Secret Identities and Misunderstanding

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(Prompt: Asking For Reassurance)

The akumatized man blasted beams from a camera that froze everyone in poses like statues. Apparently, the superstars on the red carpet weren't giving a photographer the poses he thought they should. They also weren't holding the poses they did give long enough, as far as he was concerned. His frustrations were enough for Shadowmoth to send out an akuma to latch onto those negative emotions.

Paris' most famous model was unfortunately one of the many celebrities at the premiere. Which made him a target.

"Second Chance!" Viperion activated his power and ran to scoop Adrien into his arms. His Miraculous giving him the option to try again if things went wrong.

Adrien's arms wrapped around his neck easily as Viperion carried him away bridal style.

"My hero!" Adrien swooned once they were safely on a rooftop.

Viperion quietly sat him down and looked back towards the chaos. Ladybug was zipping around with her yoyo as the beams fired. He seemed unsure, his shoulders tense.

"You really swept me off my feet!" Adrien tried again flirtatiously to ease his boyfriend's stress.

When no response came Adrien put a hand on Viperion's shoulder. "I know you have to get back to the fight but... something's up. Want to talk about it?"

Viperion shrugged and tried to brush off his feelings. "I think I'm just reading too much into things... don't worry about it. I don't really have time to talk right now anyway."

The blonde crossed his arms and shifted his weight to one foot. "You've activated your power. You have a few minutes then you can reset or have to recharge anyway. We have time. I'm here for you. Something's bothering you. Talk to me."

"Do you-" Viperion paused and took a deep breath. "God. I'm just really overthinking things today or something...Ignore me I'm being stupid."

"You're not being stupid. What is it?"

"Do you still think I'm the right fit for this?" He gestured towards his Miraculous.

"Of course I do!" Adrien's arms uncrossed and he moved closer. "You are a hero. I meant every word I said when I suggested that Ladybug give you the Miraculous. Why are you questioning it?"

Viperion could reset the loop anyway if he wanted to take it back. So why bother holding his feelings in? Even if he didn't go back, Adrien was someone he trusted more than anyone else.

"Sometimes I wonder if it would have been better for you to keep it instead." Viperion admitted.

Adrien scoffed at that. "I tried so many times. There were so many loops. Yet, I failed. Every. Single. Time. How can you think I'd be a better fit than you? I'm not meant for that Miraculous. You are."

"You only failed because Ladybug needed Chat Noir too." Viperion pointed out. "You've told me before he never appeared in any of your loops. He's the one that made the difference."

Pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, Adrien sighed. "You are the one that made the difference."

"Okay, maybe she did need me, but she needed Chat Noir too."

It was true and the one thing that made Adrien not feel so bad about his failures. Yes, he was necessary for the plan. Just not in the way he had hoped back then.

"Okay, you're right, but Ladybug and Chat Noir have called on you so many times since then, because you are good at what you do."

"If you say so." Viperion glanced back at the battle. He could go back in time, grab Adrien and join Ladybug immediately using his power. If he needed to, that is. His Miraculous let him know he still had some time left.

"I know so." Adrien emphasized.

Viperion lifted an eyebrow beneath his mask. Something about the way Adrien said that made it sound like there was more to the story. "You sure you're not just biased because we're together? It's just... how can you be so sure I'm the right fit? There are plenty of other people in Paris. You're not on the team, not that you wouldn't make a great hero yourself. I mean, you'd be amazing with the right Miraculous! Heck, you've saved my life without one. You're a natural! But how can you know how well I really do all of this if you're not seeing it first hand?"

"I'm am biased towards you in a lot of ways. I think you're amazing. You know that. But when it comes to you, as a Miraculous holder? It's just a fact that you are good at what you do. No one could utilize this power as well as you. Besides I was sure when I suggested you get that Miraculous in the first place that you had the qualities of a hero. We weren't dating then." Adrien stated matter-of-factly.

"I guess..." Viperion glanced at the time left again. "Honestly, I'm wondering if Chat Noir doesn't like me being on the team. He acts... different around me. He's a great guy, he'd never want to hurt anyone. It just makes me wonder if he'd like to let someone else try the snake Miraculous instead for a while."

"Stop. Please." Adrien held out his hands. "Are you doubting yourself because Chat Noir is acting weird around you?"

"Well yeah." Viperion admitted. "I'm usually pretty good at reading people. Hearing melodies and all that you know? But his confuses me. He has a wall up with me in particular. Like he's blocking out the tune. What I do hear of it, sounds amazing and almost familiar. I see him interact with others and it's not the same as how he is with me. He's too careful around me. Maybe it's because he doesn't think I should be on the team at all, but he doesn't want to hurt me by letting me know."

