Lavender Crowns

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(Prompt: Flower Crowns)

Chat Noir and Viperion sat on their favorite Parisian rooftop. The view wasn't bad, but there were better rooftops if someone was looking to see the city. This one was their favorite because of the memories they shared over the years. It was half way between the Agreste mansion and The Liberty, the logical meeting point at one time. Not that it mattered now, neither of the men lived in those places anymore. They had a home of their own that they shared.

Still, they found themselves meeting in the familiar spot out of habit. They both were not quite ready to run home just yet.

"Remember our first kiss?" Viperion reminisced.

"Hmmm....I'm not sure. Maybe you should remind me." Chat Noir narrowed his eyes.

"Well, it was right here on this rooftop."

"Maybe we should do a reenactment? That might help me remember." Green eyes glinted mischievously.

Viperion leaned in slowly, acting out the nervousness he had felt that night years ago.

Chat Noir followed his lead and bumped his nose into Viperion's awkwardly.

"See, you DO remember." Viperion laughed and tilted his head.

Their lips met gently. Chat Noir started to press in more, but Viperion pulled back.

"Ah. It was such a short, sweet kiss." He teased, knowing his husband would have liked more than the quick peck.

Chat Noir rolled his eyes. "Yeah...I guess it was."

He was about to go in for a kiss that demonstrated the years they had to practice with each other, when he saw a box nearby.

"Oh! I got us something!" Chat Noir jumped up and brought the container back over.

"What's in the box, my muse?"

Instead of answering the blonde opened it. The smell of lavender filled the air.

Viperion looked and saw the purple flowers. "You brought lavender?"

"Yeah! I saw this video where people make flower crowns! I've never tried it before and I thought we could try together. But then there was the fire, and saving people, and all of that kind of got me sidetracked on the way home."

"Imagine that."

"Anyway, back to the flower crowns." Chat grabbed one of the flowers and looped the stem around. "So you just loop it like this, and then add another! Eventually it's a big enough chain to go around your head."

Clawed hands meticulously looped another flower together.

Viperion grabbed some of the lavender and started a chain of his own. "Like this?"

"Yeah! Just gotta leave enough room for the flower to fit through the loop."

His husband's excitement was contagious and Viperion couldn't help but be amused at the way Chat's tongue stuck out a bit when he focused on the next loop.

Soon enough they both had completed crowns.

Chat Noir took a little more time to adjust the flowers in a way that satisfied him.

This was the man Luka loved. Adrien wasn't afraid to be enthusiastic. He loved trying new things. So many people held back so much, but Adrien was a free spirit. One who at one time had been restrained. But he had no reason to hold back now. He lived his life to the fullest. It's probably why Luka and Adrien understood each other so well. Neither one was afraid of expressing themselves genuinely.

Chat Noir looked up from his flower crown. The soft gaze in his husband's eyes made him blush despite their years together. He smiled sweetly in return. "What's that look for?"

"Just you, being you." Viperion lifted the one he'd been working on and placed it on Chat's head. He was careful to not get it hung on cat ears. "I love the flower crowns. And I love how excited you get when we try something new. I love that you want to try those things with me."

"Said like the true king of my heart. A king who needs a crown." The blonde carefully set the flower crown he'd made on Viperion's head. "Did you know one of the meanings of lavender is devotion?"

Their eyes met again.

"Is it, now?" Viperion leaned forward.

Chat Noir followed his lead. Until he purposefully and playfully bumped their noses together.

"I think we've had enough kissing experience to avoid that." Viperion said softly.

"Oh, I thought we were reenacting the first kiss again." Chat's lips were inches away.

"We already did that. I want to kiss you like we've had some practice since then, my muse." Viperion continued flirtatiously.

"And here I thought the flower crowns would make you just want sweet, tender kisses." Chat Noir teased returning the favor from earlier. "Like our first kiss, when we felt that spark. It was magical."

"That spark became a burning flame a long, long time ago. It's still just as magical." Viperion's voice was dripping with adoration. He pulled back a few inches so Chat Noir could see his face. An eyebrow raised under his mask. "You really think I'm opposed to making out with my husband while he's wearing a flower crown?"

Chat Noir hummed and fluttered his lashes knowingly. "Are you, m'love?"

The blonde laughed as his husband grabbed him by the bell and pulled him close. Lips crashed together passionately. The aroma of lavender surrounded them. It wasn't long before a purr rumbled in the feline hero's chest. Viperion's arms wrapped around Chat Noir tightly. His husband loved the contact with their kisses. Chat's hands became lost in his love's long blue tresses. Claws carefully scratched at his beloved's favorite spots. They moved in harmony with each other, a well practiced duet that flowed beautifully. The world around them faded away as the fire of their devotion consumed them.

Viperion was right. The spark had grown into a flame. It was just as magical, though the years of practice had certainly paid off.

When their lips finally parted Chat Noir let out a content sigh. His eyes drifted in the direction of the mansion that was once his prison. "I remember when we had to go our separate ways after kissing each other goodnight."

His husband grabbed one of his hands and placed a tender kiss on the back of it. "Let's go home, my muse."

"Together." Chat Noir placed a soft, gentle kiss on Viperion's lips.

"Together." Viperion smiled.

If you'd like to follow me I'm CassarillaDraws on insta, tumblr, and twitter. 

Lukadrien Fluffuary 2023 (A Collection of One Shots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя