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Prompt 22: Sincere Flattery


"So you're serious?" Alya raised an eyebrow. "I think it would take a pretty strong connection to a Miraculous for something like that to happen. It does seem like a possibility, I guess. Just, really unlikely."

"It's possible, and it happened." Luka smiled, amused at her disbelief. "And Adrien has been a Miraculous holder longer than any of us have been, if anyone is going to be dealing with something like that it's him."

"Dude, we are gonna need some evidence for this one." Nino hummed.

"Evidence of what?" Adrien walked up just in time to hear the end of their conversation. He had to run an errand before the movie and was just trying to make it in time. "I hope I'm not late."

"You're not late." Luka ignored the question entirely. Then he grabbed Adrien's hand and placed a kiss on the back of it. "And you know I'd wait forever for you."

The blonde tilted his head at the way Luka said those words. His boyfriend's tone had shifted lower as he spoke. It wasn't as if they didn't flirt with each other constantly, or that his own theatrical style of flirting hadn't rubbed off on Luka over time, but there was just something suspicious that Adrien couldn't place.

What had he interrupted?

What evidence was Nino talking about?

"Thanks?" Adrien couldn't hide the confusion in his voice. Alya and Nino exchanged a knowing glance that only added to the suspicious feeling. He decided to laugh it off lightheartedly instead of dwell on it too much. "You know I'd wait for you too, m'love. But I don't think the movie will. Guess we should go ahead and go in."

"We have a few minutes." Luka stepped closer as their fingers laced together naturally. Then the guitarist looked around them and seemed satisfied that no one was too close by. "You know I think you're incredible right? You're the other half of my heart's song."

Adrien swallowed. It's not like he hadn't heard all of this before. His boyfriend knew exactly how to play his heartstrings. The way the conversation shifted when he arrived had him feeling like he had interrupted something.

"You know I feel the same way about you babe." Adrien's head tilted again. "But what were you guys talking about?"

"We were talking about you actually." Nino blurted out.

Alya nudged him with her elbow.

"What!?" Nino rubbed his arm. "We were!"

"It was nothing bad, promise." Alya clarified.

Luka laughed and squeezed Adrien's hand. "How could it be anything bad if it was about you?"

"Oh, you are laying it on thick right now." Adrien narrowed his eyes.

"Am I?" Luka smiled innocently, but Adrien knew better. "Or are you just so amazing, brave, talented, kind, handsome, and wonderful that I can't help myself?"

"Lukaaaa..." Adrien whined as he felt his cheeks heat up. He was sure there was an ulterior motive for the words Luka was saying. Yet, Adrien also knew that his boyfriend meant every word. They were from Luka's heart. "What is going on?"

"Why do you think something's up?" Luka's voice was as sweet as sugar and he seemed amused at Adrien's distress. "I just want to remind you of how awesome I think you are."

Luka took Adrien's other hand so they were standing face to face. He leaned in so their foreheads touched.

"This is a double date m'love, aren't you afraid we might be making it a little awkward?" Adrien's words packed no punch as Luka looked lovingly into his eyes.

"Not at all." Luka answered sincerely.

The blonde felt his suspicions melt away. "I love you."

"I love you too, my muse." Luka pulled back just enough to start tilting his head. His eyes darted to his love's lips.

Adrien found himself doing the same. His eyes closed as their lips made contact.

The kiss was very short lived.

A rumble began in Adrien's chest. The sound was fairly loud, but he quickly cut it off by jumping back and coughing theatrically.

"Sorry, sorry. I must have swallowed a bug or something." His green eyes looked around frantically as he continued his performance. Once he realized no one was close enough to hear what just happened, the situation suddenly made sense.

He crossed his arms and glared at Luka. "AHA! I knew you were being suspicious! So, that's what you guys were talking about."

His boyfriend just shrugged. "They wanted evidence and you said it didn't just happen on command, thought I could coax it out of you like usual."

"Fair enough."

"Oh. My. God." Alya reached up and ruffled Adrien's hair. "You really are taking this catboy thing pretty far there, Sunshine."

"Not gonna lie, that's adorable dude." Nino laughed.

"I have no shame whatsoever about being the team's resident catboy, thank you very much." Adrien stated proudly.

"Probably part of the reason you have that side effect, Kid." Plagg peaked out from Adrien's hoodie pocket. "You don't have an issue embracing that aspect of your powers."

"Mmmhmm." Alya lifted an eyebrow at the kwami. "You don't think the fact that he has such a close bond with you and the Miraculous doesn't have an effect on that too?"

"Maaaybe." Plagg looked softly up at Adrien and then ducked back into the pocket. He wasn't much for the 'mushy' stuff when other people were around. But they knew that the bond Plagg had with Adrien was stronger than any he'd had with the holders of the past.

"But uh... I mean, this is a pretty specific side effect." Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. "So, I guess I need to be careful so no one figures out my identity from it."

"Personally, I think the coughing is a pretty good cover up." Nino said approvingly. "People make all kinds of weird noises anyway, I wouldn't have thought it was a purr if I didn't know about it."

"I think it's a good go to. That and you two not letting the PDA get too out of hand in public." Alya winked at the couple. Then she grabbed Nino's hand and started walking towards the theater doors. "We should get in here though, before we do miss the movie."

Luka's fingers intertwined with Adrien's again and he started walking forward. But Adrien stood still, stopping Luka in his tracks.

The guitarist turned to face Adrien. "You okay?"

"Just thinking about how lucky I am. I have good friends and an amazing boyfriend who are understanding and accepting of me even with all of my flaws and quirks." Adrien smiled softly.

The smile was contagious to Luka. "We're all just as lucky to have you in our lives too. And I happen to love your quirks."

"Sorry for cutting off that kiss." Adrien smirked mischievously. He scanned around them to make sure no one was too close, then he quickly leaned in and pressed their lips together.

He received a content hum from Luka as a result. This time Adrien felt the rumble in his chest and let it flow naturally.

The sensation wasn't unfamiliar to either of them, but it happening outside of their super hero personas was certainly something they'd have to get used to.

It was a short, sweet kiss. They did have a movie to get to after all. 


Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. 

I'm also CassarillaDraws on tumblr, insta, and twitter.

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