"You've got to be kitten me." Adrien muttered as he hung his head and rubbed his temples.

"What was that?" Viperion noticed his boyfriend's hesitation.

The blonde took a deep breath.

"That's not it at all." He began. "He might be holding back around you but not because he doesn't want you on the team or because he thinks someone else would be a better Miraculous holder than you."

"Then why is he so closed off around me?"

"Maybe..." Adrien closed his eyes tightly. When he opened them again there was a decisiveness to his expression. "Maybe he is trying really hard not to flirt with you every time you show up looking amazing in that outfit."

"Huh?" Viperion wasn't expecting this reaction at all.

"Maybe he wants to tell you how purrrrfectly you use your power? Maybe he thinks you are incredible!" Adrien stepped closer to Viperion. "Maybe he's struggling to hold back how much he adores you. Maybe he's tired of pretending you're just another teammate! Maybe he just wants to kiss you after a successful battle!"

"...Adrien?" Viperion didn't know what to say to that.

Adrien looked over at the battle currently happening a few blocks away. Rena had joined Ladybug and they were holding their own, but he really should get over there soon. Viperion's timer was nearly up and he'd need to recharge. Adrien wanted to remember this conversation. He hoped Luka would let the time run out.

"Maybe... Chat Noir was trying to follow the stupid rules and in doing so acted in ways that made you question yourself." Adrien looked deeply into his eyes. The soft gaze made Viperion melt inside. "Maybe he's sick of the rules, especially since they made you feel like you're not the amazing hero and person that you are."

In that moment, the wall Chat Noir had up crumbled. Luka realized the muffled melody behind the wall sounded familiar for a reason. All along, the hidden tune was Adrien's. The Miraculous magic was strong, but Adrien's words let Luka finally see past it.

Viperion's eyes widened as it sunk in. "You..."

A Cheshire Cat grin appeared on Adrien's face when he saw that his boyfriend had put the pieces together. "Me."

It all made sense to Viperion now, and he wasted no time leaning forward and kissing Adrien.

They were interrupted when Viperion's transformation faded.

Luka and Adrien both laughed and pressed their foreheads together.

"So, I guess I was right about you making an amazing superhero then..." Luka laughed as he reached into his pocket to give a snack to Sass. "And really wrong about Chat Noir hating me."

Plagg emerged from his hiding place and teased his holder playfully. "You're so bad at holding in your looOOOoove for him, he thought you hated him. Kid, that is hilarious!"

Adrien rolled his eyes. He knew Plagg was right and he was never going to hear the end of it. "Claws out."

There was a flash of green light and Adrien became Chat Noir.

If he'd had any doubts left they would have vanished then. Luka noticed with amusement that Chat Noir's tail flicked behind him.

Not that Luka would ever pursue another crush while he was dating Adrien, but he couldn't deny he'd been attracted to Chat Noir. Not only that, but he respected him a lot as Paris' protector. Now that he knew the truth, things just made a lot more sense in Luka's heart. His boyfriend never ceased to amaze him.

"I'm in love with you and had to hide it! And what good did that do? You thought I didn't want you on the team?" Chat Noir pouted. "Stupid rules. That's so messed up! I want to be with you as much as possible and not just because you're my boyfriend. I mean it. You are amazing as a Miraculous holder too. I've wanted to tell you the truth for so long."

The feline hero leaned forward for another kiss.

"Nope. Not yet." Luka gently pushed Chat Noir's nose back and gestured towards the fight still going on. "You said something about a kiss after a successful battle right?"

"Let's wrap this up real quick then." Chat Noir grabbed one of Luka's hands and kissed it. "You coming, m'love?"

He vaulted towards the fight.

Luka looked down at Sass, who nodded. "Ready!"

Soon, Viperion and Chat Noir joined the battle. It didn't take long for Paris to be restored.

Afterwards, Viperion and Chat Noir snuck off together.

"Do you know how long I've wanted to kiss you with both of us transformed?" Chat Noir caressed Viperion's face and tilted his head.

"Well, we've been dating a month..." Viperion leaned in.

"True. But I was dreaming of you even before then." Chat Noir crashed his lips into Viperion's.

The snake hero's hand reached up into the blonde's hair, pushing them closer together.

Turns out Viperion had been mistaken.

Chat Noir absolutely loved having him on the team.

Lukadrien Fluffuary 2023 (A Collection of One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now