Love Letter

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(Prompt: Love Letters)

When Luka opened his guitar case he hadn't been expecting to see a folded up piece of paper laying tucked under the neck of the instrument. He pulled it out and examined it. On the front, his name was written in a familiar handwriting. Luka sat down on the bed and unfolded it to reveal a letter.


I know we haven't been dating very long, but I wanted to leave a little something for you. Since we've been together I feel like there's more joy in my life, more depth, more freedom, more understanding. Just being around you more has made my life better. I love our conversations. I love playing music with you. I love your heart. I love your mind. I love your smile. I love your eyes.

I love YOU!

And sure, I could have just sent you a message or told you in person, I guess. It's not like this is the first time I've told you I love you. But look? Now it's documented! I saw your guitar case open and there was a notebook laying around. I guess I just couldn't resist.

Just like I can't resist you.

Too cheesy?

For me? Never.

You should be used to that by now, m'love.

Besides the only thing I have to write with is this pen. I couldn't erase any of this if I wanted to.

And I don't want to.

So, I'll write it again.

I love you.

- Adrien

Luka read over the letter several times, his heart fluttered in his chest. It was so Adrien that he had no trouble reading it in his boyfriend's voice. The writing was sloppier than he'd seen from his boyfriend in the past. Indicative of just how spontaneous the decision to write the note was. The fact that Adrien just wrote it honestly, quickly, and left it for him?

That struck a chord.

Despite their relationship being fairly new, it had a depth of one much older. He'd seen Adrien with walls up. With all the guy had been through, Luka understood why they existed. But that was with the public. That was with people that made Adrien hesitate or question himself. People who he was careful to not say the wrong things around.

Those walls didn't exist between the two of them. Neither one felt the need to hide things, their secret identities were out of the way before they started dating. Both of them expressed themselves freely. Perhaps to the point where other people would call it oversharing. But the mutual trust and love between them was so natural. It just felt right.

For Adrien to trust him so readily with his heart, was something that Luka would never take for granted. He brought the note close to his chest, read it again, and then folded it back. Luka opened a drawer, full of things from his life that he cherished and added the note to it. 

Lukadrien Fluffuary 2023 (A Collection of One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now