Change Things Up

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(Prompt: Stealing/Wearing Each Other's Clothes)

Chat Noir leaned on his baton thoughtfully. "We should swap."

"Huh?" Viperion raised an eyebrow. "Swap what?"


"Really? Where's this coming from all of the sudden?"

"I was just wondering what you'd look like with mine and thought 'hey why should I wonder when I could know?'" Chat Noir shrugged nonchalantly.

Viperion hummed as he considered it. "Well, now I'm curious too."

The black clad hero laughed and grabbed his boyfriend by the hand. "C'mere then."

He pulled him into a nearby alley. They both detransformed in the secluded spot. Adrien started to take off his ring and Luka reached to his bracelet.

"And just what are you two doing?" Plagg asked with his paws on his hips.

"We're only trading for a little while." Adrien reassured his kwami and handed him a slice of Camembert for good measure. "Don't worry."

Luka gave Sass a hard boiled egg.

"Do you think our kwamis have the smelliest favorite foods?" Adrien took note of the snack Sass ate.

"I wouldn't doubt it." Luka rolled his eyes.

"You love us." Plagg wrapped an arm around Sass who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah..." Adrien shook his head with a smile.

They did. Their lives were better with the kwamis in them, even if they did have to mask interesting smells with their cologne.

Miraculous jewels were swapped between the couple.

"Ready?" Adrien said excitedly.

"Yep, whenever you are my muse." Luka replied with a smile.

Then, Adrien hesitated. "Last time I really didn't want to look too much like Chat Noir..."

"So you were bald instead. Certainly a choice kid." Plagg teased.

Adrien pouted at him.

"You know that the Miraculous reflects what the wearer wishes." Sass cut in. "If you'd rather your look be different than before, it certainly would be."

"Thanks Sass." Adrien nodded before transforming.

Luka followed suit.

The magic washed over them both. Aspik now stood where Adrien had been. This time his hair was exposed. It looked the same as it did as Chat Noir the only difference being that the blonde faded into blue tips at the end.

"That's a nice touch." The temporary cat Miraculous holder reached out to touch Aspik's hair."You look amazing."

"Thanks." Aspik blushed at the complement.

Then he looked at the hero Luka had transformed into. His hair was still black that faded into blue. His cat-like eyes were blue. On his head were cat ears identical to the ones Chat Noir had. The top of the suit, however, was quite different. It looked like a biker jacket with zippers and buckles that reminded Adrien of something a rockstar might wear on stage. His gloves were black with claws forming on the ends of the fingers. The pants were black as well and on his feet were combat boots. The toes of the boots were silver and had lines to suggest cat paws, just like Adrien's were as Chat Noir. His tail was identical to Chat Noir's.

"Wow! So do you." Aspik winked at him before making his way to the rooftops above.

Luka grabbed the baton from behind his back and extended it. He managed to get above the rooftops, but he was further up than he meant to go. Ten feet above his desired height, he wobbled on the end of the baton.

"It takes some getting used to." Aspik called out from the rooftop. He jumped up, grabbed his boyfriend and the baton and lowered them down. "I had plenty of time to practice with your miraculous...before I realized I needed to be Chat Noir in the situation."

The temporary feline hero frowned at that. He knew that his previous time as Aspik had taken a toll on Adrien. "Hey, you don't need to beat yourself up over that."

"I'm not! Really. I was just saying. This isn't my first time using this Miraculous!" Aspik's smile was genuine and it eased Luka's worry. "The fact that I'm using it again without merging it with another kinda says a lot don't you think?"

"I guess it does."

"Plus, that whole situation lead to me realizing that this Miraculous was meant for you. It led to me suggesting it for you. Which led to us seeing each other more. I think it was meant to happen. So we'd end up where we are now." Aspik glanced to his boyfriend's tail, noticing that it was moving around. He narrowed his eyes mischievously. "So, you have a name to go with the look, handsome?"

Luka hesitated for a moment, but blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Minuit Chat."

"Midnight Cat? I like it." Aspik walked around him and took in the details of the suit. It certainly flattered Luka. The snake hero did have a plan in mind. He flirted shamelessly. "Now, I'm quite a fan of Viperion myself. But I gotta say you can pull off anything. Consider this snake charmed."

Minuit Chat laughed at the pun. He was feeling quite confident in his boyfriend's gaze. "There's only one Chat Noir. The best holder of this Miraculous to ever live. Plagg said it himself. So, obviously a lot of this is inspired by you, babe. "

"Is it now?" Aspik stopped in front of his boyfriend and walked closer flirtatiously. He knew the effect Luka had on him as Chat Noir and wanted to let Minuit Chat know how it felt.

"You are incredible, m'love." Aspik's gloved hand reached up to caress Minuit Chat's cheek. "I adore you."

When the blonde leaned in he heard a soft rumble coming from Minuit Chat's chest.

"Wh-what?" The cat hero sputtered and jumped back, cutting off the noise in his surprise.

Aspik laughed at his reaction. "Kind of a strange feeling isn't it?"

"Oh!" Blue cat-eyes widened in realization. "I was purring!? You made me purr! I couldn't help it I just—"

It took Aspik a moment to get his laughter under control. "You don't have to explain it, or be embarrassed. If anyone gets it, it's me. And from this purr-spective I have to agree with you when you say it's really cute and endearing."

"I just wasn't expecting it." Minuit Chat tilted his head. "It really is just a natural reaction for you isn't it? Not that I ever thought otherwise when you told me so. It's just interesting to have it happen to me."

"Yeah, a natural reaction that has started happening to me even outside of the suit. But that's just because I've been Chat Noir for over four years now. I don't think it's going to effect you quite like that. Unless we make this kwami swapping thing a regular occurrence for a long time."

Minuit Chat took a step forward. "I like that I can make you purr even outside of the suit."

"I know you do, m'love." Aspik winked. "But right now. It's my turn. So come here kitty."

He grabbed Minuit Chat's suit and pulled him close.

"Love you, my muse." Minuit Chat tilted his head and leaned in for the kiss he knew was coming.

When Aspik's lips crashed into Minuit Chat's it didn't take long for the purring to start back up. Aspik felt arms wrap around his waist as his own hands found their way into his boyfriend's hair.

Adrien felt a familiar sensation in his chest. Yes, Luka was the one using the cat miraculous right now. The guitarist's purring was loud and it made the blonde happy to have that effect. But Adrien had been Chat Noir for too long. There was no use in trying to hide it and he didn't want to. So instead, he pressed harder into the kiss.

The purr in his own chest rumbled in harmony with his boyfriend's.

When their kiss ended they stood in each other's embrace. As soon as their eyes made contact they both burst into amused laughter.

"Guess we could say that kiss was purrrrfect?" Minuit Chat teased. His tail flicked behind him.

"Pfft. You have some nerve stealing my heart and my lines!" Aspik retorted playfully.


Note: Thanks so much for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. 
If you'd like to follow me elsewhere and see my art I'm CassarillaDraws on tumblr, insta, and twitter.

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