Chapter 50: Yes we are

Start from the beginning

"E.V.P." Sam states.

"From the night of Brad's stage dive." Dean nods. "All of a sudden, I'm getting electromagnetic readings up the wazoo. Its a legit haunting now."

"Who's the ghost, Dean? What's it want?"

"Do you want us to do all of the work?" Alexis asks.

"I don't know. I think we should take a look at Brad's death scene."


Dean leads Sam and Alexis to a trailer where he kneels in front of a TV, slipping a DVD into the player.

"Hey where'd you get this DVD?" Sam asks.

"They're called dailies." Dean starts as he sits down on the coffee table. "I got it from Cindy. She's got this on and off thing with Drew. He dubbed me an extra copy."

"Really?" Alexis asks, more interested in that than the actual job.


"Guys." Sam grabs their attention. Alexis sat down on the floor, looking at the TV. Dean fast forwards the DVD.

"This us where the guy fell through the roof." Dean says. "Here we go."

"Hey, wait, wait, go back." Sam instructs. "Right after--Right after--Yeah, right. Wait."

Dean pauses it and in the corner a woman dressed in all white stood.

"Its like Three Men and a Baby all over again." Dean mumbles. "Selleck, Danson, and Guttenberg. And I don't know who played the baby." Dean explains as Sam gives him a weird look.

"What's your point?" Sam asks.

"Sam, no offence, but you're really dumb." Alexis sighs.

"There's a scene where people saw the camera caught a ghost on film." Dean continues. "In the background if one scene, there was a boy that nobody remembered from set. Spirit photography."

"I've seen her before." Sam says.


"Here, check this out." Sam holds out a paper.

"Yeah, go for Ozzy." Dean says.

"Who are you talking to now?" Alexis asks.

"No, I don't have a 20 on Tara. I think she's 10-100." Dean pauses. "Okay, copy that. Sorry, what were you saying?"

Alexis sighs. "Sam, would you be mad if I strangled your brother? Cause I'm real close to doing that."

"Not sure yet." Sam mutters in response. "Elise Drummond. Starlet back in the '30's. Had an affair with a studio exec. He uses her up, fires her, leaves her destitute. So Elise hangs herself from Stage 9's rafters right into the scene they were shooting."

"Like our man Brad."

"Yeah." Alexis nods.

"What, she's got it in for studio brass?" Dean asks.

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