First "I Love You"

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(Prompt: First "I Love You")

The truth. Luka wanted that more than anything. But he knew the identity rule. He knew that Chat Noir was just doing as he was told. It was supposed to be for their safety. That reasoning didn't quite work out in Luka's mind. He was Viperion. He was already on the villain's radar. Chat Noir was obviously one of Shadowmoth's main targets. Would Chat Noir revealing his identity to his boyfriend really put either of them in more danger than they already were?


The longer they were together, the less the rule made sense to either of them.

Chat Noir had admitted he knew who Viperion was under the mask. Luka assumed Ladybug told him or that Chat Noir had simply seen her giving him the Miraculous at some point. It was a bit odd that Chat hadn't given him the opportunity to ask why or how he knew, but he let it slide. At least now there was one less secret between them.

Still despite how much they enjoyed each other's company it was like neither of them could push past the obvious barrier.

They were dating. They were happy.

Yet their relationship felt like an endless loop of Second Chance. Good times, deep conversations, laughter, cuddling, occasional kisses, but then there would always be the rule getting in the way.

It was apparent in all of the conversations where Chat Noir would suddenly let his voice trail off. He would be talking one moment excitedly and then realize what he was about to say could reveal too much. Every time it happened, it sounded like a record scratch in Viperion's mind. One thing Luka knew for sure, was that Chat Noir craved freedom. Yet, the rule restricted him.

The person beneath Chat Noir's mask was the one that Luka adored. There was no doubt what he felt was love. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to utter the exact words. Oh, he'd tell Chat Noir how much he admired him, how incredible he was, how his smile lit up the Parisian night, how his inner melody could make Luka's heart soar... but the three words Luka wanted to utter the most felt off limits.

On a Saturday morning patrol together the rule came between them again. Chat Noir was talking excitedly about a funny moment between him and his kwami. Viperion listened with a smile. He loved how enthusiastic his boyfriend could be.

Chat's eyes lit up as he told the story. "And Plagg and I were playing..."

The hero clamped his mouth shut. His mood shifting suddenly from excitement to frustration.

Viperion watched as the light faded from his eyes only to be replaced with a downcast look. "Chat..."

"It's fine."

"It isn't really. I'm tired of this and so are you." Viperion stated honestly.

Chat Noir sighed. "It's not fair that the person I'm the most comfortable around. The person I feel like I can talk to about anything... I can't. It's not because of you or me or that I don't trust you. It's because I'm still trying to follow this stupid rule."

"We're both holding back because of it. I want to get to know you better than I can with this secret in the way."

"It's so hard for me." Chat Noir bit his tongue. He wanted to just tell Luka he knew him as a civilian outside of the mask. "God, I can't even explain why."

"We've been through this before, babe." Viperion gently reminded him. "I won't ask you to break that rule if you don't want to."

"You know I want to."

"Yeah... I know you do. You know what I mean, but despite that you're trying to keep following it. That is your decision. Not mine."

"Is it my decision or is it really the Guardian's?" Chat Noir looked down at his boots. "I-I have somewhere I need to be soon."

Viperion was about to assure him, at the end of the day, the decision was his to make. But he didn't get a chance to say anything more before Chat Noir jumped from the rooftop and started vaulting away with his baton.

There was more to this conversation. So many words left unsaid hanging in the air. But if Chat needed space Viperion would respect that.


Chat Noir ran away before he could blurt out his identity then and there. If he would have stayed on that rooftop a moment longer Viperion wouldn't have to wonder any more. The truth was on the tip of his tongue.

So, he ran.

Once home and detransformed, Adrien felt irritable. How many times was he going to have to completely shut himself down around Luka? No one made him feel more free, yet the identity rule stopped him from embracing that freedom. With Luka, he just wanted to be an open book. Yet, his boyfriend wasn't even allowed to know his name outside of the mask.

It wasn't fair.

Luka was the one he loved. He wanted to tell him that outright. But how could he say those words when he was required to hide so much? Adrien wasn't stupid. He could see the hurt in Viperion's eyes. Every time he shut down to hide his identity was like a stab to his boyfriend's heart.

He was hurting Luka. He was hurting himself.

The identity rule was supposed to protect him from physical danger. Yet his heart was in pain from the very rule meant to protect him.

Adrien fed Plagg a piece of Camembert and looked to the window. It was still open from when he'd returned just minutes prior.

"You have an hour until your practice time." Plagg said knowingly. "But something tells me you're going to show up early."

"I love him, Plagg." Adrien held his hand to his heart. "I love him and I want to tell him, but I feel like I can't even do that much. How can I when he doesn't even know my name?"

