The One Who Completes My Song

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(Prompt: Mutual Pining)

Luka picked around on his guitar. The combinations of notes forming melody, One that reflected how he felt. A heart torn between two people. What if one of them felt the same way about him? He picked out some higher, brighter notes. Then his fingers slid back up the neck of the guitar. He picked out a sequence of lower sounds. What if neither of them saw him that way? What if he could never choose between them?

The guitarist sighed. He'd never move forward if he didn't talk to either of them about how he felt. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to do it. His heart wouldn't let him be drawn to one long enough before making him yearn for the other.

It didn't help that they were so similar.

Caring. Both of them dealing with more responsibility than Luka felt was fair, considerate, and lovely to be around. They were both incredibly handsome, but the whole world could tell that much. They both enjoyed making other people smile. What impressed Luka most was their heart for people. He mused about the fact that they both happened to be blonde. They also held a kindness in their eyes that was so similar...

Of course, their green eyes had differences. Chat Noir's were more like an actual cat's eyes than human. Luka wondered if his eyes were green when he wasn't transformed. Maybe they looked like Adrien's.

He let his thoughts wander as he continued playing.


The mansion had felt particularly overbearing that night and Adrien just wanted to get away for a while. He'd been running across the city's rooftops for half and hour. Since he wasn't on any certain patrol route he just went wherever his feet and baton took him.

It was nice.

His thoughts drifted to a certain hero. The Miraculous holder that he had chosen—Viperion. Of course to Ladybug's knowledge it was Adrien Agreste, not Chat Noir, who suggested him. But either way, he knew he had chosen well. Luka thrived as a Miraculous holder, to the point that Chat Noir wanted to propose that he keep it permanently.

Was it because of how well he used his abilities?

Was it because of how good of a teammate he was?

Yeah, actually it was.

At least, that was a big part of it.

But Adrien couldn't lie to himself. Time spent with Viperion never felt like it was enough. Something about being with him made him happy. They were great teammates, and they could joke around at times too. But Viperion didn't shy away with discussing deeper things— like the toll having a villain that takes advantage of people's emotions was taking on the mental health of the city.

Yet, Chat Noir's time with him was too short. One of their Miraculous would start beeping and they would have to part ways. Too many times he wanted to admit to Viperion that he already knew who he was under the mask. He didn't actually have to leave if Chat Noir still had time left.

Outside of the masks their time together was limited as well. He wasn't able to practice with the band nearly as often as he'd like. Luka didn't go to his school, so they didn't see each other there. Adrien's father kept him so busy finding time was just difficult.

What he knew for sure, was that he had fallen for the musician. Luka's thoughtfulness, his passion for music, his empathy, his heart, there were so many things about him that Adrien loved. It made his heart ache that it didn't seem like a possibility. Luka wanted honesty in a relationship. Unfortunately, wether he pursued him as Adrien or Chat Noir, that wasn't an option. At least, not according to the rules.

Chat Noir stopped when he heard a guitar.

"Of course." He rolled his eyes at himself. His feet had taken him to the one his thoughts were stuck on. Down below, not too far from the rooftop he stood on, was The Liberty. Luka Couffaine was sitting on the deck, playing his guitar.

The melody reminded him of his own uncertainty. It would build up higher and then drop low again. It was a complex and beautiful tune from what he could actually make out. Even with his enhanced hearing, he knew he was missing some of the tones since he was so far away.

That wouldn't do.

Some part of his mind said he shouldn't. This was crossing some sort of line with the secret identity situation. Adrien knew Luka. Chat Noir knew Viperion. These waters were pretty uncharted.

What business did Chat Noir have going down there so late at night? And yet...


"You play beautifully."

Luka jumped at the voice. His hands stopped. He turned in the direction of the visitor and saw Chat Noir with one hand on the railing. The hero had not actually gotten on board quite yet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Chat Noir sounded unsure. "It's just, I heard the music and..."

Luka smiled. It was obvious to him that the hero was afraid he was overstepping. "You're welcome aboard you know. And if I didn't want anyone to hear me. I probably shouldn't be playing out here in the open."

"Well then," Chat Noir stepped onto the ship. "Why'd you stop?"

Instead of answering, Luka began to play again. "Well, I wasn't expecting anyone. Plus, and don't take this the wrong way, but a superhero showing up can sometimes mean danger's not far behind. I didn't know if this was an emergency house call or something."

