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(Prompt: Acts of Devotion)

Adrien heard his husband walk down the hallway and looked up from his book. Luka was struggling to get something out of his finger using a pair of tweezers. He held it under the lamplight trying to get a better look. Dark eyebrows were knit together as he huffed in frustration. There was exhaustion evident in the man's posture.

The blonde placed his book face down on the arm rest of the couch, to keep his place. Then got up and walked towards the guitarist. "Rough day? You've been in there working for hours."

Luka sighed. "I don't think the wood I bought this morning is even going to work for this guitar build. I tried to make it happen, but in the end all I got out of it was this stupid splinter."

"Don't you have gloves to prevent this kind of thing?" Adrien asked, knowing good and well how Luka felt about using them.

Luka opened his mouth to defend himself.

Adrien held up his hand. "I know babe, I know. You use them sometimes but like to feel the instrument as you build it."

It wasn't the first time Luka had been in this predicament. He pouted like a disgruntled teen and handed the tweezers to Adrien. "Here."

Adrien took the tool in hand and spotted the piece of wood causing the irritation. He continued talking as he turned Luka's hand in the light to see it better. "Seems like you might need to call it a night. Look at it with fresh eyes tomorrow? If the supplies you have won't work for this project maybe it will for another later on. Maybe we could go get whatever you need in the morning. We could stop by your favorite breakfast spot, the one not far from The Liberty with the red chairs outside..."

The blonde's voice trailed off as he focused on the problem at hand.

Tension faded from Luka's face. Earlier frustrations forgotten as he watched his husband closely. Adrien took care to not irritate the sore digit any more than necessary. It was the gentle way he handled it all. A breakfast date tomorrow out together sounded lovely. Luka smiled in amusement as Adrien's tongue stuck out the way it sometimes did whenever he was concentrating. Despite their years together, Luka felt his face shift into a lovesick expression.

"Got it!" Adrien pulled out the splinter and held the tweezers up proudly. Then proclaimed with dramatic flourish, glaring at it like a recently defeated villain. "It was no match for me!"

"My hero." Luka said with a softer tone than Adrien expected.

Adrien blinked up at him and tilted his head. "What's that look for?"

"Just you, being you."

Adrien looked at Luka, then at the splinter still held in the tweezers, then back again. "It's just a splinter, babe."

"No, it's not. It's all the little things you do. It's the way you care." Luka's voice was dripping with admiration.

Those words sent shivers down Adrien's spine. God, he loved him. The tweezers were quickly put down on a nearby shelf.

"Getting a little sentimental tonight are we?" Adrien replied, giving Luka a loving look of his own. "Like you aren't always there for me too? Please."

"I love you." Luka professed like he had a million times before.

"And I love you too." Adrien walked his fingers up Luka's chest playfully, following along the zipper of his hoodie. "No more work tonight."

Grabbing the strings at the top, he turned around and walked back to the couch, pulling Luka behind him.

Luka let out a brief laugh. He allowed himself to be led, watching as his husband carefully moved a book to the side table with his other hand.

"What a dork." The guitarist teased.

"I don't want to lose my place!" Adrien shrugged before pushing Luka to the couch. Then the blonde crawled up beside him and spread a blanket over them both. He turned on a late night talk show and cuddled closer. "You're relaxing now."

"Do I have a choice?" Luka asked, although he wanted nothing more than to be right where he was. His work could wait until tomorrow. It's not like he was getting anywhere with it anyway.

In response, his husband gave him a Cheshire cat grin.

"So, that's a no." Luka knew that if he did go back into his workroom, he'd likely be up most of the night. His husband knew this as well, and had a unique way of helping Luka wind down.

Adrien reached up and traced Luka's jaw, before placing a kiss on his lips that Luka happily returned. It was soon accompanied by a familiar rumbling sound. Blue eyes rolled at the predictability of it all. The couple adjusted their positions and cuddled comfortably together. The rumbling always made Luka feel relaxed. It would likely coax him to sleep soon enough.

"If you keep that up you're gonna have to carry me to bed later." Luka knew his husband's strength. Even without transforming, it wasn't an issue in the slightest for Adrien to do so. Yet another thing on the long list of things Luka loved about him.

"Wouldn't be the first time." The purring only increased in volume. "You know, that's purrrrrfectly okay with me."

"Dork." Luka said lovingly and ran his fingers through Adrien's wavy blonde hair.

"Your dork."

"Yeah. That you are."

Lukadrien Fluffuary 2023 (A Collection of One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now