26: Caught In Lie~

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Author's POV

He looked up from his lap to look you in the eyes. His face was telling you that he didn't want to tell you whatever he was hiding. It also told you it was probably worse than the fact you broke up.

"Because..." He looked away again. His pain was seen on his face.

"You cheated on me..."

"... with Jungkook." He almost whispered.

It was silent. No one said anything.

Your head dropped down. You wanted to just bury herself in a hole. Why did I need to ask? You asked yourself. Did you really cheat? With Jungkook? You just couldn't believe it.

"Did I really?" You looked at Taehyung. He looked towards you for a second. His eyes were clearly reflecting his feelings. Hurt. He nodded and looked down again.

You felt so awful, so ashamed. You felt more guilty than ever. How could you do that to a guy as awesome as Tae? Did you even love Taehyung then?

"What happened...?" At this point, you wanted to just slap yourself for making him look that way. You wanted to know everything now.

"We all went out to a club with everyone. We had a lot of fun. At that time, you stayed over at Jungkook's place. Our house was getting renovated, so I also stayed with Jimin. When it was late, we all decided to go home. I had brought my car and since I hadn't drunk too much, I took you both back to his house. The next morning when I went to pick you up to go out, Jungkook opened the door with tears in his eyes."

"W-why?" You asked.

"He felt guilty... He told me that when he woke up, you were next to him...naked."

Your eyes widened and tears started falling out of them.

"He said he didn't remember anything. He drank too much, so it was a mistake and he felt guilty. I forgave him. I knew he wasn't lying. He loves me too much to do that to me on purpose."

"But then- If you knew it was a mistake, then why did you break up with me?" You asked with a trembling voice. Things weren't clicking in your head and it was making you confused.

"Because the only one drunk, was Jungkook. You hadn't drunk anything that night, Y/n."

Now you felt too ashamed. You couldn't believe that you actually did that to him, that too with his best friend. You just couldn't understand why you would do that. It was a terrible feeling. You remembered nothing but hearing about your past was making you hate yourself.

"I saw you, laying in his bed. When you woke up, you started crying, saying it was a mistake and that you felt guilty. You were begging me to forgive you, but I was too hurt to forgive you for that. So we broke up. Even though I was still hurt, I still loved you. I really loved you so much that I wanted you back, but at some point, I had no way to contact you. You moved to Australia to live with your family there. After two months you came back and the moment I saw you again, was when you had your accident."

You started crying more and more. At this moment, you wished you could just remember everything, but you couldn't... Your heart was aching and you were having trouble breathing. A lump formed in your throat and you couldn't say anything.

"When I heard you had lost all your memories, I thought I could make you mine again. I just wanted to forget everything and start again. I didn't want to tell you, because it's something you don't even remember and it happened in the past. I knew that if I told you, you would react like this. I would make you feel guilty for something you don't even remember doing. I didn't want you to be close to Jungkook. I was scared he would tell you everything himself. Or you would maybe hurt me again..."

Your head shot up. This whole time he was scared and you didn't even notice. You felt horrible. You thought you were the worst girl ever, the worst girlfriend ever. Who knows how much you were hurting him being so close to Jungkook? You scarred him...

You stood up from the couch with trembling legs to sit down on your knees in front of Taehyung. You put your hands on his knees and he looked up.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung. I'm soo, sorry. I don't know why I did it. I don't know what went on in my mind, but I swear I have no intention of doing the same thing again. I love you and won't ever leave you, Tae..." You spoke while bawling your eyes out.

You had never imagined you were this kind of person. You just wanted to crawl into a corner and cry. You wanted to feel bad and atone for what you did but you couldn't leave Taehyung. You love him too much. No matter what you did, no matter what he did, you would stay with him until the end. Your bond is too strong. You guys can't be separated. You wouldn't let it happen.

"I love you, I really do. Please..." You didn't know what you were begging for, but the guilt was eating you up from the inside. You rested your head on his knees and kept crying uncontrollably. You were afraid Taehyung would leave you if you let go. Was this how you begged when he spotted you in bed?

Taehyung put his arms around you and rested his chin on your head.

"Shhh. I know, I know. I love you, too. Don't worry, I forgave you. I did the moment you woke up from your coma. I wanted a new start and I got it. I won't leave you anymore, and I trust, you won't leave me either." He assured you.

You both continued to hold each other for a long time while you cried your heart out.


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