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"Mysta?" Ike called his boyfriend. "Why are you so invested in Luca and Shu?"

Mysta sighed. "Shu randomly showed up at school, I am curious about why he was locked up for so long. Don't forget, I am a detective. All I am doing is trying to solve a case." He exclaimed. Ike sighed, disappointed in what his boyfriend responded with. "Is it a legal case though?" Ike questioned.

"No, but I do have my reasons for why," Mysta responded with. Sure he may be selfish, but to Mysta, this case was important. No matter who stops him, he won't let them get in his way.

"But, you are being selfish. All you are doing is hunting down a person you barely know life to find answers, getting the mafia into this. THE MAFIA? How stupid do you have to be to get Luca's family into this? All we have done is give Luca a real home. But hey, you pushed him to his limits, making Luca hate you." Ike stated, a tone in his voice making it obvious he was mad at his boyfriend for his actions.

Mysta stayed quiet.

Ike looked at his own boyfriend, disappointed. Ike didn't seem to want anything with Mysta. Of course, yes he was pissed off. This situation was one Ike never wanted to be involved in. A situation where he felt like his life was in danger. A life-or-death situation.

Lunch ended. Shu still sat where he was eating. Shu touched his lip, remembering how Luca kissed him. It didn't leave his mind, but Shu wanted it to. He wanted that kiss gone. He didn't like it. He even hated it. It felt wrong to kiss his 'friend'. Shu sat there for about a good three minutes after the bell rang. Shu panicked, he cleaned up his plate, putting the dish on the rack for the lunch people to get them and clean them.

Shu rushed to his next class. His next class was English, and he sits right next to Luca. Luca.. Fuck. Of course. The person he is afraid of looking at right now. The person he fears right now even is going to be in his next class. Anxiety. Anxiety rushed over Shu's body.

"I want to die." We're the first thoughts that came across Shu's mind. He didn't want to actually die but die in the moment. He didn't want to live the next hour being next to someone that kissed him. Another man even. Shu's first kiss was his 'friend', a friend that didn't feel like a real friend.

Avoiding. Avoiding one another. All from a kiss? Was it because of the kiss, or because of Mysta? If it is because of the kiss, it feels like a dumb reason, but also a good reason as well. Kisses can end up awkward for two, and that was probably Shu's and Luca's case. That has to be it. Shu sighed as he still walked. Shu opened his phone and put a song on that he thought would make his day somewhat better.

Him walking felt like it took forever. This whole day feels like forever. Everything felt like it was all his fault suddenly for showing up at this random school oh so suddenly.

Shu was able to make his way to class. As he got there, the blonde-haired man spotted his eyes. There he was, sitting there. Luca sat in his assigned seat, Shu taking the seat next to him.






Shu was scared. Scared of how Luca may see him now. Scared Luca is going to say something. He wanted to cry. Cry his eyes out with how scared he was of Luca right now. Shu took a deep breath. "H-" cut off. No. He wasn't. He couldn't speak. It's all fine.


It's not.

Luca watched Shu as he sat down, worried as he looked at Shu. It looked like Shu hadn't been eating recently. Shu sat down, turning off the music and putting his phone away as he saw the teacher walk in.

"Did you eat?" Luca asked, showing that he still cares.

"Yes?" Shu answered.

"Eat when you can," Luca said as he looked at Shu with a soft smile.

"Am I still staying at your house today?" Shu asked hesitantly, and Luca nodded. "I'll pick you up from your last class and we can go to one of my houses."

One of them.

Shu forgot that Luca is rich. A rich mafia son. Of course. Of course.. Of course... Shu forgot. Forgot how much of a threat Luca really could be. A house. A house where Luca's parents could find him. Shu is an outsider. Not one of them. It would be okay if Luca's other friends are able to stay nights.

Shu sat there, listening to the lesson. He listened and listened. Thinking about everything that could happen after school. It's as if his life is in danger.

It is.

It is as if he knows that Mysta and Luca are going through his records. Looking through everything. Trying to figure everything out. But why would one care? Why..

Shu shouldn't have listened. It would have been for the best if he didn't hear Luca's voice and was concerned. Why exactly did Shu care? It shouldn't matter now. What matters is that he gets done taking notes.

Luca looked over, writing a small "good job" and going back to his own work.

Shu looked at it, smiled, and went back to what he was doing.

"See you." Luca said, walking off has ended.


That is what Shu wanted to say, but still, he could speak as he was scared. Scared of Luca. Shu put his air pod back in his ear, listening to music to make him worry just a little less. He walked for what felt like forever to get to class. He walked and walked.

He got there, standing. He couldn't move his body. Shu wanted so badly, but he couldn't, he just couldn't.

"Shu? Why are you standing there? Are you okay?" Ike asked as he saw Shu standing there in front of the art building.

"I don't.. I don't know." He answered.

It all started off with a kiss ( Shu x Luca )Where stories live. Discover now