"Kid. We've talked through this so many times." Plagg flew close to his holder. "And now I'm telling you this... Luka, he's a good guy. I trust him. I'm not worried about that. But if you reveal yourself it's gonna be complicated to keep your identity from the Guardian. She knows who Viperion is. You can't let her catch Luka or Viperion dating Adrien Agreste. Or you'd also be revealing Chat Noir's identity to her. Understand? It's possible, but you have to be careful with this."

Adrien's green eyes widened. "That advice sounds more like approval..."

Plagg shrugged. "You deserve to be happy. I'm tired of you being sad because of this."

"Thanks, Plagg!" The blonde's face broke into a wide grin.

Adrien transformed into Chat Noir and jumped from his window. He did actually have somewhere to be, Kitty Section had practice in an hour. He ran towards the liberty as fast as his feet could take him, determined to show up before anyone else. He thought about all of the times he had to hide things about his life and all of the looks Luka gave him as he closed himself off.

No more.

Some rules were meant to be broken.

Where do I start?

His mind raced as he traveled across the rooftops.

Do I go as Chat Noir?

He lowered himself down to an alley nearby.

No. I can't do that, Adrien is supposed to be at practice.

Chat Noir detransformed.

I'm going to tell him who I am!

He ran towards The Liberty.

If I tear this wall down...

Adrien ran as fast as he could. Excitement fueling his feet.

If I tell him this...

The blonde saw Luka ahead and didn't slow down.

Then I can finally tell him...

Suddenly, he was onboard The Liberty.

Luka was in the middle of tuning his guitar. He turned towards the blonde curiously.

"I LOVE YOU!" Adrien confessed as he leaned forward and put his hands on his knees and tried to catch his breath.

The guitarist blinked at the outburst.

Heat flared in Adrien's cheeks as he blushed furiously. He stood up straight and waved his hands in front of himself. "I um... I didn't mean to start there! I mean it. I love you! But I should've led into that with some context right? Haha!"

The guitar was sat down gently. "Adrien?"

In the mixture of excitement and nerves Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and rambled. "The piano! This morning Plagg and I we played the piano. And he had put some Camembert inside of it, because he's Plagg so of course he would, and it made the most ridiculous sound when the hammer struck the strings near it and it was hilarious and I couldn't finish telling you that this morning because it would have been a hint to my identity because we know each other and you know I play the piano but I just don't care about that anymore! I trust you so much. I love you so much! And I don't want to keep secrets from you. I can't do it anymore, Luka!"

Adrien's vision was blurred from watery eyes, overwhelmed with relief of letting the truth be known.

Luka brought his hands up to caress Adrien's face and brushed away the tears. Blue eyes met green. Then the guitarist breathed out his name like it was sacred. "Adrien."

"I meant for this to be a little less all over the place." Adrien laughed at himself.

"It's you. All this time. It's been you." Luka laughed with him in relief. He pressed their foreheads together. "I love you, too. I hoped it was you. I thought it might have been. Your songs were just two parts of the same melody."

"Should have known you'd suspect me." Adrien smiled. "No one gets me like you do."

When Luka pulled back and looked at Adrien's lips, Plagg nudged his holder. Adrien chuckled lightly. "Anyone else home? We can't let anyone know we're together as civilians. Ladybug could find out my identity. She doesn't want to know. And on the other side of my complicated life there's the press... and yeah..."

Adrien gestured to a billboard with his face plastered on it. If the press found out they'd be in his business and he'd rather not deal with that.

"Oh, that all of that tracks. But Jules went to meet up with Rose and Mom's not home." Luka took a deep breath and dropped his hands to his sides. He looked into Adrien's eyes without the influence of the Miraculous. "Hmm. Your eyes are gorgeous outside of the mask too."

"Everyone else will be here soon, right?" Adrien reminded them both.

"We have some time." Luka closed the distance between them again.

Adrien continued. "I've been hiding our relationship outside of the masks for a while. I know it's going to be difficult for us both now that we know. I—-OOF!"

Luka grabbed the front of Adrien's shirt and pulled him below deck into one of the other rooms.

"Well then, I better kiss you before they get here. You think you can finally break down this giant thing that's been between us and not make me want to kiss you senseless?" Luka reached around to embrace Adrien. "Surely you know me better than that, my muse."

Adrien's arms wrapped around his boyfriend and he excitedly met Luka's lips halfway. They both poured their love and relief into the contact. After all, this was the first time they were kissing without being transformed.

Finally, there were no secrets between them. Now, what remained was the secret they shared.

Lukadrien Fluffuary 2023 (A Collection of One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now