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"Cordelia! Guess what?" Julius said, entering the dorm where Cordelia laid on the bed with a book.

"What?" Cordelia sat up and placed a bookmark in the page

Julius grinned at her and suddenly there was a grand fox, it's fur shining. It was pure white. It then turned back to Julius with a smile.

"Seff! Congrats!" She said as the boy hugged her.

"My turn." Enzo said. Once again, he disappeared and in his place, a giant black panther stood proudly. It turned back into Enzo and he jumped on the bed. They had finished the process in the summer break but couldn't transform properly but now they could and they couldn't be more happy.

"Cian, that was amazing. But you are a feline."

"I know."

"Well, we better go to the feast now."

The three walked down to the feast, having the time of their lives when Cordelia heard someone say, "yeah, that murderer. I reckon Cordelia helped him." Everyone knew what that person was talking about and Cordelia found herself being stared at by the whole Weasley family, Harry, Hermione, Parvati, Castor, Julius and Enzo.

Cordelia rolled her eyes, putting down her fork.

"Cordelia..." Harry started, "you okay?"

The golden trio knew that Cordelia was after all Sirius' daughter so they made sure not to talk about him in front of her. Cordelia even though wanting to ignore Harry, said.

"Perfect." She said, they still stared at her in concern, "really, I don't care. I don't even know him properly." Cordelia was successful in avoiding Harry till now but she knew she had to talk to him one day.

"Fine," Fred said, going back to his conversation with Jordan. The rest looked away after some time.

Castor however caught her eyes and glanced at Parvati who already went back to eating. She shook her head and the boy sighed.

The feast was great, the ghost entertained the students and Draco once shouted something about Dementors to Harry which resulted him in getting a smack from Cordelia. But everything was fine until the feast was finally over.

The lunar trio waited outside the great hall, wanting to go to Remus' quarters as he and the other teachers sat watching the students get out of the hall. The teachers stood up when they knew all the students were gone and walked down the hall to the great oak doors where Cordelia and her friends were waiting.

All of a sudden a student barged into the hall, yelling, "headmaster! Something happened to the fat lady."

The teacher's eyes widened and they rushed out of the hall. Cordelia looked at her friends with a done expression, "more drama, guys." She rolled her eyes and the other two let out a frustrated groan before they ran after the teachers.

They went outside to see Remus, Severus and Minerva waiting for them while Dumbledore went forward. When they entered the adults grabbed each one of them and ran fast. Remus grabbed Cordelia's hand, Snape grabbed Julius and Minnie grabbed Enzo.

All of them ran fast and reached right when Dumbledore turned around with somber eyes.

"We need to find her," said Dumbledore. "Professor McGonagall, please go to Mr. Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."

"You'll be lucky!" said a cackling voice.

It was Peeves the Poltergeist, bobbing over the crowd and looking delighted, as he always did, at the sight of wreckage or worry.

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