Diner Date

246 4 0

(Prompt 15: Sharing Food)

When Luka walked into the restaurant he felt like he was transported into another place and time. Oldies music poured out from a jukebox in the corner. Red tables and chairs filled the space, on the wall were black and white pictures of various scenes from days gone by. The place looked like a movie from the 1950s. Luka noted the song was in English, and the menu was definitely classic American food.

Then he looked over at his boyfriend, who had arranged to meet him inside. Adrien was wearing jeans, and a pleather jacket with a white t-shirt underneath. His blonde hair was slicked back greaser style.

"So whattaya think?" Adrien said with a wink. He ran his hand over his hair and posed.

Luka couldn't help but blush. He always thought Adrien looked amazing, but when he surprised him with a new look it only served as a reminder of just how handsome he found the blonde.

"You look amazing, babe." He looked down at his own clothes. Luka had unintentionally worn a similar jacket. It was one of his favorites. Of course, Adrien was well aware of this and that it was a cooler, but not rainy day. Luka loved this jacket, but if it rained he normally wore a hoodie.

"So do you. Like always." Adrien replied. "I was hoping you'd wear that, but didn't want to give anything away."

"When you said you had a date idea inspired by a movie we've watched together... it was Grease wasn't it?" Luka realized.

"Yep!" Adrien grinned ear-to-ear.

"I love it." Luka said warmly. His boyfriend's enthusiasm was contagious. "And the food here smells delicious!"

"Come on! Let's order!" Adrien excitedly grabbed him by the arm and pulled him along to the counter. Luka laughed and went along with him.

They ordered some burgers and fries, got their food, and sat down at one of the tables. As it turned out, the food was really incredible.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they ate. Despite only being a couple for a few weeks, the connection they had was easy and natural. Luka always heard melodies from people, and with Adrien it was like he'd found the other part of his own. They shared similar passions for music, were empathetic, and both romantics. It didn't hurt that they had gotten past any secret identity related hurdles, and could confide in each other about those things as well.

"These pictures are fun." Adrien commented as he looked at the black and white photos around the room. "Not that the 50s didn't have plenty of issues for sure, but the aesthetic is nice at least. The cars and things look so different!"

"Yeah." Luka agreed. There was a photo of a guy on stage playing guitar. "It would be nice to have one of those classic guitars someday or maybe build one that looks vintage."

"That would be so cool! I'd love to see your spin on it." Adrien's eyes lit up.

Then those green eyes drifted to another photo and his face shifted to a dreamy expression. Luka turned to follow his boyfriend's gaze and saw that he was looking at a picture of a young couple who sat across the table from each other with a single milkshake between them. The girl and guy exchanged a loving look as they shared the sweet treat through their individual straws. The diner in the photo looked a lot like the one Luka and Adrien found themselves in.

Luka turned back to Adrien who still seemed to be lost in a fantasy. "What flavor?"

Adrien blinked at him. Obviously he was trying to bring himself back into reality. "Huh?"

"What milkshake flavor?" Luka raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh... um" Adrien looked through the flavors on the menu. "I was thinking Oreo sounded good. What were you going to get?"

Instead of answering Luka simply got up and went back to the counter.

"One large Oreo shake, please." Luka glanced back at Adrien for a moment before finishing his order. He held up two fingers, "with two straws."

"You know, I'd probably sell more milkshakes if I took that picture down." The owner said. She was middle aged with a vibe that made Luka feel at home. She looked between the two boys and then to the old picture and smiled as she began putting together the shake. "But I never will. Those two are my parents. That photo inspired this diner. They are still deeply in love to this day! They can't get out much anymore, but stories of their love inspiring others brings them a lot of joy. Can't wait to tell them about you two, it'll make their day!"

"That's beautiful." Luka grinned. "Tell them we're happy to keep the tradition alive."

Once the order was finished Luka brought it back to the table and sat the single milkshake down between him and his boyfriend.

Adrien blushed and couldn't help the soft laugh that escaped him at his own expense. "And here I was daydreaming about this...Guess I don't have to with you around."

"That's what I'm here for." Luka leaned forward and sipped from his straw.

"I adore you, you know that?" Adrien took a drink of his own.

The looks they exchanged mirrored those of the couple on the wall— happy and in love.

In that moment both of them imagined the love they shared lasting that long too.

The picture they took a few moments later was a little different than the one hanging on the wall. It was a selfie and in full color, but they wanted to remember the moment in their own way. Before they left they sent a copy to the diner owner and promised to return to buy more milkshakes to share. 

Lukadrien Fluffuary 2023 (A Collection of One Shots)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu