even closer.

"I know Shu's secrets. Everything he's hiding from you. His health, that I know too. His dad and why did he leave? Oh no, he was shot. My bad. By your own brother as well. Your brother made Shu's mom depressed. How do you think Shu would react to this? I bet he's listening right now. Do you wish to know?" Mysta was using all the cards he had to use to trigger Luca into a rage.

"Did my brother really kill his dad...?" Information that Luca never wished to know, but now he does. Feeling trapped in his own mind. Thoughts overwhelmed him as guilt rushed through his blood.

"Would you like the documents than of all the information your brother has done to the Yamino family?" Mysta asked Luca, getting all the documents out of his bag as he held them out to the other.

"All the information is in here. If you take it, then Shu doesn't have to know. I'd like an answer from you about this within a month. If you're busy that day, give me a heads-up in advance. That does not include going on dates, this includes doctors' appointments and any other health needs." Mysta informed.

Luca didn't hesitate. He took the file. Luca looked at it, then at Mysta. "Don't even speak to Shu until I have answers." Mysta scoffed. "Alright. Fine." Mysta smirked, walking away.

Luce sighed deeply. "Finally done with this.." Luca stood there. Tears wanted to come out, but he didn't wish to cry. Never in front of Shu. Never him. Luca can't be weak, not in front of... Oh. Oh? Oh no. This can't be. He shook his head as he stuffed the file into his bag.

Luca leaned against the wall as he waited for Shu to get out of class. He scrolled through his phone, looking at messages and making sure he wasn't missing out on anything important. Looking through his messages, he realized that he hasn't been answering his father's calls. It must be important... Or it is about Mysta again? Mysta is the last thing Luca ever wants to hear or talk about.

Luca sighed yet again. His thumb shook while he was trying to hit the call button. But Luca couldn't. He can't have a conversation with his dad near Shu. Not in hundreds of years, no.

Shu opened the classroom door. He saw Luca standing there with what looked like Luca was about to cry. Shu didn't know what was going on, but he didn't care. Sure he cares about his friends, but to him, he has non. Luca is just this person trying to protect him. Someone that is like a tick stuck onto a dog.

"Were you waiting long?" Shu said looking at Luca with a soft fake smile.

"No, not long. Just got here around five minutes ago. I lost track of time." Shu nodded.

That was a lie. Shu knows that Luca was standing here for a while. Maybe with Mysta or Ike to company him. It has been around for at least an hour Luca has been waiting.

'Did he ditch class? Most likely. Was it a free period? Do we even have them?' Shu asked himself.

'What is Luca even trying to hide? Probably a lot of things. I shouldn't think about it too much.' Shu thought again. He looked at Luca again and sighed.

"Let's go get lunch, okay?" Shu suggested, and Luca simply agreed.

Luca puts his phone in his pocket, walking alongside Shu as they're going to the cafeteria.

Shu looked around. There was something bugging him. There's no way he could just ask Luca this out of nowhere in front of thousands of people.

Shu grabbed Luca by the tie, dragging him into the boy's bathroom and into a stall, locking it.

"Luca. Why do you follow me around? Why are you so freaking interested in everything I do!? Why. Why is there a case about me? What exactly is Mysta freaking planning!? Huh!? I need my answers. I don't have time for you to be all confused. So just tell me." Shu shouted out most of what he was saying. He was confused, at least in Luca's eyes Shu was or was the most important right now.

Luca stood there. His eyes were focused on Shu. Luca was trying to understand where Shu was coming from, then again... He and Luca were like strangers still. Luca is invested in Shu, while Shu just wants to be home and never comes back to school. Luca cupped Shu's face with his hands, never losing eye contact.

"Shu. Do you want me to be honest? Because I'll be f****** honest with you." Luca's breathing began to be deep breaths in and out. He was scared, but how could he not be? What he was thinking could get him into a lot of trouble. This. This is a one-sided love. It's just Luca wanting to protect the man he loves, while Shu wants nothing to do with him. Luca wanted to cry now understanding this. He wanted so badly, but he couldn't resist at least telling Shu how he felt.

Shu didn't answer. He stood there, waiting for the answer. If Luca has an answer that is. If they have to be stuck here forever until the answer spills out, so be it. Luca sighed, then nodded. He pulled Shu closer to him. Luca looked Shu in the eyes, and that was that. Their lips brushed against each other as Luca pulled Shu into a kiss. It was a bit rough, but the kiss seemed as if it had a lot of meaning to it.

A tear fell from Shu's eyes oh so slowly. Shu stood there, trying to think as Luca was kissing him.

Is this really okay? For two guys to kiss?

Shu finally kissed back. Was it because he was scared if he didn't, Luca would raise hell? Now that he's kissing Luca back, does that make Shu seem desperate? Too many thoughts, and way too many tears.

It all started off with a kiss ( Shu x Luca )Where stories live. Discover now