50: Hints (Bonus)

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This chapter will explain every small and hidden hint I have placed in every chapter. Just for the fun of it. ;)

Chapter 1/4

1. Well it was very weird that Y/n didn't have any family or friends wasn't it? Maybe you would believe Taehyung but she never wondered how he also so conveniently was at the accident site. He never mentioned her living with him and she didn't think about how his house didn't feel familiar at all. There also weren't any pictures of them together. She also didn't think it was strange how he told her that they decided that she would work at his company a few days before her accident. I tried to mask away the doubt that Taehyung was a shady person with him bringing her favorite gummies. He knew it was her favorite because of all the stalking he did. He wasn't actually her boyfriend but still knew everything about her because of him following her around and doing excessive research about her.

Every chapter that included Jungkook

2. You could see that Taehyung was always afraid of Jungkook and afraid that he would tell Y/n everything. It wasn't explained why he was scared but it was one of the biggest things that showed there was a big secret about Tae and Y/n.

Chapter 10

3. In this chapter, almost everyone questioned Taehyung about his plans. You weren't aware of what was happening and what the secret was, so it didn't seem as significant but in the end, it was the biggest problem.

Chapter 23/28

4. The biggest hint here was pointed out by Y/n herself. The photos in the album were all of her but none of them showed her facing the camera. This was because Taehyung actually made them when he was stalking her. He put them in the album and hid it when he went home before he took Y/n to his house.

5. It also contained another hint that referred to the past. When Jungkook called Taehyung a coward that didn't speak up about his feelings, Taehyung answered back by asking 'whose fault is that?'. With this, it was referring to when Taehyung couldn't tell Y/n his feelings for such a long time and to how Taehyung told Jungkook all about his feelings and also told him how Y/n liked him. Jungkook knew Y/n liked him but never confronted her about this as Y/n herself took some distance from him after a while.

Taehyung felt hurt and blamed Jungkook for not being able to get Y/n to accept his confession. Jungkook also felt like it was his fault so he immediately felt bad. This conversation also showed that Taehyung was lying about something.

6. Another big hint was the lies Taehyung told Y/n. She believed him since she didn't have a choice and trusted him but failed to realize the strangeness of the situation. If she did such a bad thing to Taehyung and Jungkook, why would they forgive her that easily and why would Taehyung still chase after her? But the biggest question is, why would he keep it a secret?

7. In chapter 27 when Yoongi came over, he asked Y/n why she wanted to stay with him after all that had happened. Why would she leave Taehyung if she is the wrong one? Why would they forgive her? This showed that the boys knew about her 'past' and actually thought Taehyung didn't deserve her or at least, she didn't deserve him lying to her. They thought Taehyung had told her all about it but what he had told her wasn't the truth at all.

8. In 28 Y/n asked if she would ever be able to get her memories back and Tae responded by saying that the doctor had told him she needed to come in contact with her past to remember everything. Even though Taehyung and the guys were figures of her past, it wasn't enough for her to remember things.

Taehyung said he was trying to make her come into contact with her past but in fact, he was lying. He tried his best to keep most of the things from her past away from her. He didn't want her to remember everything. He didn't want her to escape from the fake world he had created for them.

But his plan flopped when Y/n's mother and brother showed up. They were the biggest connection to her past, which caused her to regain all her memories.

Chapter 40/47

The following hints are all in the chapters after 39. They are actually very obvious in them and with that I mean you can easily spot them and they will be explained to you.

9. One thing is that I wanted to show that Y/n and Taehyung had a kind of connection from the moment they met. Taehyung immediately understood it was love but Y/n ignored it, thinking she was still in love with Jungkook. But they already had something between them, which allowed Y/n to fall in love with him later.

11. Also, one of the big things that were unseen, was how Taehyung never really spoke of the past that much. He never told them how they met etc. He also couldn't say anything about their first date and the first night, hence why Y/n wondered about it. Taehyung couldn't really lie about it but he couldn't tell the truth either, since it would be weird as he said they had been dating for 5 years.

The title explanation

11. If you would start reading this fic and even the description you would be very confused about the title. Why is it dangerously when nothing is that dangerous about having amnesia? Well, I wanted to show that it was dangerous to just trust anyone, even if that person is someone you know or love. They could be acting for all you know. You never actually know someone completely and sometimes, it can be very dangerous. Taehyung was stalking her and if he wasn't a good guy, Y/n could have been in actual danger. Thank god he was. This title isn't very direct but it still conveys the underlying message of the story, so that's why I chose it. And I use Luv instead of Love because of Boy In Luv. Plus, Taehyung was kind of the main character there, so it fitted. I didn't want Taehyung to be a bad guy, so I altered his personality so it still suited the story, making the ending a happy ending.

These were small hints you wouldn't have really noticed unless you would overthink everything or had reached the end. I tried to mask them well so the actual plot wasn't as obvious but I did want to leave you all thinking about these small things. I hope you enjoyed the story and you understand the story and the characters better, now with these bonus chapters.

The official end of Dangerously In Luv. ♡

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