45: First Love

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Author's POV

You were having a bad headache. It felt as if someone was slamming your head with a basketball or something.

Suddenly, the same thing happened to you as what happened in the hospital.

A sudden white light came over your eyes and you fell unconscious. It just lasted a few minutes and afterward, you woke up with new things on your mind.

Memories. Memories of you and Taehyung. But not the ones you made in those 4 months, no. The memories you made when you were at college. The memories you had forgotten, even though you remember everything else. It was strange you didn't remember it, you didn't even think about remembering it. With whatever that happened, it didn't occur to you that some pieces of your memories were still missing.

Now, you understood what Taehyung was saying, what he was so desperately trying to tell you. He wasn't lying. He wasn't lying at all but you still didn't believe him... You were feeling bad now. Bad that you didn't listen to him...

[Flashback and start Y/n's memory]


Y/n's POV

I was walking through the halls of my big college, excited. I was finally going to be working on a project together with my crush and I couldn't be happier.

I was in the same class as him. Since the first time I had laid my eyes on him, I immediately got trapped in his love. I liked the way he looked. He was completely my type. But when I had gotten to know him after a few days, I started liking his personality even more. On top of that, he was the smartest person of our year. In my eyes, he was perfect.

I had been crushing on him for half a year and we were finally doing a project together. I wasn't really close to him, but we were on good terms. He was sweet and nice. He was that way to everyone else but that he was like that to me too, made me feel happy. It meant he didn't dislike or hate me and back then, that was enough. I wanted to be his friend but was too shy to ask.

Not only him, but I wanted others to be my friend too. I was always alone. I liked it but at the same time, it bothered me. When I had a problem, I had no one to talk to, no one to lean on and it was sad. But I didn't have it in me to talk to strangers.

I knew that if I were to talk to my crush, I would be all nervous. I was afraid he might think that I'm weird. But all my worries faded away once I actually talked to him.
I was packing up my stuff as I was preparing to leave for the cafeteria after hours of listening to my boring professor. As I stood up to leave, a voice called out from behind me to wait.

"Y/n?" His melodic voice spoke. I immediately knew who that person was. I already started getting nervous. I turned around and stood face-to-face with him.

"Y-yes, Jungkook?" I mentally cursed myself for stuttering. I had this cheeky grin on my face. He must've thought I was creepy but he just sweetly smiled at me. He looked like an angel.

"Hey! So um, you're my partner for the upcoming project right?" He asked. I simply nodded, scared that I would say any unnecessary things.

"That's great. Why don't we meet up after school to get to know each other more? We haven't been able to talk a lot, after all. We might be able to work better that way. What do you say? Hang out with me after school?" He asked.

I couldn't believe my ears. Was he really inviting me to hang out with him? Alone? AHH. I was too excited that I almost forgot to reply.

"S-sure! Sound good." I replied with a smile and a meek voice.

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