[72] The Thing About Harajuku (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

Kaminari's smile was frozen on his face. "What?"

Kaminari remembered the first time he officially met Shinsou. The guy was just as handsome as he was rude. Unfortunate.

It had also been the first time you extended your help to Shinsou. You'd literally dragged Kaminari along with you.

He had been the one to get you out of Shinsou's hair. Temporarily, anyway.

"I think you've just gotta take 'no' for an answer. It can't be helped. If he doesn't want it, then he doesn't want it."

The way Kaminari broke it to you had been a little harsh, but it was only in your best interest.

Maybe Kaminari hadn't been harsh enough.

He screeched, "Shinsou!?"

You nodded. "Shinsou."

Todoroki's mood soured again. "Shinsou..."

Kaminari started shaking you by the shoulders.

"You can't keep doing this!"

"What have I been doing?"

"Don't give me that!"

"What am I giving you?"

"Stop that!"

"Stop wh–?"

Kaminari went to sit in a corner. Mushrooms began to grow around him.

He sobbed, "No one listens to me!"

From a distance, Tokoyami turned up his beak and solemnly recited, "I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me..."

Kirishima ran to hug him. "Aw, Tokoyami, that's not true!"

Tokoyami's feathers fluffed up in alarm.

He backed away. "Wait, wait, wait–!"

In Kaminari's corner, Bakugou shuffled over to kick him in the butt.

"Quit growing shrooms in front of someone else's store!"

Kaminari clung onto Bakugou's leg. "You don't understand! I told him so many times, and– and then he goes and–!"

"Get off me, shithead!"

Kirishima audibly gasped. He was trapping poor Tokoyami in a bear hug.

"Bakugou, be nice!"

"Fuck off!"

Tokoyami wheezed, "The darkness! It closes in!"

Kirishima let go. "Oh, whoops!"

The other boy fell to the floor. He was a small heap of black feathers.

"Sorry 'bout that, Tokoyami!"

"I was... making a Queen reference..."

"Huh? The Queen of England isn't real, silly goose!"

Tokoyami didn't even know what to say to that.

You appeared next to Kirishima. "Tokoyami is not a silly goose."

Thank goodness. At least someone was defending Tokoyami.

"He is a silly crow."

Tokoyami felt your betrayal in the depths of his deep, dark soul. "None of you are seeing Heaven!"

"What is Heaven?"

A few more of your classmates left the shop and you wandered over to them. Thank fuck. Now Tokoyami could catch a break.

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