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The night became to an end morning finally made its way around. Shu was fast asleep on his bed, phone in hand still as he was previously watching his vod from the other day. It was Friday morning, as well as the third day of school. Oh, boy Shu had wished today was going to be Saturday instead. He wants the weekend to come around so he can do his homework in peace and not have to do chores after school and be burnt out.

These past few days have been eventful for Shu. Shu did do a stream last night due to him feeling guilty and his fans making a big deal out of it. It was a simple one of him finishing the storyline for a Pokemon game that had a special place in his heart. As the stream ended, Shu decided to look at it to see if there were any improvements that had to be made. He took notes about his stream. Mostly involved audio and the quality of the stream he found out he needed to fix.

Sadly, Shu fell asleep after a good hour. When waking up, Shu opened his phone, looking at the battery percentage. "Shit." He said with a loud sigh. His phone was at a low percentage. To him, having his phone at a good battery level meant he knew by the end of the day, his phone would still have a decently full battery for music and emergencies.

"Shu, are you awake?" His mom said knocking on his door. "Don't worry, I am. I will be downstairs shortly." He spoke with some anger in his voice. His mom could tell something was up, but she didn't know how to respond at the moment. She shook her head with a bit of a sigh before looking at her son's door, disappointed.

Why was she disappointed? That question doesn't have an answer. Not in the moment, not in a second. But she felt disappointed in her only son. "Why did I ever allow him to become a streamer?" She spoke in a quiet voice walking down the stairs. She knew he was constantly stressed with his numbers growing bigger and bigger. "Is my son happy?" She spoke to herself again.

Luckily, Shu didn't hear a single word she had said to herself. Shu looked at the ceiling for a while. He took deep breaths as he decided to think about something that was bothering him. Shu pushed away those thoughts as he slowly got out of bed. One blanket after the next layered on top of each other as Shu neatly made his bed.

His bed looked nice as each blanket complimented the other. Shu neatly placed his stuffed animals on top of his bed. He was proud of his ability to finally make his bed. Normally he would just roll out of bed, but this time, he had the slightest energy to make his bed. And he did a good job at it as well. Shu was smiling to himself proudly still as he got ready for school. Shu took his time putting on his school uniform as he had plenty of time to spare. Shu put his hair up, it was getting hotter where Shu and his mom have been living.

Before going downstairs to get breakfast, Shu made sure to plug his phone into his charger. It most likely won't do much, but something is better than nothing. "Better than nothing," Shu said with a small smile.

"Oh? You put your hair up?" Shu nodded as he poured himself some coffee. "Yeah. It's getting hot, might as well." Shu shrugged while drinking his coffee. "Shu, why did you stay up last night?"

Shu looked over at his mom. "What do you mean? I texted you I was going to stream."

She sighed loudly, something in her clicked, making her nap. "Shu Yamino. Ever since I told you you have my permission to stream, all you have been doing is streaming, streaming, streaming! Why don't you want to spend time with me? All you do is hide in your room. Do I mean anything to you?"

Shu stayed silent. He finished his coffee and then walked away. He grabbed his phone and his charger, making it to the door. "I have spent 15 years under this roof. I am 16 years old. I am almost an adult, so stop treating me like a little kid! If I don't want to spend time with you, I won't!"

Shu walked out the door. Shu felt like he spoke the right words. "I will never understand why mom suddenly lashes out." Shu calmly started walking to school. He had his headphones. Luca began to approach Shu, walking his way.

"Shu!" Luca said with happiness. Shu looked his way as he smiled softly and waved a little. "Oh!? You put your hair up?"

Shu walked towards Luca as they began to walk together. "It's getting hotter. I might as well." Shu spoke while fixing the ponytail. "Your hair looks nice up like that." Luca smiled brightly while saying that, Shu only nodded as he yawned. "I shouldn't have had coffee in one sitting." Luca stopped walking. He knew something was up. "Did something happen? You brought coffee two days in a row and now you finished it at home?"

Shu looked at him. "Can I stay over this weekend?" Luca didn't question it. "Yeah. If you don't want to see your mom, you can stay. My parents would love you..." Shu mumbled a quick "thank you" which Luca was able to hear.

"Hey, Luca? Why do you try so hard to know more about me? What is there about me you are lingering to know?" Shu stopped to tell Luca and Luca turned around to see Shu.

"You helped me get to school. You're a new face I find interesting." This was an awkward situation for Luca. How do friendships even happen in the first place? Isn't it by someone finding interest in the other and then just clicking?

"Alright," Shu said going back to walking to school. Luca ran a bit catching up with Shu. "Luca!" A voice cried out as Ike and others began to approach Shu and Luca. "Oh?"

It all started off with a kiss ( Shu x Luca )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें