Chapter 30: We got a lot of problems

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Nightshifter 3

Dean and Alexis wander down the hall, flashlights in hand. A thump in the distance make them stop momentarily before continuing.

"So what the hell was Vivian doing earlier. If I didn't know any better, I'd say she was the shifter." Dean glances over at Alexis.

"I don't know." Alexis shrugs.

"Well, why does she like me all of a sudden?"

"I don't know." Alexis pauses. "Wait a second. She knows. That's why she's being weird. She's trying to prove it. That we're together."

Dean sighs. "Why is your family weird?"

"I've been asking them same thing for a long time. But you have to play along. To prove her wrong. So if she like hits on you or something go with it."


"Dean, we're doing this. You're doing this."

"But what if she wants to sleep with me or something?"

"She won't. She'll give up before that." Alexis then realizes that's exactly what Vivian wants. "God, she watches too much Friends."

Dean grabs her arm, pulling her with him to the other side of the hall, pressing their backs against the wall beside the window. Red and blue lights flash as Dean glances out the window. The sound of a door creaking causes the two to shine their lights at the doors down the hall.

"Get down." Dean whispers as he bends down, ducking under the window. Alexis does the same, the two continuing the opposite way of the doors. Another thump sounds in the distance.

Dean and Alexis following the sound, rounding the corner.


Dean and Alexis had made it to the security room. On the way Alexis looked for her gun, which was right where she left it, but only without the bullets she had.


"Lexi, look." Dean points toward the ceiling where one of the squares seemed to be moved.

"Ten bucks says there's a dead body." Alexis looks over at him. Dean grabs a coat hanger, lifting it up and hitting the ceiling. After a few pokes the ceiling falls, and like Alexis had said, a dead body crashes to the floor.

Dean leans down, reaching out to grab the mans shoulder.

"Did you learn nothing from the last time you thought it was a good idea to mess with a dead body?" Alexis crosses her arms over her chest. Dean flips the guy over.

The man's throat was silt, blood smeared across his neck.


Dean and Alexis meet back up with Sam and Vivian. They four whisper to each other, Dean telling Sam who the shifter was.

"You know what, Ronald, he's right. We gotta get this man outside. Come on." Sam walks in the vault, helping the older man toward the door.

"Yeah. I'll help you." Sampson, well not anymore, he was the shifter, says.

"Oh, I got him. Its cool." Sam shrugs. Henry, the man having a heart attack, mutters thank yous to Sam as he helps him.

Dean looks over, meeting the shifters eyes. He makes his way toward the door. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?"

"You got the gun, man." The shifter shrugs, stepping forward. "Whatever." The shifter knocks the gun out of Deans hand. He punches Dean, knocking him to the floor. Alexis was by his side in a flash, kneeling down to him. So was Vivian.

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