Late Night Talks (and Kisses)

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Prompt: Long Walks and/or Conversations

The night had started with a patrol. Chat Noir and Viperion ran the route together. Instead of leading to a battle with a superpowered foe, it just became a run along the rooftops, enjoying each other's company. It was a peaceful night. As they ran the conversation between them drifted from one subject to the next easily. With the patrol route long complete, they opted to detransform and walk along the streets as civilians—talking as they strolled.

"How is it already after midnight?" Luka glanced at his phone. "We've been talking for hours, but I barely even noticed."

Adrien laced their hands together and winked at him. "Because we've been hanging out together all night and time flies when you're having fun!"

"You have a point." Luka smiled at his boyfriend softly.

He looked into those green eyes and saw so much life. Adrien was someone who saw endless possibilities after finally getting past the desire to live to meet his father's expectations. The former model had really become his own person over the past few years. Luka was incredibly proud of him. He hoped Adrien's future would be full of freedom and trying new things.

"Luka?" Adrien was blushing in his boyfriends soft gaze.

Blue eyes blinked as Luka realized he'd been staring directly into Adrien's. "Oh sorry, I was just thinking."

"About?" Adrien asked tenderly.

"You." Luka felt the heat creep into his cheeks. But he didn't dare stop his words. "I was thinking about you. About how far you've come. What possibilities your future might hold. Where you'll be in a few years. I'm so proud of you. Look at the man you've become, Adrien."

Adrien took a step in front of Luka and turned to face him. The movement stopped them both in their tracks. His voice dropped an octave. "You don't know what you do to me when you talk like that, M'love."

Luka wanted to lean in and kiss him senseless right then and there. "I have a pretty good idea."

"Hmmmm..... Well, part of the reason I was able to become the man I am today is because of you. Look at the man YOU'VE become. Someone who still cares for others, but has learned to not neglect his own needs or wants..." Adrien gave him a smirk and traced teasingly along Luka's jawline. It amused him to see Luka's jaw tense. "And as far as my future. You're not gonna have to wonder about the paw-sibilities or how things turn out. Because I imagine my future with you in it. I don't want to think of it any other way. I love you."

Then the blonde had the audacity to turn his back to him with a nonchalant shrug. He took a few steps away and continued in a sing-song voice. "Of course, that is up to you too. If you don't want that, that's fine. I can play it by ear on my own. But I can't help but think my future melody would sound better as a duet."

In an instant Luka was in front of him again. The sudden movement led to Adrien backing into the wall of a building. "Our future melody, my Muse. You know I want that too."

Adrien's hands were suddenly in Luka's hair. He leaned up and kissed his boyfriend's lips.

Luka hummed into the contact and tapped one of Adrien's legs with his hand. His boyfriend got the memo. Soon his legs wrapped around Luka's waist as the guitarist held him up and pressed him into the building. A purr rumbled in Adrien's chest as the kiss deepened.

It was several moments before they parted breathlessly.

"Wow." Adrien sighed blissfully and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck. Luka was still holding him up easily. "You're so strong! The superhero stuff has some benefits in the romance department. Why have we never kissed like this before? I think you could carry me home even without being transformed!"

"I love you. But that is not happening." Luka laughed and removed his hands from under Adrien's legs. His boyfriend placed his feet on the ground. "And next time, you're holding me up."

Just a few paces away, that was as far as Luka got down the sidewalk, before Adrien grabbed his shoulder. In the same movement he was turning Luka around and backing him into the wall of the same building. Luka couldn't help but laugh. He should have expected this. In the past, Luka could be hesitant to express what he wanted. Putting the needs and wants of others before his own. Adrien absolutely adored that Luka no longer felt the need to put himself last. So, if Luka told him what he wanted well, he was happy to provide.

"If that's what you want, I have no intention of making you wait." Adrien's hands grabbed Luka's legs. He easily hoisted the taller man up. Luka wrapped himself around his boyfriend's waist and happily took his turn as Adrien crashed their lips together and held Luka up against the wall.

The street was clear, so Plagg flew out from his hiding place. He gestured to them dramatically. "Just, look at them."

Sass floated up to join his fellow kwami. "Not familiar with this particular ritual, but they are obviously very happy."'

"Yeah... and I'm happy for them but I have never, in all my thousands of years had a holder as lovey dovey as this!"

"Hmmm...." Sass looked at the couple and back at Plagg. "And yet, you've also never had a holder that you liked better."

Plagg sighed, but he couldn't help but smile. It was true. He'd never felt a connection like the one he and Adrien shared. He'd never been treated so well by his Miraculous wearer or felt so protective of the one wearing the ring. The man truly was the greatest person to ever wear the Cat Miraculous.

"I can say the very same for mine." Sass smiled. "You heard them talking about their future. I believe we are going to just have to get used to this my friend."

Adrien and Luka finally parted and the blonde turned to his kwami.

"I can't help it, Plagg. I'm in love."

Plagg rolled his eyes.

"I feel like we have a pretty fair arrangement. You deal with me being a cheesy romantic, and I deal with carrying around your literal cheese." He held up a piece of Camembert and threw it to the kwami who happily gobbled it up.


Note: Thanks so much for reading these stories! I'd love to hear your thoughts on them in the comments. 

If you'd like to follow me elsewhere I'm CassarillaDraws on insta, tumblr, twitter, and Ao3

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