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Cordelia took a step back in horror and slight confusion. Evryone watched with wide eyes as the boggart stepped closer. Cordelia didn't know what to feel.

She took in a shaky breathe as she faced her boggart, the same black hair, the same grey eyes, the same twisted mind.

Cordelia looked at herself in front of her.

Her boggart was herself.

Remus was shocked, Cordelia was scared of her own self? Why? Cordelia stared as the boggart's eyes started glowing red and sounds of popping of bones started echoing through the room as everyone watched with bated breathes.

The boggart laughed loudly as her fingernails grew and her teeth elongated, blood started trailing along her lips down her neck. Then some more figures appeared, Remus, Snape, Dane, Enzo, Draco, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Cedric, Parvati and lastly Castor laying on the ground.

Some of their eyes were scratched out, some of their hearts pulled out from there chest, some had hole in their stomach and Cordelia just laughed.

Cordelia's eyes widened and she realised what her fear was, she was scared of herself. she was scared one day she would hurt everyone she loved. She was scared she wouldn't be able to control herself.

She was scared of herself.

The golden trio at that moment realised just how broken Cordelia was. Their eyes welled up and they waited for Cordelia to do something. Then the figures disappeared.

The duplicate spoke, "you did this." She trailed a hand down the scar running down her face.

"You killed yourself." She said, the three words meant more than one could comprehend. All of a sudden, she started crying, "you killed me." She said in a small voice.

"N—no, I didn't."

"Yes, you did, you killed her." Julius and Enzo stumbled back in shock. The duplicate was talking about her.

"Because you were angry." She said.

Cordelia's chest started tightening and she felt herself panting.

"I didn't, I did it to protect him!" Everyone thought the duplicate was talking about Cordelia killing herself, only the lunar marauders understood.

Though, they didn't understand, why was it scaring Cordelia? She didn't even flinch when she killed her.

"You killed me! You killed me!" The duplicate started yelling, her eyes glowing once again and this time when another figure appeared, it was only Harry.

"You failed her." The duplicate said, plunging her hand straight inside Harry's chest. Cordelia snapped back into reality at that moment and regained her composure, or tried to.

She yelled, "no, i didn't. I would never." But Harry's figure turned into a red headed women, "you did. You didn't fulfill your promise." She said.

Harry gasped, it was his mother. Remus' breath hitched.

The figure once again disappeared, leaving only the duplicate Cordelia. Eyes red, blood thirsty beast. "Are you angry?" She laughed like a psychopath.

This time Cordelia looked back with determined eyes, she stepped forward.

"No, I'm disappointed. Disappointed that I believed in you, thinking that I am actually all that you said. I get it now, I'm scared of myself. I'm scared because I don't know what I'm capable of, I'm scared I might hurt the people I love. In anger but I know, I know that I would never. I will kill but never hurt these people behind me."

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