After awhile she came back with jeans, converse and a button up shirt... I frowned; it's kind of my style. How old is her dad, 25?

I changed after I thanked her and walked downstairs along with Francis. She had her hair into a messy bun. I really liked how she looked like. She's a carefree girl. No makeup, sweats and vans. She looks stunning.

Francis POV

"What do you mean you don't have ice cream?!" I almost yell at the cashier. She raised an eyebrow at me and I crossed my arms against my chest. How could you not have ice cream at 8am?

"Ma'am, we prepare the ice cream on the afternoon. Ice cream is not part of the breakfast menu."

I rolled my eyes, "You're supposed to eat ice cream in any time of the day!"

Liam held my hand, "Stop insisting, and just let it go."

I sighed, "Fine"

We sat with our breakfast on the table and started eating.

"So, still not going to work until when?" Liam asked before taking a sip from his coffee.

I shrugged, "Until my cold decides to leave my body. I'm missing Eleanor."

"How about your friend Mia?" Liam asked. "Mia, was it?"

I shrugged again. "We're not friends anymore."

It wasn't my fault that Mia didn't like Eleanor. Spending too much time with Eleanor instead of her made her angry and stopped talking to me, so... I guess we aren't friends anymore.

His phone buzzed and picked it up after excusing himself. While he talked I ate my pancakes and scrambled eggs.

"Oi, Francis are you interested on going on a football game today with us?" Liam said excited after he hung up.

"What teams are playing?" I asked amused. I love sports, but not as much as photography. You get my point.

"Since the band is free for a week, Louis decided to play football. Eleanor always plays with us but she can't today, do you want to join?" Liam sounded begging. I nodded excited.

Niall's POV

We were on a park, gladly the fans weren't around and no sign of the paparazzi. The boys were stretching themselves while I did tricks with the ball.

"Why Eleanor is not coming?" Zayn asked Louis.

"She's taking her photos today, so Francis is playing for her."

I heard Harry whistle and say, "You hear that, leprechaun? You're true love is coming." He mocked me.

Harry exaggerated, but I feel something towards Francis. Not love, not yet. She's very beautiful and kind. But why would Liam spent the night there? Did they like each other? I would like to know before falling in love with my best mate's crush.

The look he had on his eyes when he saved Francis... I noticed Liam has feelings for her.

"We're here!" I heard Liam yell. He was running towards us with Francis next to him.

It felt like they met before. I can see it by the way they treat each other.

"Good, we're just stretching!" I said and flexed my muscles on purpose for Francis could see.

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