10: Boyz With Fun

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Taehyung's POV

I came out of the bathroom to see Y/n already waiting for her turn. She looked too cute with her bright red, flour-stained cheeks. It didn't seem as if she hated me coming close. I've been waiting for a signal that I am allowed to come close. Her not saying no or pushing me away, showed me that I could.

I let out a little chuckle when I noticed she was looking in the mirror with a cute pout on her face. When she heard me, she turned around, looked at me a little bit angrily and rushed towards the bathroom. I laughed at her actions.

I went to the kitchen to get something to drink, but the sound of the doorbell ringing made me make a turn. I opened the door and within a second, Jimin came towards me and pulled me in for an embrace.

"Tae-Taeee! I missed you, man!" Jimin yelled.

"I missed you too, Jimin." I hugged him back.

I haven't seen my friends in a long time. I was very excited to see them again. I broke the hug and let everyone inside, while greeting them. I invited them to sit on the couch. They gladly complied and sat down.

"So, how have you all been?" I asked.

"Great, how about you?" Hoseok hyung asked me.

"I've never been better." I said with a smile. "Do you want something to drink?" I asked them.

"Sure" They said.

I went to the kitchen and came back with a few glasses of water. I gave everyone their drinks and went to sit down too.

"You know Tae, I know you have everything under control, but for how long do you think this is a good idea?" Namjoon hyung asked me all of a sudden. He had a rather serious expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" Is he talking about what I think he's talking about?

"Y/n." He answered the question, with a low tone. I could feel the tension that got between us when he said her name. Everyone avoided my or Namjoon hyung's eyes.

I don't know why he's talking about this now, when we just saw each other after a long time. I didn't want them to talk about this.

"Hyung, I already talked to you all about this. I know what I am doing and please, don't talk about this anymore." I started to get a little annoyed.

"If she finds out, then?" Yoongi hyung asked. Usually, he is never this invested.

"Then nothing. I will tell her the truth myself when she finds out."

"But hyung-" Jungkook chimed in.

"I said-" I got frustrated and was about to raise my voice, until my eyes fell on Y/n, standing in front of the doorway of our bedroom.

"Oh hey, Y/n!" Jin hyung shouted when he spotted her.

"H-hey..." Y/n shyly spoke. She must have gotten startled by Jin hyung. She walked up to us, to stand behind me and the couch. I stood up. Everyone followed me to stand up too.


Y/n's POV

I was cleaning up when I suddenly heard the doorbell ringing. I quickly cleaned myself up and got out of the bathroom. I heard a lot of noise from the living room. I opened the door and saw everyone sitting on the couch. I have no idea what happened, but I could feel a slight tension in the air. Taehyung was saying something, till his eyes fell on me.

Suddenly, someone shouted my name. It was so loud, I almost jumped up. It was a guy that was very handsome, maybe even more handsome than Tae. His purple hair suits his face very well. I said hi and walked over to Tae, who was sitting on the couch.

He stood up and everyone followed suit.

"Y/n." He looked kind of surprised to see me. I smiled at him and looked at everyone else, who were already smiling in my direction.

They all looked so handsome and cool. They really are Tae's friends. There indeed was some awkwardness lingering in the air. I wonder why?

"Y/n, these are our friends. I told them about your condition, so you don't have to worry about it."

Everyone introduced themselves. We sat there for two hours, talking about each of them. How we met, what kind of people they are and more. They all were very nice to me and even Yoongi, who apparently doesn't really like people.

Jungkook likes teasing me and Jimin was very shy. Jin, like Taehyung told me, loved cracking jokes. Hoseok was a very warm and sweet person. His smile was as bright as the sun. Namjoon is very calm and seemed as if he was the most mature one out of them.

I feel glad to know that I have these guys as my friends too. It was dinner time, so we all sat down at the dinner table. I served the food for everyone and sat down between Taehyung and Jungkook. We all started eating and everyone started complimenting my (and Tae's) cooking.

"Wow, did you make all this? It's almost as delicious as my cooking!" Jin said.

I smiled at him. I don't know whether that was a compliment, or he was trying to boast about his own cooking skills.

"Hey, I helped too, y'know." Tae said, slightly offended.

"Yeah, helped with making a mess." I rolled my eyes slightly, so he wouldn't notice. I laughed.

"Hah, seems like you both get along very well." Namjoon pointed out. Tae scoffed a little.

We all continued eating and when we were done, we all sat down, to talk some more.
It was around 2 hours after dinner and we all decided it was time for everyone to go back home. We exchanged numbers and greeted everyone. Everyone went home, so Tae and I were alone again.

It's silent in the house again. Even though I'm used to it, it still doesn't feel nice. I was exhausted. I plopped on the couch and put my head back, to lean against the couch. I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh.

"Tired?" Tae asked me, as I felt the couch dip beside me. He sat down next to me. His voice sounded deeper than usual. He must be tired too.

"A little." I answered him.


Suddenly, I felt something heavy on my lap. I sat up straight and opened my eyes. Taehyung's head was resting on my lap. He was staring at me. I felt flustered, but I didn't mind this position. I was staring right back at him. I got lost into those dark orbs of his. I couldn't seem to look away from them. They were drawing me in, deeper and deeper. A little smile crept its way onto my face. Tae seemed like he enjoyed this too. Before I knew it, my hands moved on their own and found their place in Taehyung's hair. I was playing with them as we were still staring into each other's eyes.

The sudden ringing of the doorbell took us both out of our trance. We were shocked and we both quickly stood up. Our faces were so red. We looked at each other, before scurrying towards the door. As Tae opened it, we stood next to each other. Who dared to destroy our precious moment? Wait, what am I saying?


Double update today! :)

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