22: Confession

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Y/n's POV

Tae was staring at the tree while I was staring at him. I got the most satisfying feeling, just seeing him look this happy. He turned around to face me.

"This is so beautiful, Y/n. I love it" He said to me. His eyes reflected the gratitude he felt. I stared at him with all the affection I could put in them.

"Actually, there is one more surprise," I spoke softly.

I looked up at the tree and Tae copied my action. Suddenly, all the lights in the tree went out. When it turned on again, there were new words spelled out.

'I love you'

The colors were changing the whole time and it made the sight even more spectacular.

I looked up at Tae and suddenly saw a lone tear fall out of his eyes.

"T-Taehyung, what's wrong?" Did... Did he not like it...?

He faced me and suddenly started smiling so freakin brightly. I was so confused. But before I could ask something, he pulled me closer and hugged me.

"This is the best present, you could have ever gifted me." He whispered. He pulled back from the hug and spoke again.

"I love you, too"

We got lost in each other's eyes. I didn't even realize when I put my hands on his chest and tiptoed to be as tall as him. We kissed each other. I closed my eyes. His arm snaked around my waist and his other hand was cupping my cheek. He tilted his head to give himself more access. His lips tasted and felt the same as last time. Our lips moved together like a rhythm. I felt so euphoric. I was burning up and it felt as if his hand on my cheek started burning me even more. But in a good way. My lungs were deprived of air, so I slowly pulled out of the kiss. Our foreheads were connected as we were trying to get our oxygen back.

"Tae," Our eyes were still closed.


"At first when I just woke up, I didn't know who you were, but something in me kept telling me to just go with you and trust you. So, I did. We started living together and I somehow really felt at home with you. You made me feel so loved and you are such an amazing guy. I couldn't help but fall in love with you, all over again."

He slowly removed his forehead from mine and kept his gaze on me. Warm tears were slowly falling out of my eyes.

"If I didn't live with you and one of the boys would have asked me to stay with them, I wouldn't choose anyone else but you. At first, I didn't know why I wanted to stay with you, but now I understand, it was because I had already fallen in love with you. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, Taehyung."

I smiled, then cupped his face.

"I love you, Taehyung. I love you so much. I'll love you forever. It doesn't matter if I forget again, I know my love for you is strong enough, that even if I forget, my heart will remember."

I kept saying that I didn't know what this feeling was, but I was just lying to myself. Maybe I didn't want to feel the guilt of not remembering him or maybe I was too afraid cause I didn't remember anything. Something kept me from admitting my feelings, but at the same time made me stay with Tae.

I know him now. I know who he is. I know how every inch of his face looks. I know what his routine is. I know all of his little habits. I know what he likes and dislikes. I know everything now. He is not a stranger anymore. So maybe that's why I was able to admit what I feel.

He smiled at my words and once again pulled me in for an embrace. I put my arms around him tightly, with no intention of letting go. It felt as somewhat time had stopped and the only ones moving, were us two. My heartbeat never managed to calm down but I could hear Tae's heartbeat. It was going as fast as mine.

"You are perfect. No matter how much I tell you how much I love you, it still wouldn't be enough." His voice was soft and almost trembling. He was trying really hard to not cry I think.

"Then, show me."

"I'll show you." He whispered in a sudden low voice.

He pulled back and immediately crashed his lips on mine. Our lips held such passion for each other. He grabbed my waist, but the realization that we were still standing on ice, suddenly hit when I almost slipped backward. As expected, Tae held me before I could fall.

"Woah!" I yelped.

He started laughing at me. I couldn't stop myself from bursting out into laughter too. His bright smile made me feel like I was the luckiest girl alive.

"Once again, happy birthday Tae."

"Thank you, Y/n."

"But, how did you even do all this?"

"Well, this ice rink is actually closed today and tomorrow for the new year, but I had specially asked if we could use it today. The tree was supposed to go after today, so we were lucky we could still use it today. I had begged them about using it. At first they didn't want to, but eventually gave in after I told them my whole plan. They said it was cute. So eventually, I didn't have to pay a thing." I said as I giggled a bit.

"Wow. Amazing. Can't believe you did that yourself."

"Actually, no. The guys helped me with it a little, but it was my plan." I proudly said.

"Haha. I'm proud of you. Thank you, love."

"No problem, but I'm hungry now, so let's go home." I honestly said with a straight face.

He chuckled and took my hand.

"Alright, Let's go."


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