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Luca had been looking everywhere for Shu. Ike described what Shu looked like to Luca. After hearing about all the information provided by Ike, he darted off. Luca began looking everywhere. His hair was down completely and sweat began dripping down his forehead slowly. Luca stood in a middle of a hallway, panting. Luca was like a dog constantly playing fetch with his owner. Running around everywhere trying to chase something. Though, the difference between playing fetch and searching for someone are two completely different things.

Luca wanted to make sure his friend was okay. That he was safe. He wanted Shu to be okay. Luca knew this was going to take a while, he didn't care one bit though. How his other friends felt that he was searching for a complete stranger in their eyes. Shu wasn't a complete stranger to Luca. More like someone Luca wanted to know a whole bunch and get close to. He knew he couldn't force that upon the other, so he didn't want to try to get close to Shu. He wanted their friendship to go slow.

Though, Luca had no idea how to make new friends. He grew up with Ike, Mysta, and Vox since childhood almost. Went to the same school and it all naturally happened. But that was then and this is now. Luca didn't give up after searching for such a long time. Why would he give up anyways? Shu was Luca's friend after all. At least that is what Luca is trying to convince himself too. Maybe a stranger I'd what Shu is that Luca feels the need to protect.

Luca cared for Shu. He didn't care if Shu felt the same about Luca just yet. Luca wanted Shu to feel as if he was important. And to Luca, Shu is important. Luca needed to return the favor to Shu somehow. So why not be there for Shu when he needs someone most? Luca finally started looking in bathrooms after spending so much time running through the main buildings.

Luca was covered in sweat. But who was he to care about how he smelled right now? Luca stepped into the bathroom, looking around, though no one was around. He suddenly heard sobs. Luca stood there, trying to come to his senses. How he should deal with this? It wasn't every day Luca had heard someone cry. Luca's footsteps started becoming softer. He looked down at a stall and saw Shu sitting there.

"Shu... Are you there?" Luca asked softly. Shu's sobs began to become quieter. He was embarrassed, hating the fact Luca was there and he could hear him. "Shu?" Luca asked again, but this time, he sat down on the floor. He was disgusted by sitting down on the floor, but if it was for Shu, he would do almost anything. "Shu... I'm here for you, okay?" Luca admitted and looked down. He sighed softly, wondering why he was like this so suddenly. Would he do this for the others? Or is Shu just this important?

She stayed silent. Why was Luca being so kind to him? Was it because he was weak at this moment? "Come out when you want to, I'll wait for you," Luca said calmly as he looked up, letting his sweat slowly go down his body, panting just a bit as he was trying to catch his breath.

Luca saw Shu as a friend, so he was going to trust him like one. If he saw a friend who was in trouble, he would drop everything for them. He didn't care if Shu and he just met that day. Shu is his friend. He didn't care that they have known each other for a little while.

Luca waited... And waited... Shu didn't want to budge from that spot. Luca didn't care. Not one bit. He didn't mind skipping classes just to be there for a friend. Of course, his other friends were concerned. But they knew it was something important. And Luca being Luca. Which is completely fine in their book. Luca was still disgusted by the floor, but whatever.

Shu mattered most at this moment. "Still... There?" Shu asked Luca.

"Of course," Luca said softly. Not wanting to raise his voice in excitement. Just for Shu.

Shu finally opened the stall door. Luca pulled Shu in for a hug. He held him close. Luca knew something was wrong. Shu was in his lap, legs wrapped around Luca's waist and his arms wrapped around his neck.

Shu felt... Safe? Luca made Shu feel safe. They were lucky no one walked into this bathroom. To see this embarrassing moment. To see how Shu was in Luca's lap.

Shu wasn't the type to cry about his stupid emotions. Being overwhelmed triggered something in him. It's okay to be this overwhelmed. It's okay to cry. It's okay to feel whatever you are feeling. You will never be alone. Crying is a normal emotion. Let it out... It's okay. Luca stayed there. Shu was in his arms, quiet and just accepting the other hugging him.

Luca felt bad. His friend was there in his arms crying his eyes out. He hated this. He hated feeling this bad as he wished to take Shu's pain away. Luca didn't know what was up with Shu, but Luca didn't need answers. He only needed Shu to be there and feel safe at this moment.

"It must be overwhelming. First days can do this to you. I believe this isn't fair. It makes me mad how schools pressure so much on you. We are only teens, right? We shouldn't be pressured about our future. And not all of us may have such easy futures. Some.. May not have one at all." Luca paused, sighing.

"I hated my first day of middle school. Being bullied, having no friends. I was lonely at first, but slowly... Friends came along. We worked on our friendships with each other, making sure everyone was okay. That's what makes friends special. The real ones will stay. Others may be a bad or good memory that could help us change for the best... Maybe worst even, but it's always good for you to be your best you and never be someone who you are not."

Luca spoke a lot and Shu didn't mind. He listened the whole time. He listened carefully. Each word. How each word went out of Luca's mouth. Shu pulled back, looking at Luca. "I hate it here. But thank you." Shu spoke. "Thank you.." Shu spoke.

Luca didn't know what Shu was talking about, so he pulled Shu back into an embrace after giving him a quick peck on the head. "I'm here. I get it, school sucks. But if you need someone... I am here." Luca spoke up proudly.

It all started off with a kiss ( Shu x Luca )Where stories live. Discover now