7: Work

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Taehyung's POV

We were sitting at the dining table while eating our pancakes. My eyes couldn't help but glance toward her from time to time. I couldn't stop looking at her blushing face.

I was done eating, so I stood up and went to grab my bag. Once I got it, I walked towards Y/n.

"Alright Y/n, I need to get going. Thank you for breakfast." I said to her.

"Okay! No problem. Drive safely." she replied.

"I will. See you later then. Bye." I walked towards the door.

"Bye, Tae." I heard before I stepped out of the house.

I got into my car and drove towards my company.


Y/n's POV

aaand, I was alone again. The silence in this house was something I really disliked, for some reason. I finished my food and went to wash the dishes.

I had enough time to think about everything. Since I had no one else than Taehyung at the moment, I have no choice, but to trust him. Not that I didn't want to. He was sweet and caring. I am lucky to have him. I feel sad I don't have anyone else now, but I might meet one of Tae's friends, these days.

I've been thinking about work now too. It seems that I am going to start working at Tae's company, as a clothing designer. I'm bored staying in this big house, all on my own. I'm gonna talk to Taehyung tonight about starting work, now that I'm feeling completely fine.

I finished washing the dishes, so I went to take a shower. Once I was done, I went ahead and sat on the couch and watched some movies. A few hours passed and I stopped watching.

I thought it'd be a good idea to start with cooking dinner for Tae and me.

As I just finished cooking, the front door opened and Taehyung walked in. He looked a little bit exhausted. Maybe he had a tough day at work? Can't imagine it being easy, working as a CEO...

He walked towards the kitchen, where I was putting the dishes on the dining table. Once he saw me, his exhausted face suddenly looked full of life.

"Hello, Y/n! I knew I smelled food! Did you cook all this?" He asked while gesturing towards all the dishes.

"I did! I hope you'll like it." I said.

"It looks delicious. Thanks, Y/n." He said. And again, he gave me that adorable boxy smile.

"You're welcome. Come sit down, I'll serve you."

He obeyed and sat down. I served him his food and we both started eating.

"Tae..." I called out for him.

"Yes?" he looked up from his plate, to look me in the eye.

I, for some reason, started to feel very self-conscious and I couldn't help, but avoid his gaze.

"Do you think you can let me start working tomorrow? I am kind of getting bored at the house, on my own..." I managed to get out.

Tae's eyes never left my face, even though it seemed as if he was in deep thought.

"Sure. You can come with me to work tomorrow." He said. I am so lucky to see him giving me that boxy smile for the second time today.

Huh. I didn't know it would be that easy.

"What's wrong?" He must have noticed the slightly shocked expression on my face.

"Nothing... I just didn't think you would let me go so easily." I honestly told him.

"Anything for you, bae." He said with a slight smirk.

BAE!? Damn, this guy is really going for it. How was he being so cute and a few seconds later, he started smirking and looking so hot? What a duality.

My eyes widened and my face turned red. It seemed he got amused by my reaction, cause he let out a chuckle.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" He exclaimed, before standing up from his seat to grab his bag.

He came back and pulled something out of the bag. He then handed me, what he had pulled out. It was a box.

"I got you this, today." He spoke.

"What is this?"

"Open it, then you'll know."

I opened the box and my eyes widened again, after seeing the contents of the box. He got me a new freaking phone! Actually how rich is he?? Sugar daddy type?

I looked towards him with my mouth open from shock. He's looking right back at me with a smile.

"Your phone got destroyed, right? You can use this one now. I figured you need one to contact me, in case of an emergency."

Can this guy get even more awesome?

"I can't believe this! Thank you so much, Tae. I'll repay you, once I earned some money again."

"Nah, don't worry about that. Like I said, anything for you." he smiled at me.

God, I'll have a heart attack, if he keeps being this amazing.


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