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A month passed by like air and Cordelia was back to normal, her breakdown however was fresh in both her and Remus' mind. But neither of them talked about it. Even when next day Remus found Cordelia with a joint between her lips on the roof outside his chamber, they didn't talk about it, in fact, as Cordelia vaguely remembers, that morning felt almost surreal.

That morning Remus was stressed and barely had the energy, he thought that Cordelia left so he went outside with a joint between his own fingers and got the shocked when he saw Cordelia there as well, smoking.

"you smoke, since when?" he asked quietly, eyeing the joint between her lips when he saw her and she shrugged as she took hold of the joint in between her slender fingers and muttered as smoke slipped through her lips, "starting of the year."

Remus could sense a lingering smell of blueberries.

She was mildly surprised when he didn't seem to mind her smoking and even more surprised that he, himself was smoking. She never saw him smoke before she asked just as quietly as he sat down next to her, "what about you?"

"fourth year." he replied shortly and settled.

 Both of them sat in a comfortable silence, gazing at the scenery until the wake up bell rang and Cordelia stood up, Remus looked up at her, examining her as she dusted her pants off and turned, "well then, that's my cue to leave."

Remus nodded then, that was a peaceful morning and perhaps the only morning that whole year being that calm.

At present, Cordelia found herself face to face with fierce red hair, freckles and two identical grins, "to what do we owe the pleasure, raven?" Fred said.

Cordelia rolled her eyes and let her hairs take a blonde colour.

"ughh, you look like Malfoy now, turn it back." they both whined in unison and Cordelia smirked, she was aware that she looked like Draco with blonde hair and striking mercury eyes. The only difference was the amber flecks that were present in Cordelia's eyes and blue-green flecks in Draco's eyes, but they were only visible when proper lightening was provided.

"I need a favour from both of you." Cordelia said, very serious.

The two boys grinned, "why fear when Forge and Gred are here!"

Cordelia smiled a little, this was it. This was the moment her plan starts, the ultimate plan which will help uncover the truth. It had many casualties but Cordelia was sure, even with the casualties, the plan will lead them right where she wants to.

"I want you to give this to Harry," she said.

Fred and George looked on with curiosity at the blank, old parchment in Cordelia's hand, "what is that?"

This time Cordelia broke into a wide grin which soon turned into a smirk, "I trust you are good actors, because this, dear fellas is...."

She waited a moment for the sake of suspense and said, "the Marauder's Map"

.•♫•♬• °•• •♬•♫•.

Cordelia was once again prohibited to go to Hogsmeade because apparently, the dementors wouldn't take too kindly to her and she was not too happy about it.

Nonetheless, she spent her time in various ways, practicing quidditch, having tea with her father and planning with...her other father.

She was with Castor since he had a break and the pair sat in the courtyard, bundled up because Remus made her.

The grounds were covered in a thick layer of snow painting them a sparkling white in which the Christmas decorations added life with the shades of greens and reds.

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