"Ah right." Chat Noir relaxed more as the guitarist played. "No emergency. You just lured me in with your song."

"I'm not a siren." Luka said. "Don't worry."

Chat Noir opened his mouth to respond, but then closed it again. He looked away, rubbed the back of his neck and pouted as he thought.

This hesitation puzzled Luka. Did he say something wrong? Chat's demeanor didn't seem angry at all, so probably not. And did the hero have to pout like that? It was endearing and, honestly, adorable. How could someone be so cute but also so handsome?

The hero tapped his chin and shrugged to himself, like he'd finished up an internal conversation.

"Luka," Chat Noir began, completely throwing caution to the wind. "If you were a siren I'd be doomed. No one draws me in like you do. Every time we have to go our separate ways... I hate it. You're amazing. I like you. I mean, I really like you and I have for a long time. Maybe I'm being too forward but I can't take holding it in anymore."

"I-I don't understand." Luka stopped playing again. His heart thundered in his chest as if screaming that it DID understand. This confession from Chat Noir to him, as Luka, just felt like it was missing several important pieces. He had dreamt things like this, but for it to actually be happening? "We... barely know each other right?"

It didn't sound convincing to Luka at all, but he tried to keep up some sort of separation from his super hero identity.

Chat Noir laughed at that. "Purrhaps it would have made more sense for me to confess to Viperion?"

Luka blinked at him, unsure what to say next.

"I know it's you. Don't worry." Chat assured him.

"You know?"

"Yeah, I do." Chat Noir twisted his ring. "And I've fallen for you in and out of the mask."

"Hmmm..." Luka considered this. A part of him wanted to confess his own feelings, but things weren't quite so simple.

Chat Noir didn't know Luka well as a civilian. Did he? They had barely encountered each other. He knew him as a hero. Unless they knew each other outside of the masks. That was something Luka had thought about before. As slim as a certain possibility was there was still a chance that it would make the similarities between the two boys make sense. It would solve the problem of his heart being torn in an instant.

But It felt too good to be true. He'd always dismissed it as wishful thinking.

His fingers moved on the neck of the guitar again and he began to pick out the same melody as before. Expressing himself through music simply came natural to him.

"This song is about someone who feels like they've fallen in love with two different people. Every time they feel closer to one and like it might finally be time to confess their feelings." Luka played the higher part of the melody. "The love for the other person comes back to mind. So they never confess." He played the lower notes of the tune.

He let the music speak for itself for a while, back and forth, high and low, indecisive.

"Are you the one that feels this way?" Chat Noir asked him. His voice quieter than usual.

The guitarist could feel his cheeks heat up. Leave it to Chat to ask him directly.

He let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah. It's exactly how I'm feeling."


The blush on Luka's cheeks was noticeable and Chat Noir hoped he didn't overstep by asking. But if the one he loved was torn between two people, could it be possible the connection he felt with Luka was one the guitarist experienced as well? That the two people that Luka felt drawn to weren't actually two people at all? Maybe it was one person with two identities?

Chat Noir sighed out loud. The identity rule complicated everything. It was stupid to him at this point. Of course, he wouldn't want to reveal himself to the world or some random stranger. But Luka wasn't just another civilian. He was a fellow hero who was a target of the villain every time he transformed. Obviously, he wasn't overly concerned about the danger or he wouldn't continually fight to protect the city.

Their conversations in and out of the mask came to mind. The deep ones, the silly ones, the fact that being with Luka made him feel so happy. But he couldn't be truthful with him. He couldn't show him the whole picture? How was that fair?

Chat Noir took a couple of steps away from the guitarist, towards the other instruments set up nearby. The band had practiced earlier. Adrien wasn't able to be there because he had a photoshoot, but the keyboard was still set up. Maybe they did it just in case he could make it. Chat smiled and walked closer to the instrument.


Luka had continued his playing. Chat Noir seemed deep in his own thoughts. He was content to let him have as much time as he needed. The hero was approaching the other instruments now. Then he stepped behind the keyboard and turned it on without looking. Obviously, familiar with the instrument.

Chat Noir played a few notes, trying to find the key where Luka was playing. After plucking around with it a bit, he found the chords by ear and began to play along. The piano chords filled out the song beautifully.

"Didn't know you played." Luka felt hope grow in his chest. Maybe it wasn't just wishful thinking.

