4: Visit

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Taehyung's POV                                                    
[The next day]

I was walking around in the supermarket when I suddenly got a call. It was Jungkook. A friend that's like a younger brother to me. I picked up.


JJK: Hey, hyung! Where have you been?

(A/N: hyung means older brother in Korea. He says it out of respect.)

KTH: Hey, Kook. Sorry, I didn't tell you guys, but I was at the hospital.

JJK: HOSPITAL!? What happened?? Are you okay??

KTH: Don't worry, I am fine. I was at the hospital because of Y/n.

JJK: Y/n?? What happened!?

KTH: She got into a car accident. I was passing by from work and then I saw her laying on the floor, next to some crashed cars. I took her to the hospital, but she fell into a coma after that.

JJK: Oh damn... How is she now?

KTH: She is fine now. She's woken up from her coma, but...She has severe amnesia.

JJK: Hyung, does that mean...?

KTH: Yep, she doesn't know me...

JJK: What are you going to do now?

KTH: I don't have time to talk now. I'll explain it to you all later.

JJK: But Tae-

KTH: Don't worry Kook, I'll handle it. I'll take care of her.

JJK: Are you sure...?

KTH: Yes, leave it to me. I got to go now though. I'm going to the hospital.

JJK: Alright, take care. See you.

KTH: Take care. Bye.

I ended the call and proceeded to take some snacks, that Y/n likes, to bring for her to eat. I bought the snacks and was driving to the hospital.

[A few minutes later]

I opened the door of her room and entered.

Y/n was sitting on her bed, staring out the window. I closed the door and her eyes flew toward me. She gave me a small smile. It felt good, to see her smile at me now. I walked to her and sat on a stool next to her bed.

"Hey, Y/n. How are you feeling today?" I asked her.

"I'm fine, Tae." she softly replied with a smile. Hearing my nickname from her mouth is something I can't get used to. It feels special every time.

"That's great! Oh here, I brought you some snacks." I handed her a bag with the snacks inside.

"Thank you, that's very sweet of you." She took the bag and gave me a bright smile.

"Anything for you." I honestly told her.

She smiled at me, but it somehow looked like a sad smile. Maybe because of the fact she doesn't remember anything.

She took a packet of gummies out of the bag and opened it.

She took a gummy from out the packet and put it in her mouth. She started chewing and suddenly, her face lit up. She looked at me with wide eyes and a big, beautiful smile.

"Yo, what is this?? This is delicious!!" She told me while beaming.

I chuckled a little bit.

"I knew you would like them, these are your favorites after all."

She continued munching on them and offered me some, which I politely rejected by shaking my head and,

"No thank you, these are all for you."

Seeing her happy and content like that, really makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I wished I could see that smile on her face forever.

"Hey, Taehyung. Can I ask you something?" she asked, after devouring every snack I got her.


"I know about my family, but what about my friends...?"

"Well, we actually have the same friends. My friends, whom I care for a lot as if they are my brothers, are actually your friends as well. That they didn't visit is my fault. I haven't contacted them yet. I only spoke to one of them today. I wanted to have some quality time with you, but also because of your amnesia. I thought it would've been too overwhelming for you if they all came up to you." I told her.

"Oh, that makes sense." She said. "Who are they?"

"Well, let's start with Jungkook. The youngest. He was your classmate in college. I spoke to him today. Then Jimin, my best friend. He was in my class and he's the sweetest.

Then we have Hoseok. Hoseok is literally a human sun, he is so positive. Next, we have Namjoon, he is very smart and he is older than me, like Hoseok.

We also have Yoongi, the second oldest. He doesn't like people that much, but he got along surprisingly well with you. At last, we have Jin, the oldest. He loves dad jokes and his cooking is on par with a Michelin chef.

I'll ask them to visit you, once you're comfortable at home."

"Oh okay. They seem like great people!" She claimed.

"They really are! I love them a lot, just like you..." I said the last part a little softly, but I guess she still heard me because her cheeks turned a slight pink. Cute.

"T-that's great..." she stuttered. She's embarrassed, heh.

A sudden ringing of a device took us both out of our moment. It was my phone's alarm that indicated, it was time for me to go to work.

"Sorry Y/n, I have to go to work now. Tomorrow, I'll come pick you up, to go home." I informed her.

"Oh... Alright, see you tomorrow then." she smiled a little awkwardly while waving at me.

"See you tomorrow, Y/n." And so, I walked out of the room, leaving her alone.


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