Chat Noir shot him a grin. "A cat playing a keyboard isn't that unusual. There are viral videos of that kind of thing."

Luka laughed and they continued to play together. A moment later Chat Noir had gotten comfortable with the chord progression and added some improvisations. The style was familiar. That of someone who had been classically trained and could keep to more traditional sounds, but instead like to play around with the notes. It made the tune have more hints of improvisational jazz and rock-n-roll, especially the energetic sounds of legends from the past.

The music revealed everything to Luka, and he added a different chord that led into the bridge of the song. Chat Noir followed him easily. It was a triumphant sound. The moment when the song swelled to its peak. Like the tension and uncertainty from the main melody had been resolved as the song approached its conclusion. They were completely in sync as they played, both ending at the same time.

"I really like that bridge you added in." Chat said. "Sounds like you got to a good place in the end."

"Yeah?" Luka sat down his guitar and approached the hero. "I'm glad you do, because I realized that the two people I'm torn between are not two people at all."

Luka noted that that his tail swished excitedly behind him. Cute.

"Do I know them?" Chat Noir asked.

"Adrien, it's you." Luka took one of Chat's hands in his own. "I hoped you were the same person! But it felt so far fetched that I always told myself it was just me trying to make sense of my mixed up feelings. I always hoped it was you."

"Is there any point in me trying to pretend I'm not Adrien?" Chat Noir laced his fingers with Luka's. "I could trip over my words and pretend you've got it all wrong. I could pretend I didn't want you to know. That I didn't come here knowing It was a possibility my identity would be revealed tonight."

"You don't have to pretend with me." Luka meant that to the depths of his soul. "I've wanted to date you for months. I've never spent time with anyone that makes me feel the way that you do. I really thought two people were making me feel that way for a while. I didn't know what to do with myself... but now..."

"For months?" Chat tilted his head. "So what would you say if I asked you out right now?"

"Yes. I would say yes." Luka replied and leaned in closer. "You're the one who completes my song. Why would I ever say no?"

Chat Noir blushed and leaned forward. "Keep talking to me like that and I'm going to wind up kissing you before our first actual date."

Luka moved so that the distance between them was almost nonexistent. He glanced at Chat's lips. "You say that like I'd mind. This seems like a good first date to me."

"In that case." Chat Noir turned his head and crashed his lips into Luka's.

Some people say first kisses with their love make them see fireworks, but for Luka it was more like hearing a symphony. It was a little overwhelming after waiting so long to confess. And for a moment he lost his balance. His hand swung out towards the keyboard, striking a combination of notes that was a sharp contrast to the beautiful symphony in his mind.
It wasn't his most graceful move. But Chat Noir kept him from falling by wrapping his arms around him and pulling him closer. The hero smiled into the kiss for a moment clearly amused that he could have that effect on his new boyfriend.

Luka clearly didn't mind. He wrapped his own arms around Chat as their kiss deepened. There was a rumbling sound coming from Chat Noir and Luka realized Chat was purring. Chat had previously explained it to Viperion as a side effect of using the Miraculous, and something that sometimes happened when he happy or excited. It thrilled Luka that he could be the one to have that effect on his love as they kissed.

When the kiss ended they looked into each other's eyes in awe.

"Wow." They both said at the same time. Then laughter bubbled up from each of them.

Chat Noir composed himself first. "I don't regret breaking the identity rule at all. Especially if it means I get to be with you. I know my secret is safe with you."

"It absolutely is." Luka squeezed Chat's hand. "I'm so glad that you trust me. I'm not sure what my heart would have done if I kept feeling so torn between you and you."

"You said that you hoped it was me, right." Chat Noir thought about this.

"Yeah. Not just hoped... suspected it sometimes."

Chat Noir smiled. "This was meant to happen. It was just a matter of when."

"You're right." Luka agreed. "But I'm so glad it happened sooner instead of later."

"Me too." Chat leaned in and kissed Luka softly on the cheek. "And this time, I'm not in a hurry. Mind if I stick around and play for a while?"

Without turning from Luka, Chat Noir inconspicuously reached a hand back to the keyboard and tickled the ivories. The riff played was Adrien's favorite.

"Of course you can stay." Luka smiled and went to grab his guitar.

Lukadrien Fluffuary 2023 (A Collection of One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now